### Chapter 90: Black Superman and the Ancient One (Part 1)

Peter was blocked by the Ancient One. Although he had long expected that after the battle with Odin, the Supreme Sorcerer would be unable to resist coming, he still did not expect it to be so soon.

He had just returned from Asgard and taken off his suit when a portal suddenly appeared at the door of his bedroom, and a bald head poked out of it.

Moreover, what made him even more unexpected was that the Ancient One actually said to him directly, "Young man, are you interested in becoming the Supreme Sorcerer?"


Back to the beginning,

"It seems that you are not surprised by my appearance," the Ancient One said, crossing the portal and entering Peter's bedroom as if visiting a neighbor's house.

If you ignored the powerful hairstyle on her head, she looked just like an ordinary person.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is the Ancient One, the Supreme Sorcerer of the Earth."

"Black Superman," Peter replied, knowing full well what the Ancient One wanted.

Although the Supreme Sorcerer's duty is to protect the Earth, her main area is to guard against dimensional invasions and demonic chaos. Generally speaking, they will not interfere in human affairs on Earth.

At this point, Peter, who has been on Earth from birth to growing up, could be said to have a good foundation and a clean resume. Even if he becomes an ancestor, as long as he doesn't want to destroy the world, the most the Ancient One can do is look through the time records out of curiosity and not meddle in other people's business.

But this time, Peter took it too far and actually forced Odin to fight with him.

As for Odin's weight, let's put it this way: in the single universe, excluding those various dimensional demons and gods, in the material plane, Odin is definitely one of the strongest, not inferior to her, the Ancient One.

For such a big boss, if something goes wrong, the problem will not be limited to the Earth but will most likely affect the entire Nine Realms and even the Milky Way. And for such a being, Black Superman dared to directly kidnap someone's son and force him to fight. Even the Ancient One had to lament that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

But what makes the Ancient One even more troubled is that even if he fights, Black Superman actually wins. As the person involved, Odin could at best go home and take a nap, but she would have to deal with the rest of the mess. A young prickly head whose fighting power is comparable to that of the Sky Father, and who is also a bit unstable, makes one bald just thinking about it... Oh, she has been bald for a long time, so that's okay.

For this reason, the Ancient One even had to use the Time Stone to completely flip through Peter's timeline, and what she saw surprised her.

"The duty of the Supreme Sorcerer is to protect the Earth from the invasion of demons from various dimensions, but you made such a big fuss today that I had to come."

The Ancient One walked to the single sofa where Gwen and Felicia once sat. She sat down and said, "We need to talk, Black Superman."

"Of course." Peter didn't mind the Ancient One's behavior and sat down, saying, "So, what do you want to talk about?"

Today's meeting was probably like Kama Taj suddenly discovering that a wild boss had appeared in its jurisdiction, and this boss could already have a huge impact on, or threaten, their operations. As the leader, the Ancient One had to go out in person to express condolences and talk to determine the future model and boundaries of how the two parties would get along. Originally, he thought so.

"First of all, I'm curious. You seem to know us very well? This shouldn't be the case. You haven't been exposed to anything related to Kama Taj," the Ancient One said.

"I thought you would care more about Odin and me."

"Indeed, after all, I came here because of this trouble, but now I have a better idea."

"What do you want to do?" Peter suddenly felt a little confused. Bad feeling.

The Ancient One did not answer Peter's question but said, "Kama Taj is composed of a group of sorcerers who practice hard in the mountains. We live in peace with the world, study magic, and have been guarding the Earth from the invasion of dimensional demons for thousands of years."

"And the Supreme Sorcerer is the leader of Kama Taj and the most powerful sorcerer among them."

"Yes, I know."

"This position requires constantly dealing with various dimensional demons."

"Most of them have bad intentions and are extremely powerful. Some of them are even difficult for me to deal with, and my job is to discover and expel them."

"...So what?" Peter frowned.

"I looked through your timeline. I'm sorry, this may be a little offensive to your privacy, but I had to do it. At the same time, it also made me determined," the Ancient One said, a faint smile on her face, as if she was just talking about a simple matter. "Young man, are you interested in becoming the Supreme Sorcerer?"


Even Peter's super brain was a little confused at this time.

Originally, he thought this was just a diplomatic conversation about the future cooperation between the two sides, just going through the motions and building friendship. Unexpectedly, the Ancient One wanted to take him directly to Kama Taj, so that it would be settled once and for all. In other words, Kama Taj was entrusted to him. Moreover, she was so cunning that she actually used various powerful dimensional demon opponents to seduce him.

According to the timeline, at this time, after being the Supreme Sorcerer for hundreds of years, the Ancient One was already tired of living. Now she has to steal the power of the Dark Dimension to stay alive just because she can't let go of Kama Taj and the Earth. This has long made her tired. She just wants to quickly find an unlucky guy to inherit the mantle, and her soul will be liberated early to enter deeper dimensions to explore the reality.

Of course, Peter couldn't let the Ancient One get her wish. After all, the two of them were incompatible, and there was no reason for him to take over her mess.

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

The Ancient One was not surprised by this and just said, "Then we should settle the accounts carefully."

"I don't seem to owe you anything."

"No, you owe a lot."

"Your battle with Odin caused huge damage to the Earth. If it weren't for the sorcerers of Kama Taj who worked hard to maintain it, we would have been ruined by you long ago. This consumed a lot of our magic power."

"I think Odin and I both deliberately restrained our efforts so as not to affect others."

"But you finally got the real deal, didn't you?" The Ancient One smiled faintly, as if she had convinced Peter. "If Odin had not struck you with that blow in the Middle East, do you think it would have been as simple as punching a hole in the clouds?"

"Then you should go to Odin to collect your debt, not me."

"This battle was started by you. Odin is a five-thousand-year-old man."

Peter couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and said directly, "If I don't pay back, you seem to be unable to do anything to me."

Unexpectedly, the Ancient One's smile became even brighter, "Look, aren't you very good at being the Supreme Sorcerer?"

