Chapter 68: Tony's Morning

"Last night, the NYPD successfully apprehended the infamous hunter, Kraven, in the Bell Tower area."

"This legendary hunter has won multiple championship titles in hunting competitions over the past few decades. Simultaneously, he is responsible for several recent terrorist attacks and riots in New York."

On the screen, the news anchor presented details about Kraven, accompanied by a large image of him bound in spider silk.

Tony, lounging on the sofa, clicked his tongue in amusement. "This is more humiliating for him than if we'd just taken him out. Legendary hunter, huh? Spider-Woman's got some skills."

"Tony? Tony!"

Pepper, in a nightgown, emerged from the bedroom, wrapping her arms affectionately around his neck from behind.

"Darling, why don't you sleep a bit longer? It's early."

Tony's expression froze momentarily, fortunately unseen by Pepper from her angle.

"It's... nothing. Just trying to make the most of my time," Tony replied.

"I understand," Pepper nodded understandingly. "I'm going to start packing for our vacation."

"I could help..."

"No, I've got it covered. You should rest... What would you like for breakfast?" Pepper asked gently.

Tony's face tensed. "A burger. A beef burger."

"You really should eat healthier, but alright, I'll fix it for you."


Pepper hurried off, leaving Tony alone on the sofa, feeling a pang of hopelessness.

Yes, he and Pepper had been together last night.

They'd worked side by side for years, knowing each other inside out. Everything had fallen into place.

But Pepper didn't know about the recent developments in his life.

Tony was eager to explain it all to her, but... he'd said too much that day and now hesitated.

It was a tough situation, and Tony felt he needed more time.

Perhaps sensing his mortality, Pepper had been unusually gentle lately, almost doting, which Tony found somewhat comforting.

Especially last night... it had been something else.

Yet, knowing Pepper would eventually learn the truth... Tony felt his days might be numbered.

Just then, Pepper returned.

"What's wrong?" Tony asked, feeling a twinge of guilt.

"Um... Tony, someone's here to see you."

Tony raised an eyebrow as Agent Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D. walked in.

"Hello, Stark."

Since Tony's return from the cave, Coulson had been in touch with Stark Industries several times through Pepper and Tony.

Though they hadn't had any deep conversations.

"I remember you, agent. From Homeland Strategic..."

"It's the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division. Or just call us S.H.I.E.L.D."

Tony shrugged. "So, what's the issue?"

With new elements successfully developed, Tony had nearly everything—life, wealth, ideals, love... except perhaps an understanding with Pepper, which remained elusive.

There was little that truly concerned him now.

"Our director would like to meet with you," Coulson said, eyeing Tony.


"I'm not keen on joining your 'Superboy' club, this..."

Tony glanced at the bald, black-clad Nick Fury standing before him, feeling the man lacked a fitting nickname.

"It's the Avengers, sir," Fury emphasized.

"What's the difference?"

"Well... you've always been a lone wolf. How's that working out for you?"


"You're dying, aren't you, Tony Stark," Fury cut in abruptly.

Tony frowned, taken aback by Fury's bluntness.

"How do you know?"

Fury seemed pleased with Tony's reaction.

Dealing with someone like Tony required finesse.

He gestured casually. "Hold on, let me fetch her."

Shortly after, Natasha Romanoff, dressed in her agent attire, entered and took a seat opposite Tony.

Tony regarded Natasha with surprise. His former personal assistant... well, that had been a cover.

Actually a spy?

"You're fired," he declared without hesitation. "You owe me an apology."

Natasha met Tony's gaze boldly. "I think you owe me an apology."

"What? Why?"

"Hey, hey! Looks like you two have some history," Fury interjected, surprised by the tension between Black Widow and Tony.

No animosity, especially from Black Widow—this was unexpected.

Fury redirected the conversation. "Let's focus on business, shall we?"

"You sent a spy into my home."

"Absolutely not. You made Pepper CEO, handed military tech to your brother..."

"He stole it."

"You mean he took Iron Man's armor in front of Iron Man? Seriously, Natasha?"

"What are your intentions?"

"We're here to save your life."

"I don't think I need anyone... Wait, what are you doing?"

Tony halted Natasha, who was about to inject him.

"Lithium dioxide can counteract your palladium poisoning," Natasha explained.

"How did you know about my palladium problem?" Tony sneered.

"The device in your chest is unfinished. Your father, Howard, mentioned it."

At the mention of his father's name, Tony's demeanor shifted visibly.

"What are you saying?"

"The arc reactor was just a stepping stone. Howard Stark was preparing for a technological revolution, leaving competitors in the dust."

"He believed only you had the wisdom and resources to complete his work."


Nick Fury and Natasha left, leaving Tony to ponder amidst a large box of his father's old belongings.

Pepper joined him, sitting beside him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just encountered a bunch of mysterious bastards, and..."

He leaned into Pepper.

"There are some things I'd rather not remember. Ever."


His condition seemed stable for now, but who knew what tomorrow would bring.

If he could hold on, he might uncover more.

He sighed, realizing he'd forgotten to set up VIP... Well, forget it. Tomorrow's another day.