Chapter 88: He is a God

The dwarves handed the suit to Peter. "Try it, Black Superman!" Eitri said expectantly. "Micro-forging technology has given us a lot of ideas. I think, in the next period of time, we can forge many interesting things."

Peter took over the new suit. This new suit made of Uru metal gave a completely different feeling from his vibranium suit. After adding some designs of dwarves, the whole thing looked more like... a god.

"It's fitting."

Although in terms of energy level, this suit is not up to the level of an artifact like Mjolnir, which is infused with a large amount of divine power and a special forging material (a dead star), it is definitely just below that tier. The dwarves put a lot of effort into this suit, and all they lacked was a more powerful source of materials.

The biggest change brought about by the Uru suit is not in appearance. The most important point is that now, as long as he uses his divine power, Peter can directly put on the suit, and when not needed, he can also directly take it off to hide it. Peter's divine power was poured into it, and the suit quickly turned into a ball of lightning, covering him. When the lightning faded, the suit was already put on.

As for the powerful magical properties and increase in divine power brought about by this suit, Peter didn't care much.

"Ha! I knew that it must be the most suitable for you, Black Superman," Eitri's old habit was to personify weapons and armor.

Thor looked a little helpless on the side and said, "Eitri, my good friend, you must also get me new armor."

"Hahaha, of course, Thor."


On Earth, in New York, the battle between Peter and Odin had come to an end, but the impact of this battle was just beginning to ferment. As soon as the news of the court trial hit the top trending searches, people all over the world suddenly saw the battle between Black Superman and another strong man.

This battle spread all over the world, and countless people trembled under the aftermath of the battle. For the first time, Black Superman intuitively demonstrated his terrifying strength, which is enough to destroy everyone, even the planet. It's like a god coming to the world, like the end is coming.

What's even more amazing is that the incident in the court just before this happened allowed people all over the world to know and get to know a little bit about Black Superman. Everyone realized that Black Superman's mind was mature and had no weaknesses. He will not be controlled by humans, but the life and death of humans depend on his thoughts.

Some pessimists immediately cried out about the despair of the future:

"A dictator who can destroy everyone, but we have no means to counter him!"

"Everyone's life will no longer be under our control! We have lost our greatest freedom!"

"He is not bound by any morality or law and can do whatever he wants. Everyone understands what this means!"

After the nuclear threat, Black Superman seems to have become the biggest threat that scares everyone.

However, more people thought,

"I think Black Superman seems pretty good."

"Brothers, Black Superman fights evil. As long as you don't commit crimes, he won't hurt anyone."

"In a sense, the existence of Black Superman can make the world more peaceful, right? All those who try to cause persecution and war will be afraid of him."

"Black Superman once saved me and my village. If it weren't for him, we would have died in terror. In the hands of monsters."

The most frightening thing is always the unknown. After experiencing the court incident, people suddenly discovered that the existence of Black Superman seems to make the world a better place. He is not killing without purpose; he is just purifying the sins in the world. Black Superman will not harm them. On the contrary, he has been protecting the weak and is their patron saint.

Even after a period of fermentation, the taste of the comments has changed. People no longer regard Black Superman as a serious matter but instead add a lot of entertainment and ridicule,

"Oh my God, I suddenly found that I fell in love with Black Superman. Under his mysterious and terrifying appearance, there is a heart... infinitely tender."

"Black Superman... Hehehe, my Black Superman."

"Did you guys see it? Black Superman was fighting another one! He could actually release lightning!"

"I know, so it happened. After a while, it turns out that Black Superman is not Superman or Batman, but Shazam?"

"No, it should be Black Adam."

"The most important thing is, who is the other person fighting Black Superman? You must know that Black Superman can destroy the world, and he seems to be on par with Black Superman."

"There is news that it seems to be the father of the gods in Norse mythology, Odin."

"How is it possible? That is a myth."

"Hey, brother, Black Superman already exists. Is there anything strange about adding a myth?"

"Oh my god, is Black Superman really like a god?"

"He is a god, isn't he?"

"He is a god."

On the Internet, countless people participated in the discussion, from fear and panic at the beginning to all kinds of praise, support, and adoration later, just because they discovered one thing: Black Superman has stood too high. Whether he exists or not, they all have to live. The existence of Black Superman might make their life better.

Unlike the enthusiastic people, the major mainstream media were extremely silent today. Usually, when big news comes up, they rush to expose it, and the TV stations, who want to tell their ideas in a hundred ways and angles, seemed a little confused and didn't know how to report it.

Just like the people sitting on Capitol Hill, they were also full of confusion at this moment, confused about how to get along with Black Superman. They had just discovered Black Superman's behavior and propositions in the morning, and they hadn't even had time to formulate strategies, good intentions or malicious strategies. Then they discovered that Black Superman seemed to be ignoring them. They knew that Black Superman was very powerful, but they didn't expect it to be so powerful, and they might not even have any say.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury sighed tiredly. This was the first time in many years that he was so mentally and physically exhausted by a metahuman. News had come back from New Mexico. The Nine Realms, Asgard, Odin, the father of the gods, Thor, the god of thunder, and Loki, the god of trickery, were all real. Whether they are gods or other beings, they are much more powerful than humans. Humans have little ability to fight back against them. Human beings' situation is much more dangerous than imagined.

Of course, maybe Black Superman is one, but Black Superman can't be controlled. He doesn't know if Black Superman is still a human being. During the battle between Black Superman and Odin, Fury even couldn't help but press the signal transmitter left for him several times. Once upon a time, that person was synonymous with strength in his eyes and could solve all troubles. But after seeing the battle between Black Superman and Odin, he hesitated. Even if that guy comes back, can he deal with Black Superman at this time?

While the crowd outside was bustling and the undercurrent was surging below, at the center of the whirlpool, Black Superman himself was blocked by a bald man at home.
