Chapter 65: Social Death (Part 2)

Peter couldn't allow Felicia's scheming to succeed, so he decisively ushered her out, prompting her to curse and berate him as she climbed out the window.

Peter shook his head. "Considering the timing, Tony's team should be arriving soon, right?"

Stark Tower

Tony surveyed the aftermath of the chaotic party in the hall, where he had recently stolen the spotlight at a hearing, humiliating the military and Hammer Industries.

Simultaneously, a heated argument at the party had erupted between him and Rhodes, who donned a steel armor, leading Tony to default on him an armor.

Pepper approached Tony, her expression complex. She was both infuriated by the billionaires' absurd antics and distressed upon learning about Tony's palladium poisoning.

In her mind, if the palladium poisoning stemmed from the steel suit, why not simply refrain from wearing it? She struggled to comprehend what Iron Man meant to Tony.

Their ensuing quarrel even led her to contemplate resigning, though ultimately she remained at Stark Industries.

She couldn't quite let go, despite Tony's absurdities, after having cared for him all these years.

Seeing Pepper, Tony's spirits lifted. "Damn it, Rhodes... don't think I'll forgive him."

Then he inquired, "Pepper, what's it been like being CEO of Stark Industries during this period?"

"It's no walk in the park, especially with you as my boss," Pepper replied, her tone edged with irritation.

"Heh." Tony chuckled dryly. "Since you're feeling worn out, why not take a vacation?"

Pepper was taken aback. "A vacation? What kind of vacation?"

"You said you were tired, didn't you? Even as CEO, you should take some time off for yourself once in a while. Let's see... how about a month?" Tony mused aloud.

Tony reminisced, "Go to Europe, visit our hotel in Venice, the Tony Hotel. Remember? It's a great spot for a vacation..."

"Tony!" Pepper finally interjected, unable to bear his rambling any longer. "Are you really going to let your legacy be buried in that steel armor?"

Tony fell silent.

"I am Iron Man. I can't give up the armor. That would be giving up on myself," he asserted.

"But Tony, you're really going to die," Pepper pressed.

"There's no other way," Tony admitted, activating a holographic projection showcasing data on a serum and biological armor.

"But the condition is I'd have to turn into some green monster or a madman with a split personality in my head. You know I can't accept that, Pepper. It's not who I am," Tony declared.

Standing up, Tony gazed at Pepper. "In these final moments, I want to spend them with you, Pepper."

"With... with me?" Pepper stammered incredulously, unable to believe her ears.

"Please, why me? You have your birthday party planned, your own World Expo..." Pepper protested.

"Those things aren't important," Tony dismissed.

Perhaps sensing his impending demise, Tony expressed the conflicting emotions he had long kept buried: "I just want to be with you now."

"Do you even know what you're saying, Tony?" Pepper's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Of course," Tony replied, spreading his arms resolutely. "I'm laying it all out. Rhodes will inherit my steel armor and take up the mantle of Iron Man. The material doesn't matter; he's inheriting my iron will to survive."

"Peter Parker! He's a smart kid... With my time short, I reluctantly admit he might not just match but surpass me. I've passed on my wisdom to him, every bit of scientific and technological data stored in my computers. How much he absorbs is up to him; I can't guide him step by step."

"And finally..." Tony turned to Pepper, leaving her speechless with his next revelation. "I'm entrusting Stark Industries to you, Pepper. Carry on what I couldn't finish. Transform Stark into a clean energy powerhouse for the good of humanity."

"No, this is too much," Pepper protested.

"Crazy, yes, I like that word. This way, I'll have no regrets," Tony declared.

Extending his hand in front of him, Tony snapped his fingers. "I am... Iron Hero!"

Acknowledging that he wouldn't have uttered these words or taken these actions if not facing death, Tony felt a rare sense of relief.

"Can we go on that vacation now?" he asked Pepper.

Pepper agreed, unable to refuse Tony's heartfelt confession, the most valuable gift he could give.

Perhaps because he had finally voiced his innermost thoughts, Tony felt a weight lift off his shoulders. At that moment, Jarvis interrupted with news.

"Sir, you should visit Peter Parker's lab," Jarvis suggested.

"Oh? What's happened now?" Tony quipped, unperturbed by whatever mess Peter might have caused, given his impending demise.

"Well, sir, he hasn't caused any trouble," Jarvis clarified.

"What's going on then?"

"You'll understand once you're there. Peter mentioned something about a surprise."

"Well, Jarvis, you're unusually cryptic today. Lead the way," Tony chuckled, heading straight for the lab.

Inside, Peter had a model of Howard Stark's World Expo on display. Tony glanced at it briefly, not dwelling on the past tasks he'd assigned Peter.

"After all, I tasked him with the World Expo," Tony reasoned aloud.

"Kid, Jarvis said you've got a surprise for me? Let's see if you can truly surprise me," Tony challenged.

"Um... I can't be sure, Mr. Stark. I stumbled upon something intriguing," Peter admitted.

"...Well, you've certainly managed to surprise me," Tony remarked, observing the holographic projection sphere in Peter's hand.

Recognizing it as a new elemental structure, Tony marveled at its discovery. Though surprised, he maintained composure, aware that its era-changing potential would be revealed through further investigation.

More perplexing than the discovery itself was its origin from his father's long-forgotten World Expo model.

Thus, Tony instructed Jarvis to take over the lab for testing, while Peter eagerly assisted in exploring the newly found element's capabilities.

Initially curious and excited, Tony's demeanor shifted to serious contemplation as Jarvis analyzed the data.

Finally, when all results were in, Tony sat back, eyes wide with astonishment, experiencing true bewilderment for the first time.

"Sir, based on our findings, this new element appears to..." Jarvis began.

"Enough," Tony cut in abruptly, waving his hand to halt Jarvis's report.

Rubbing his face in disbelief, Tony muttered, "I think I'm ready to die now."