Chapter 69: Similar Father and Son

"My father, Howard Stark, was a cold, calculating man."

"He never told me he loved me or even liked me. His happiest day was when he sent me off to boarding school."

"Now, someone tells me he was the founder of the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."

Tony confided, "I wish I knew who my father really was, but I have no clue."

"Maybe you should see what's in there," Pepper suggested, glancing at the box of memorabilia.

The screen shifted to show Howard Stark in a slideshow, gazing at the camera.


"All of this is for you."

"One day, you'll understand that this isn't just human invention, it's my life's work."

"It's the key to the future."

"I'm limited by the technology of my time."

"But one day, you'll understand all of this, and you'll change the world."

"Tony, my greatest invention will always be... you."

Tony watched the slideshow left by Howard, lost in thought for a long while.

Unlike the original timeline, Tony had already developed new elements earlier. He once believed it was his destiny to survive any crisis.

Proud of having again solved a problem, saved lives, and reshaped the world, he suddenly realized it was all a facade.

Decades ago, his father had prepared everything, eagerly anticipating Tony's future achievements.

It wasn't that Howard didn't care; he just struggled to express it... or something else.

This experience, so different from the original, left Tony with even more mixed emotions.

Tony now understood his father a bit more; they were more alike than he'd realized.

There were things Tony found hard to express openly.

Despite his outward arrogance, he had a fragile and sensitive heart. Only the armor gave him a sense of security.

His genius brain not only granted him a high IQ but also made him acutely aware of how others perceived him.

He knew everything but struggled to relate in conventional ways...

If not for the looming specter of death, he might have held back certain words forever. Well, perhaps some words should remain unsaid.

"Now that the culprit has been found..." Tony chuckled to himself.

Tony, who suddenly saw the similarity between father and son, felt dumbstruck, then overwhelmed with guilt and longing.

He had misunderstood his father all along. He truly wished he could see him again, say hello, and try to apologize, in his own way.

"Hey... your expectations weren't in vain, did you see? I'd already created the new element before I watched your video."

"Why didn't I see your video sooner?"

Tony's thoughts returned to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Initially, their actions had unsettled and irked him.

But now, he felt a deeper resentment.

"Pulling out my father's things at a time like this... it's a bold move," he sneered.

Had he failed to create the new element, facing such a monumental gift might have elicited a different reaction.

Just then, Jarvis appeared.

"Sir, I believe I need to inform you."

"What is it?"

"The tracker you placed on Peter Parker indicates he may be in danger."


Outside Stark's residence, Fury and several others sat in a black car.

"So, you're saying he seems to have resolved the palladium poisoning issue now?" Fury asked Natasha, giving her a piercing look.

"Yes, Fury. I've been in touch with him before. The palladium poisoning was severe; the toxins had spread, but when I tried to inject him just now, it was all gone."

"He seems remarkably healthy."

"Damn it, why didn't you inform me earlier?"

"Hey! Remember? I've been reassigned to legal for a while now."

"Agent Natasha, your demeanor seems off today..."


"Are you still brooding over losing to a cat-eared girl?"


Ignoring Natasha's subdued mood, Fury pondered aloud, "It's impossible he resolved it without warning... Could it be Osborn's tech?"

"No, Connors isn't capable of that," Natasha replied firmly.

"Then who could it be?"

"There's someone else, but... it's a stretch," Natasha said after a moment's thought.


"Peter Parker!"

Fury closed his eyes. "Him. Bring him in to see me."


Early that morning, Gwen took Peter to the rooftop.

After Kraven's capture and the Rhino Man's escape, George was satisfied.

He felt more could be pried from Kraven.

Finally free of her own issues with Kraven, Gwen was relaxed but suddenly remembered...

She'd confessed to Peter.

So, early in the morning, clad in her Spider-Woman suit, she showed up at his door.

"Hey, Gwen, I'm not sure about this..." Peter advised from the edge of the rooftop.

"No, Peter, trust me. It might be daunting at first, but you'll grow to love it."

Gwen assured him, chest puffed out, eager to share this part of herself with Peter.

This, she believed, was an essential experience every Spider-Man had to face.

Gwen would take Peter on a tandem web-swing.

Finally revealing her identity had been a long-time goal for Gwen.

"I love you, Gwen," Peter said.

"Hey! No interrupting... I know, I love you too. Hold me... tight."

Peter was truly at a loss.

He understood Gwen's desire to include him. Only someone as close as Gwen would think of this.

But Gwen also had a mischievous side.

She wanted to see Peter's shocked expression as they swung.

Peter found the whole thing embarrassing.

Ever since gaining his powers, his senses and reflexes had improved drastically.

Try as she might, Gwen couldn't surprise him.

Throughout, Peter remained calm, even guiding Gwen on how to swing more smoothly.


They landed on the Brooklyn Bridge, where Gwen felt a tinge of disappointment.

Peter chuckled at her. "I guess I'm not so afraid of heights."

"I think you could be a fighter pilot, Peter," Gwen teased, rolling her eyes and hiding her smile in Peter's chest.

"How do you feel?"

"About what?"

"Me! The infamous Spider-Woman is your girlfriend. Mr. Parker, what do you think?"

"Amazing, Miss Gwen."

"I think so too. Having you, Peter, is amazing. But..."

Gwen looked up at Peter, her eyes filled with hope. After a pause, Peter brushed a strand of hair from her face and said,

"It's okay, Gwen. Whatever you're worried about, you can tell me."

Gwen hesitated, then admitted, "I've put you in danger several times, Peter."

"With Electro, Kraven... and who knows what other villains might target you because of me."

She lowered her eyes.

"I'm a lousy girlfriend and a hero. I keep putting those close to me at risk. I don't know how much longer I can handle it."
