Dungeon Dive

Seriously, John didn't know impersonating John Wick would lead to this much benefits. The bearded man didn't know that a fake name he gave to a random guard would be taken so seriously.

He thought that there would at least be a confirmation. If he knew this was the case, He would've chosen something like Jesus, Ouroboros, Lin Fan or one of those other Chinese guys with a system. ( This is not racism pls don't delete my fic )

Anyways, at least he's got immunity to Mind Tampering which is the biggest win in this situation.

After he got his Falna from his new God, they introduced themselves.

" The name's Anubis, I've been in the mortal realm for two months or so " Anubis said calmly as he sat in his recliner.

" John Wick, a pleasure to be your first child, " He replied while extending his fist.

The God extended his own fist in return completing the sacred ritual. " Uhh, Sure, I guess?? "

" I'm going to the Dungeon, I'll be back in about a day or two. " The bearded man said before he rushed towards the entrance, eager to test his mettle.

Anubis was a bit confused, didn't Familia members need love and help from their Gods? The other Gods said that it was indeed needed, this was like raising a cat however. Low maintenance, low cost.

____ _

I sprinted towards the Dungeon, armed with all my gear. I must've looked crazy to a outsider's point of view. I didn't stop though, my blood was pumping already in excitement for the " challenge " to come.




This was a f*cking disappointment

I was on the first floor and it took ten minutes for a familiar big nosed bastard to get spawned in from the dungeon walls

For old time's sake, I punted him once again, he exploded into a shower of gore the moment my foot met his chest.

Interestingly enough, I still received XP from his death. I thought that excelia and XP would be one and the same but it seems that it is not the case.

Picking up the magic crystal he dropped, I decided to continue going deeper into the Dungeon until I reached a new monster.

And so, after descending to the third floor. I encountered my first Kobold. The dog creature lunged at me with reckless abandon, and straight into my Saber, these things were weak, even in a group.

They couldn't even scratch my skin because of my Ring of Resistance. Disappointed, I descended even deeper into the dungeon, encountering a few Adventurers along the way.

After I descended into the fifth floor, I encountered my first War Shadow. A humanoid creature covered in shadows, it had three, sharp, knife-like claws.

Finally, a monster that I couldn't make fun of. It could pierce my skin with it's claws but it went down just as quickly as the others.

My Iron Saber cut through it's body like there was nothing there and set it's body on fire, making it scream in agony. Overall, I put it on the same difficulty level as a Zombie with a Iron Shovel in the Minecraft world.

I also encountered my first Frog Shooter. These Monsters shot out their tongues, using it to pierce the bodies of Adventurers. My Shield and Armor deflected it's tongue without a scratch though making it easier to kill than a War Shadow.

The only thing in the early floors that made me sweat a bit was the Killer Ants, they came in numbers and I was only one person so it took me a while to kill groups of them. They also could penetrate my skin so I had to be a little cautious.

I also tested my Iron Greatsword, as expected, it was pretty trashy. Lesser Sharpness is pretty bad.

Even Lesser Sharpness V is only a bit better than Sharpness I. It's still probably really sharp by this world's standards because of how it cut through the exoskeleton of Killer Ants like a hot knife through butter but it was weak by my standards so I was going to replace it soon enough.

This trend of killing monsters like they were toddlers continued until the 10th floor. This was where Orcs begin to spawn. Orcs are Huge Pig-headed creatures that are extremely tall. Even a level two adventurer may not be able to continue the fight if they get hit.

Well that's usually the case so why can I tank it without a problem? It's probably because of my Armor. Without it, I probably would've been turned to mush.

After killing the Orc with a Arrow to the head, I decided to stick around for a while longer to kill the Floor Boss of the Early Floors, a Infant Dragon. These behemoths were level two monsters. They could spawn here in the same location as the Orcs so I sticked around.

No luck though after waiting for thirty minutes so I moved on.

After Moving on from the tenth floor, I encountered a new monster, a Silver Back

It lunged at me with the same ferocity as the rest of the monsters. Deciding to prolong this fight rather than finish it instantly. I blocked it's attacks with my forearms. Trying to test something out, I brought out my Summoning Staff and summoned the Boys in Blue.

Sure Enough, they decimated it. Their shields managed to crack it's bones and tear it's skin with their swings.

After testing the power of my weapons, armor, and the Summoning Staff. I was satisfied enough to return to the surface with my spoils.

A entire sack of monster crystals.

I said to my God that I would return in maybe two days. I didn't want to lose track of time and stay here for more than a week.

My return wasn't peaceful though. Minotaurs flooded the floor causing chaos. Adventurers were dying left and right while the Orcs challenged the Minotaurs to a battle.

Weren't Minotaurs supposed to be on floor twelve?