Chapter 64: Social Death (Part 1)

In the Bedroom

Felicia lounged lazily on the single sofa, idly playing with the sharp claws of her new suit.

Extend, retract, extend, retract.

Since that night, Harry had utilized his resources to custom-make a new suit for her. However, every privilege comes with a price. Just as Iron Man is associated with Stark, Felicia would be tied to Osborn for a while.

During this period, she claimed to act as Peter Parker's personal bodyguard, though Kraven only knew him as Spider-Woman's assistant. While Peter was indeed a potential weakness for Spider-Woman, he was not her only vulnerability.

This was insufficient to prompt Kraven into a direct attack. Instead, he continued to harass, draining Gwen's energy and rendering Felicia not just useless but also a consumer of Peter's hospitality.

Felicia retorted confidently, "I've been working hard to protect you. Isn't it normal for you to provide for my food?"

"This guy is becoming more and more like a cat. This wasn't the case before..." Peter sighed inwardly.

Seemingly bored, Felicia suddenly asked, "By the way, what's going on between you and Gwen? Or rather, Spider-Woman... what's happening there?"

"What do you think of Spider-Woman?" Peter deflected.

"You're quite perceptive."

"Don't change the subject. Answer me, Peter Parker."

Peter calmly replied, "Since you're so perceptive, have you figured out who Spider-Woman really is?"

"Spider-Woman's identity?" Felicia looked confused.

At that moment, Gwen entered the bedroom in her spider suit.

"Spider-Woman?" Felicia called out, bewildered.

She then witnessed Gwen rush over and embrace Peter tightly.

"Spider-Woman!" Felicia exclaimed, shocked.


After receiving the dart with the photo, Gwen waited, and sure enough, Kraven soon appeared at her doorstep.

"It's surprising to discover that the famed Spider-Woman is just a high school student," Kraven remarked.

"What do you want, Kraven?" Gwen clenched her fists.

"Nothing, but don't you find it unfair?" Kraven began. "Both of us possess the instincts of hunters. This ability allows us to predict danger, surpassing ordinary people to become the finest hunters."

"So, you can deceive my spider sense?" Gwen narrowed her eyes.

Kraven continued, "But you, you wear this high-tech armor. You've forsaken your hunter instincts, making my hunt dull."

"I have a proposition," he proposed, unsheathing his dagger. "Why not remove this battle suit and engage in a fair hunt?"

"A fair hunt?" Gwen questioned.

"Yes, if you don't use the suit, I won't attack... Gwen Stacy," Kraven offered.

He sought a perfect and enjoyable hunt. Attacking Gwen's loved ones would only enrage her and intensify her resolve, making her fight to the bitter end. It was the hunter's strategy to exploit these vulnerabilities, instilling fear and exposing greater weaknesses.

Kraven insisted on neutralizing the vibranium suit.

To him, Gwen in her current form was like a fortress, impervious to conventional weapons, explosives, and poisons due to the suit's internal filtration system.

Lacking any positive feedback frustrated Kraven. He despised the vibranium suit. Only by removing this advantage could the hunt proceed.

Upon hearing Kraven's terms, Gwen reluctantly agreed.

"Very well..." Kraven smiled. "Looking forward to our next encounter, Spider-Woman."

He departed swiftly, leaving Gwen to drag her exhausted body and mind back to Peter's bedroom.

And then came the scene that had unfolded earlier.

Felicia's eyes widened in disbelief. "Spider-Woman, how could you..."

She glanced at Peter, who not only did not refuse Gwen but also comforted her by putting his arm around her waist and stroking her head.


Felicia gazed skyward.

It's over between them...

"Felicia, didn't you figure it out?" Peter queried.

Gradually calming down, Felicia scrutinized Peter and Gwen before realization dawned.

"I... I need some fresh air," she muttered, head bowed in embarrassment, and slinked out to clear her head.

"So, you knew all along?" Gwen nestled in Peter's arms, sounding slightly reproachful.

"Well, I didn't want to disrupt your superheroics or upset you," Peter reasoned.

"Humph! I'm upset now!" Gwen hugged him tighter. "Oh my God, you've known all this time? You've been laughing at my jokes..."

"What did you think I was doing?"

Gwen buried her head in Peter's arms, embarrassed.

Tired from the mental and physical strain inflicted by Kraven and the exposure of her identity, Gwen collapsed into Peter's embrace, seeking solace.

She desperately needed a sanctuary for her weary soul. Yet even in rest, she sensed impending challenges looming ahead.

"Peter! You knew all along?" Gwen exclaimed in disbelief.

"In my defense, Gwen, I was afraid of complicating your life as Spider-Woman," Peter explained gently.

"That's no excuse! You've been playing along with my antics from the start!" Gwen was mortified. "I thought I was being clever..."

"What did you take me for?"

"..." Gwen buried her face deeper into Peter's arms, refraining from further comment.

Exhausted and emotionally raw from Kraven's torment and her identity being exposed, Gwen found refuge in Peter's arms, unburdening herself of thoughts she'd long kept hidden.

"I've never faced such a formidable foe. He even uncovered my true identity..." Gwen confessed vulnerably.

"I'm scared, Peter. For myself, for you, for my parents, for Uncle Ben... they could all get hurt," Gwen continued, her voice wavering.

"Peter, did I make a mistake becoming a hero?"

"Remember Electro? He wanted you dead, and I..." Peter trailed off. "I faced that darkness head-on."

"Although I couldn't defeat him outright, I stood up to him. It scared me, Gwen," Peter admitted.

"You know, Peter, I started as Spider-Woman on a whim to test my abilities. It wasn't until you inspired me to help others that I felt a true sense of duty."

She spoke at length until fatigue overcame her, and she drifted off to sleep in Peter's arms, finally finding peace.

Yet, even as she rested, Gwen sensed larger challenges on the horizon.

Peter! How did you figure it out? Gwen wondered, overwhelmed by a mix of shame and anger. She contemplated how everything she'd done recently had been under Peter's watchful gaze.

From their first meeting, their chats online, to their occasional flirtations... she suddenly felt adrift in the futility of it all.

"You're tired. Let's rest," Peter comforted her.

"That's not enough..." Gwen leaned in, removing her mask and kissing him.

Amidst the embarrassment of her identity being exposed and the rush of emotions, Gwen and Spider-Woman's internal conflict and love became the fuel for their budding romance.

Hmm... perhaps he's navigating this as best he can.

After a while, Gwen caught her breath and murmured, "Peter, thank you."

"It seems Kraven has really put you through the wringer," Peter observed.

"Yes, I feel drained now..." Gwen nestled into Peter's arms, utterly vulnerable.

She already trusted Peter deeply, but now that her secret was out, she held nothing back, pouring out her heart and soul.

"Facing him was terrifying. Now, I just need a moment of peace," Gwen sighed wearily.

Of course, the challenges ahead still loomed large. Upon waking, Gwen left her vibranium suit behind and ventured out once more.

Yet, this time, fueled by Peter's support, she felt an electrifying sense of purpose.

"So, am I the only one left?" Peter mused aloud, setting the vibranium suit back in its box.

"Why would you be the only one left?" Felicia's return surprised him, her expression fraught with frustration.

"Oh, nothing. You don't need to continue protecting me," Peter reassured her.

"Huh? Why?" Felicia frowned.

"Kraven has declared war on Gwen. He won't be coming after us," Peter explained calmly.

Felicia hesitated, her ears perking up anxiously. "Are you sure? What if he breaks his agreement? Shouldn't I continue protecting you, just in case?"

Peter paused, contemplating her words.

"Why are you so fixated on being fed and housed?"