Chapter 84: Black Superman vs. Odin (Part 1)

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

In New Mexico, the sudden arrival of the Rainbow Bridge heralded Odin's appearance. Awakened from his deep sleep, Odin finally faced Peter.

"Odin!" Thor and the others exclaimed.

Odin's first reaction was to glance at Thor. His eldest son had surprised him, far exceeding his expectations. Odin had banished Thor and placed a spell on Mjolnir to teach him the true meaning of power. Unexpectedly, Thor had awakened the power of his bloodline in one fell swoop. Though Thor now seemed more melancholic than before, Odin considered this a minor issue. Some women might even prefer this demeanor. Odin felt relief knowing he had a successor.

Odin, however, had bigger concerns. He, the All-Father, felt targeted.

Odin's gaze settled on the dark figure before him. The figure stood motionless, like a statue, yet radiated immense power and familiar divine energy.

"Thor... Loki," Odin called.

"Here, Father," they replied in unison, kneeling on one knee.

"You two return to Asgard. I have matters to settle here," Odin instructed.

Thor and Loki, eager to leave Midgard, complied quickly. Heimdall activated the Rainbow Bridge, taking the Asgardians home, leaving Odin alone.

"I've been waiting for you, Odin," Peter said.

"You used my sons to force me here? If that's what you call waiting," Odin retorted, clearly resentful.

"If I didn't, you wouldn't have come, right?" Peter chuckled.

Odin sneered. "What drives you to such madness, challenging the All-Father?"

Peter shrugged. "I've been seeking a worthy opponent, but so far, I've been disappointed."

Peter thought of his encounters in Wakanda and with the Hulk. Though they piqued his interest, they barely qualified as battles.

"I failed," he admitted, looking at Odin earnestly. "I need a real fight. If I wait any longer, I may not get the chance."

"You are arrogant," Odin said after a pause. "Where did you acquire the ancient god's power within you?"

Peter just shrugged. "Sorry, All-Father, but I had to make preparations to face you."


After a brief silence, Peter attacked. He punched Odin without hesitation. The air shook, the ground cracked, and the two shot into the sky like meteors.

New Mexico's residents saw two figures soaring, but before they could react, the figures vanished.

Peter propelled Odin at incredible speed, showing no mercy despite Odin's age.

Boom! He punched Odin again, catching up swiftly. Boom! Another punch. Boom!

Within seconds, they reached New York. The city's inhabitants, still reeling from Black Superman's previous exploits, were stunned anew. Peter and Odin crashed through buildings, causing explosions and lightning strikes, eventually slamming into Stark Tower.

"WTF!?" Tony Stark exclaimed, quickly donning his armor, but Peter had already left New York with Odin.

Peter's Superman abilities were unparalleled. Few heroes possessed such a range of powers simultaneously. Strength, speed, energy, and defense—all maximized.

Despite Odin's superior power, his age and physical limitations hindered him. Peter's relentless high-speed attacks overwhelmed Odin, leaving him struggling.

However, Odin, the All-Father, wouldn't be defeated easily. He summoned Gungnir, his spear, and counterattacked with lightning, interrupting Peter's offensive.

They landed in a remote wilderness. Odin floated in the air, unscathed despite the barrage. Peter's attacks had failed to penetrate Odin's peak divine defense.

"Child, you'll pay for your arrogance!" Odin roared, hurling Gungnir. It transformed into a massive lightning bolt, obscuring Peter from view.

The lightning struck Peter, creating a crater as large as a meteor impact. Peter was at the core, his vibranium suit damaged, bleeding for the first time.

"That's it, child. Surrender, or I will kill you," Odin declared.

Peter, healing rapidly, replied, "You're too old."

Odin was stunned. Peter's wounds closed within seconds, thanks to his maxed-out self-healing abilities.

"Are you so weak you can't finish a fight, Odin?" Peter taunted.

The battle resumed with renewed intensity. Provoked, Odin unleashed his full power. Their battlegrounds spanned the globe, turning Earth into their arena.

On that day, everyone witnessed two glowing figures clashing in the sky, their impacts resonating worldwide. Thunderstorms followed their every move. Despite the widespread destruction, human settlements were largely spared, a small mercy amid the chaos.
