Chapter 63: Hunting (Part 2)

Read previous volume here - https://m.webnovel.com/book/marvel-ancestors-starting-with-gwen-spider-man_28221672000897005

Harry had been waiting for quite some time. After exchanging greetings with Peter and the others, his eyes inevitably settled on Felicia.

"Not that I have any ideas," he began, "but these past few days, though we've shared information, seeing you in person is something else."

"Felicia, you've changed so much," Harry remarked.

Felicia touched her furry, somewhat sensitive ears and replied, "Mr. Osborne, I'd rather not have had this change."

"No, I meant not just your appearance. Your whole demeanor seems different. I might not have recognized you if I hadn't known," Harry explained as they made their way to the laboratory.

Here, Peter carefully tended to Felicia's wounds. "Despite your strong physical condition, avoid strenuous activities in the coming days," he advised before conducting further tests. Examining the toxin on the arrowhead, Peter swiftly deduced its nature.

"This toxin is akin to an anesthetic causing nerve paralysis. While it can lead to corrosion and ulcers if untreated, it's typically not fatal," Peter explained, noting additional elements. "It seems to contain a trace of something akin to a pheromone, causing the infected to emit a continuous signal..."

"It's a tracking device!" Gwen interjected.

"Exactly," Peter confirmed.

Confused, Harry inquired, "What's happening?"

Gwen proceeded to explain Peter's theory.

"I'm not worried on my end. Osborne's security detail isn't to be underestimated," Harry flexed his arm muscles. "Remember, I'm not much weaker than you now."

"I get it," Gwen glanced at Peter. "My concern is primarily for you, Peter."

"I've been with Stark most of the time lately, so I'm less concerned," Peter reassured.

"And the rest of the time?" Gwen pressed.

"You're too tense, Spider-Woman. The other person isn't like Electro, out to kill me," Peter replied.


"Felicia, maybe you're overthinking this," Harry interjected, sensing tension between the two.

"If you're worried, I'm free these days. I can be Peter's bodyguard," Felicia offered. "I think I can handle any trouble."

Gwen frowned, sensing something amiss. Despite her unease about Felicia's offer, she couldn't find a reason to decline.

"That works," Gwen reluctantly agreed.

Knowing Gwen's identity as Spider-Woman for some time, Harry refrained from getting involved in the couple's affairs, feeling it inappropriate despite his allegiance to Peter.

Peter broke the silence, "So, who's our adversary this time? Any ideas, Spider-Woman?"

"I've been looking into Kingpin's affairs lately. It could only be him," Gwen replied.

"Do you have a more specific lead?" Peter asked.

"A specific lead?" Gwen pondered before recalling a rugged man in a mink jacket and leopard tights. "I remember now! It's Kraven! Kraven the Hunter!"

She recounted the night Kraven declared his hunt, "He said he's coming after me..."

"Hunting?" Peter mused, examining the arrow. "That seems fitting."

"I underestimated him," Gwen admitted. "I thought he was just another eccentric..."

"All our foes so far have been monsters. Maybe this is different?" Peter theorized.

Deep in thought, Gwen asked, "What should I do?"

Unconsciously reliant on Peter, she remarked, "I don't know why, but whenever you're around, I look to you for answers."

"It's simple. Wait," Peter advised. "He's a hunter. He'll strike again..."

Peter's prediction proved accurate.

The following day, Kraven attacked Gwen.

Strangely, her spider sense failed to warn her. Fortunately, her vibranium suit protected her from harm.

Kraven's attacks continued sporadically with no discernible pattern, targeting not only Gwen but also innocent bystanders with traps, bombs, and poisons.

Gwen found herself constantly on guard, exhausted by the relentless assaults.

Facing Kraven proved more challenging than any adversary she'd encountered. Despite his physical prowess, Kraven's cunning and unpredictability posed a formidable threat.

Gwen realized she was being hunted, trapped in Kraven's game.

She contemplated abandoning her identity as Spider-Woman to protect those she cared about, hoping to end Kraven's pursuit.

However, Kraven's assaults intensified, drawing closer to Gwen's home and loved ones.

Until one fateful day, Gwen's worst fear materialized.

She was attacked again, this time by a simple dart bearing a photo of her and Peter together.

On the reverse side, a chilling message read:

"I've found you, Spider-Woman."
