Chapter 83: Waiting for Others

The Destroyer met its end swiftly.

In the comics, the Destroyer is Odin's armor, imbued with the blessings and divine power of many heavenly fathers. At his peak, Odin could wield this armor and another artifact, Gungnir, to battle and defeat the Celestials.

In the MCU, the Destroyer was significantly weakened. It was relegated to guarding the Asgard treasure house and couldn't even defeat Thor. Eventually, S.H.I.E.L.D. salvaged its remains and repurposed them into weapons.

Now, in Peter's hands, the Destroyer met a similar fate. With a resounding bang, Mjolnir struck the Destroyer's chest, causing it to stumble backward. Peter caught Mjolnir mid-air and followed up with another blow to the back of the Destroyer's head.

Peter didn't give the Destroyer a moment to recover. He raised Mjolnir and brought it down with a powerful strike. A thick bolt of lightning descended from the sky, hitting the Destroyer again.

The Destroyer was stunned by the relentless assault, and Thor and the others were equally astonished. Thor, in particular, noticed that Mjolnir seemed more powerful in Peter's hands than in his own, deepening his sorrow.

Enraged, the Destroyer shifted its target to Peter, opening its mask to unleash a stream of searing energy. Peter had anticipated this move. Scarlet light ignited in his eyes as his heat vision met the Destroyer's energy ray.

The two beams collided in mid-air, but Peter's heat vision quickly overpowered the Destroyer's attack, pushing steadily towards it. Despite the Destroyer's attempts to increase its output, Peter's heat vision pierced through its head.

The Destroyer, incapable of self-repairing its head, was destroyed. It arrived in haste and was dispatched just as quickly, leaving everyone stunned.

"Are all the people in Midgard so powerful?"

"No, he seems to be the only one. They call him Black Superman."

"Who is he? He took Mjolnir and defeated the Destroyer. Is he friend or foe?"

Sif and the three warriors of Asgard whispered among themselves, acknowledging Black Superman's strength. They were curious and distressed by his prowess.

Peter glanced at them and tossed Mjolnir back to Thor. Thor, surprised and overjoyed, caught it and asked, "Black Superman, what do you mean?"

"I'll give it back when I'm done playing with it," Peter replied. "Remember, that I would help you regain its approval."

Thor fell into a long silence. After being bested by Black Superman, the spell on Mjolnir had indeed been lifted. He had also awakened his divine power, but it was someone else's doing. This realization filled Thor with mixed emotions.

Mjolnir was no longer solely his. The thought that Black Superman had wielded it and developed its potential deeply unsettled him.

"Thank you for helping us defeat the Destroyer," Thor said reluctantly.

"It's nothing. I just like helping others," Peter responded, making Thor feel even more disheartened.

"We must return to Asgard to stop Loki's plot," Thor said, eager to leave Black Superman's presence.

Unexpectedly, Peter said, "No, you can't leave."

"Why?" Thor asked, frowning.

"I'm waiting for someone, and I need your help, Thor," Peter replied. How could he capture Odin if Thor left?

"But Loki..." Thor began to protest.

"You don't want Mjolnir to cuck you again, do you, Thor?" Peter interrupted.

Thor looked at Peter in disbelief. "How could you say such evil words?"

"Really? This kind of talk is common among us Midgardians."

"You Midgardians are truly frightening," Thor muttered, feeling as if he had stepped into a new world.

Despite his reluctance, Thor had no choice but to comply under the threat of losing Mjolnir. To him, Black Superman now embodied evil, deceit, and terror.

Loki's threat still loomed, making Thor uneasy. Suddenly, Peter's eyes flared with scarlet heat vision, targeting a nearby stone.

A scream echoed as the stone revealed its true form—Loki. He frantically tried to extinguish the flames on his rear, shouting for help.

Thor and the three warriors of Asgard quickly surrounded Loki. "Don't move," Thor commanded, grabbing his brother.

Loki protested, "No, you don't need to..."

But it was too late. The Asgardians delivered a series of powerful kicks to Loki's behind.

"Oh, my butt!" Loki wailed. He regretted coming to Midgard out of curiosity. Learning he was a Frost Giant's child had shattered his identity and driven him to this desperate act.

Now, his plan to kill Thor had failed spectacularly, and he found himself in an even worse predicament.

After a thorough butt-kicking, Loki was subdued, much to his chagrin. "What did you do to my butt?" he groaned.

"You deserved it. You tried to kill Thor!" the Asgardians retorted.

"No... the Destroyer was out of control..." Loki protested weakly.

"He's lying again," Sif shouted. The Asgardians argued, while Thor remained silent, reflecting on recent events.

Eventually, they sat together, following Peter. Loki glanced at Peter, confused. "Who is this guy?"

"He is Black Superman," Thor replied, falling silent again. Loki, and everyone else, was puzzled.

As time passed, even the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents wondered, "Who is Black Superman waiting for?"

Meanwhile, in Asgard, Odin, who had been in a deep sleep, finally opened his eyes.
