Chapter 90: Black Superman and the Ancient One (Part 2)

The Ancient One seemed determined to drag him into trouble, and Peter finally decided not to dwell too much on this issue. No one can force him to do something he doesn't want to do, not even the Sorcerer Supreme.

He just asked curiously, "What about Strange?"

"You really know." The Ancient One said, "Are you a prophet? Is that why you know everything about Kama Taj and the exact timing of Thor's arrival on Earth?"

"However, you should only know the future of a certain timeline, so everything makes sense."

Peter couldn't deny it. There are all kinds of strange things in the Marvel world, and he is not afraid that some things will be known to others.

He just asked, "So?"

"Strange will be an excellent Sorcerer Supreme, but you will be better than him," the Ancient One replied.

"I don't know magic."

"Who said that the Supreme Sorcerer must know magic?" The Ancient One said with a smile.


This kind of old man talk again, it really smelled like a supreme sorcerer, making people want to complain.

"I don't know why you actually have Odin's divine power. And Odin himself is one of the strongest sorcerers in the Nine Realms," the Ancient One continued. "Magic is essentially the use of the energy of the universe. Humans themselves do not have this kind of energy, so in order to cast spells, sorcerers often have to pay a lot and borrow power from dimensional demons or certain entities."

She looked at Peter. "But you don't have to, Black Superman. Your divine power is a huge energy source in itself, enough for you to release any magic. You will become the first Supreme Sorcerer who does not need to rely on dimensional demons or other entities."

"This may sound special, but it is not your choice. My reason. The duty of the Supreme Sorcerer is to deal with all kinds of demons, isn't it?"

The Ancient One was very pleased, "I really saw the right person."

"..." I have to say, this bald woman has a lot of tricks up her sleeve.

The Ancient One said, "Sometimes, ability is not important. What is important is what you do and what you bring."

"Black Superman, I have looked through your timeline and understand what you have done so far."

"You could have overthrown the world, but you didn't. You just chose to quietly observe the world from the sky and let people make their own choices. Your beliefs are firm enough, and you know what you want. What it is, what you want to protect, not destroy. Although your method seems dark, it is just a way for you to protect your world."

"You are a born Supreme Sorcerer."

The Ancient One made it sound very appealing, but Peter just sneered, "This is still not the real reason."

"..." The Ancient One looked like she had a headache. "I have to say, you are too keen, Black Superman."

Peter did not respond, just looked at her. The Ancient One could only say, "Remember what I said, I read through your timeline?"


"Actually, I read not just one, but countless."

"Most of these world lines are where Gwen Stacy becomes Spider-Man, and in a few cases, Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man. But... you are the only one."

Peter was not surprised by this. He just said, "Black Superman is the only one."

Because of time travel, he is the only one, so there will only be one Black Superman. To a certain extent, he has the same uniqueness as those gods at the multiverse level, or even the omniverse level.

Of course, this doesn't mean anything.

"That's right." The Ancient One looked at Peter, her eyes becoming rare and serious. "Moreover, the future of your timeline is a little unclear. This is a very rare situation that will happen."

"I can only see two situations: one is the ultimate destruction, the other is the ultimate rebirth."

"Then you still want me to be the Supreme Sorcerer?"

"Because I can't stop you, Black Superman." The Ancient One shrugged and explained, "In this case, I might as well take a gamble. At least, you will bring new changes to the world."

I understand, this is a mess... Peter smiled and said, "It's just that, I didn't promise you anything."

Although he got a lot of information in vain, he still chose to refuse it cleanly. Just kidding, you want to persuade me with such a little thing and send me away like a beggar?

But the Ancient One didn't seem to want to give up. She said, "You should have turned into a big lizard and died, Peter Parker."

This made Peter narrow his eyes. "But I didn't."

"Yes, and you became extremely powerful, even I can't react. In fact, I may not be your opponent now."

"You are being humble."

The Ancient One smiled faintly. "But some things are destined to happen, just like Strange's accident. As long as he becomes the Supreme Sorcerer, he will definitely get into that car accident no matter what."

"What if he doesn't become the Supreme Sorcerer?"

"Maybe it can be avoided, maybe it can be cured, it's hard to say." The Ancient One waved her hand.

"What I mean is that this is called an absolute point in time on the timeline. No matter how you reverse time and reshape the universe, the absolute point in time cannot be changed."

"What if you forcefully change it?"

"The timeline you are on will collapse and the universe will be destroyed."

Peter fell into silence. He probably guessed what the Ancient One wanted to say, but he still asked, "What do you want to express?"

The Ancient One said, "I have looked at many possibilities."

"In those futures, Gwen who becomes Spider-Man will definitely lose Peter Parker, and Peter Parker who becomes Spider-Man will definitely lose Gwen."

The Ancient One looked over. "And none of you have a timeline where you become Spider-Man... It's zero."

"You will definitely lose each other, there is no other possibility."

"But I am Black Superman, not Spider-Man."

"Blurry doesn't mean you can't see anything, kid." The Ancient One sighed and said, "Your influence on this world is getting bigger and bigger. Although I am personally very optimistic about these changes, danger will still come. You'd better not give them a chance to take action."


The Ancient One left, leaving Peter sitting alone in deep thought.

"Who are they? What is the so-called absolute point in time? How much has the Ancient One seen, and whether everything she said is credible... What a hateful Riddler."

And finally, Gwen...

"Peter, are you in a daze? This is rare."

Gwen finally finished her day's work as the honorary police officer Spider-Woman and returned to Peter's bedroom.

She skillfully got in through the window and said, "Black Superman made too much noise today. God, does he know how many buildings he crashed into today?"

"Although unexpectedly there were not many casualties, this still caused a lot of economic losses, all thanks to Mr. Stark's promise to deal with the aftermath."

She was completely unaware of the conversation between the Ancient One and Peter.

Today was a busy day for the heroes in New York. Since the day, they have been busy dealing with various regional riots caused by the battle of Black Superman. In some cases, it can be said to be a performance boost for them.

Even Felicia appeared in front of the public for the first time, and then... her popularity exploded and became uncontrollable, and she was close to Gwen at one point.

Gwen was also very tired after a busy day. Of course, she would not be so squeamish normally, but with Peter by her side, the situation was naturally different.

She opened her arms and said, "Hurry up, Peter, I need your hug to restore the battery."