Chapter 070: Balance

"I'm certain of it, Gwen," Peter affirmed, shaking his head. "You're an incredible hero, no doubt about that."

"You're also an amazing girlfriend, I can vouch for that myself," he added with a smile.

Gwen was feeling a bit perplexed. Unlike when she first became Spider-Woman, she had struggled and felt out of place. Now, however, she had gradually adapted and excelled in her role. Balancing her life as Gwen Stacy and Spider-Woman wasn't easy, but she was managing.

Yet, new challenges kept arising. Each of Spider-Woman's enemies seemed stronger than the last, posing threats not only to her but also to her loved ones. This constant danger weighed heavily on her.

Balancing her dual identities meant facing conflicting demands and impacts on those around her, leaving Gwen unsure of how to navigate it all. It seemed like an ongoing puzzle without a clear solution.

What she needed most at this moment was Peter's unwavering support and affirmation. From the start, Peter had been her inspiration to become a hero, and his presence remained essential as she strengthened her resolve.

Peter responded warmly, making Gwen smile and blush slightly. "What do you mean by 'personal confirmation'?"

Peter changed the subject, admiring the view from the Brooklyn Bridge. "The view here is really beautiful, isn't it?"

Their conversation deepened as they stood atop the bridge, marking the first time they openly discussed their feelings after revealing their identities. Their bond was strong, requiring careful maintenance and nurturing.

Gwen, uplifted by their exchange, happily took Peter home. However, their joy was short-lived as they encountered an unexpected obstacle on their way.

A group of imposing men in black suits intercepted them, prompting Gwen to instinctively shield Peter.

"Who are you?" Gwen demanded, eyeing the group cautiously.

"Hello, I'm Agent Coulson from Homeland Strategy... SHIELD," Coulson introduced himself calmly.

Gwen, unfamiliar with SHIELD and mistaking it for the FBI, questioned their authority. "I don't know you. What's this about?"

Coulson smiled knowingly, gesturing towards Peter. "Mr. Parker, I apologize, but you're involved in a strategic engineering test and must come with us."

"What test?" Peter challenged, skeptical. "We've never heard of SHIELD. How do we know you're legitimate?"

"Apologies, explanations will follow. For now, you must come with us," Coulson insisted.

"So, you're detaining me unlawfully?" Peter pressed, receiving no direct answer.

SHIELD's authoritative demeanor irked Peter. He remembered instances like their handling of Jane's research in "Thor," feeling their overreach keenly.

Coulson signaled his men to act, intending to take Peter by force. Gwen, outnumbered and restrained, couldn't intervene.

As tensions rose, Coulson addressed Gwen directly, revealing her identity to exert leverage.

"Miss Stacy, we hope you will not affect our mission. This is not good for you and your father."

Gwen, caught off guard and regretting her lack of vigilance, felt vulnerable against SHIELD's power. She lacked experience in such confrontations, leaving her at a disadvantage.

Just then, a figure in red and gold armor descended from the sky—Tony Stark, in his Iron Man suit.

Tony intervened immediately, raising his hand with a visible missile and commanding, "Coulson, stand down."

Tony's authority outweighed Coulson's, causing the SHIELD agents to pause. Tony was known not to make idle threats.

"Why are you here, Mr. Stark?" Coulson asked, somewhat surprised.

"You attempt to forcibly take away my people, then ask why I'm here?" Tony retorted. "This is Director Fury's order? Tell him I've already completed the new Arc Reactor. If he has issues, he can come to me."

After Tony's decisive intervention, SHIELD withdrew without further resistance.

Tony turned to Peter and Gwen. "Let's continue this conversation elsewhere."

Finding a quiet spot in mid-air, Tony received heartfelt thanks from Gwen as she hugged Peter.

"It was nothing. Just remember to stand firm against these kinds of situations," Tony advised Gwen with a grin. "As for you two..."

Gwen blushed at Tony's knowing smile. "How did you know..."

"I gave Peter a little assistance," Tony admitted with a smirk, then turned serious. "Spider-Woman, Peter Parker helped me finalize the new Arc Reactor, which led SHIELD to visit."

Tony emphasized Peter's importance, urging Gwen to protect him.

Gwen, surprised by these revelations, glanced at Peter with a mix of disbelief and affection.

Peter, innocently oblivious, met her gaze with a shrug.

Gwen playfully rolled her eyes. "I will, Mr. Stark. Peter means more to me than anything."

Tony cleared his throat, shifting gears. "In my life, a few people have saved me. Besides Ethan in the cave, there's Black Superman and Peter."

He looked at Peter seriously. "I'll keep that in mind, kid."

After a few parting words, Tony departed, leaving Gwen and Peter alone.

"You're quite the big deal now, Peter," Gwen remarked with a smile.

Their peaceful moment was interrupted by the arrival of both SHIELD and Stark.

"What's going on?" Peter asked, puzzled.

Gwen hugged him tightly. "Nothing. We're even now."

Balance had returned, for now.