Chapter 91: You're So Bad

"Of course, come up, dear."

Peter naturally couldn't refuse Gwen's hug. He let Gwen sit on his lap and hugged her skillfully, feeling her slender waist.

In this position, it can be said that the two of them fit together to the greatest extent.

"Hehe..." Gwen chuckled, "This position is so weird."

"Don't you like it?"

"No, I like it very much." Gwen hugged him tighter and said, "I feel like this way, charging will be faster."

"Really? But you obviously don't have a connection port..."

"Hey! You're being bad again, Peter."

"Don't you like it?"

"Okay, I like it too, but..." Gwen said a little shyly, "Dad said, at least wait until you are an adult."

"But it is already April, Gwen, and there are only two months left before your birthday this year."

Peter's words made Gwen realize that more than half a year had passed since she became Spider-Woman.

"It's been so long. I feel like we've all been through a lot."

Gwen sighed, "It's great, Peter, that I can have you."

"Me too."

"Well... you know," Gwen said, lying on Peter, her body and voice were soft and warm, "This period is simply the happiest time for me. I am doing ideal things, and the person I like most is always supporting me."

"This is also the happiest time for me, Gwen." Peter caressed Gwen's back and said, "The Spider-Girl I like and the person I love are the same, and she's my girlfriend now."

"That's a good answer. I'll give you a kiss as a reward, mua." Gwen pecked Peter on the face.

Peter looked at her with a smile and said, "You want to kiss me?"

"Well..." Gwen's eyes wandered, "I know you wouldn't take the initiative... um."

Before she could finish her words, Peter kissed her. The two of them overlapped each other, and such a close kiss made Gwen feel suffocated by the comfort. Her strong legs unconsciously clamped Peter tightly, and it took a long time before they separated.

"I've always wanted to tell you, you're a good kisser," Peter teased in a low voice.

"Hehe..." Gwen bit Peter's neck and said, "It feels so comfortable. It would be great if we could keep doing this."


"What's wrong?" Gwen asked when she noticed Peter suddenly didn't respond.

"It's nothing, it's just that if you keep kissing, you'll suffocate."

"Hey! What are you thinking about, Peter." Gwen rolled her eyes, "I mean, we can always be together like this."

"Of course..." Peter touched Gwen's head, looking into the distance, wondering what he was thinking.

Gwen didn't notice this and just said, "By the way, Peter, let me tell you something."


"Mr. Stark is troubled now. He didn't tell Miss Pepper that he is now alright?"

"Miss Pepper seems to have discovered something. She has been asking Mr. Stark why he is not dead recently."

"Although it is wrong to gloat, I still want to laugh."

"Mr. Stark hasn't confessed yet?" Peter smiled and said, "It just so happens that I have to go to Stark. I'll explain it for Mr. Stark."

"Haha, you are so mean, Peter."


"You are so bad. Bad, boy."

In the Stark mansion, Tony glared at Peter.

Peter spread his hands, "I didn't do anything, Mr. Stark."

"No, you want to see my joke." Tony pressed his temple with a headache, "Pepper is ignoring me now, but I can feel it. It's just the beginning. I have no doubt that she will kill me."

"With all due respect, I will die sooner or later. I think it's better to be happy."

"No, you don't understand, kid. I can definitely think of something. A solution that has both ends, for sure."

"Okay, so, why did you come to me?"

When it came to business, Tony became more energetic and said, "Come here, I'll show you a big toy."

He brought Peter into his basement laboratory.

There, a huge headless steel armor stood in the center, supported by a bracket. It was the Destroyer, whose head was shot by Peter's heat vision.

Connors and Banner were there too.

When the two of them saw Peter, they both greeted him, and Tony also introduced, "This is what Black Superman left behind. It is said to be Odin's armor from Norse mythology. Yes, you must be surprised. That day, Black Superman fought Odin!"

"Indeed, that's surprising, Mr. Stark." Peter agreed with a smile.

Connors: →_→

Tony didn't notice Connors's little look and continued, "Of course, it means is that they are just aliens that are more advanced than us, so don't be too surprised."

"So, why did he give this armor to you?"

"Why, the most serious damage in the building he crashed into was mine!" Tony said resentfully, "He said it was compensation, and it was precisely because of this armor that I came forward to promise the repairs in New York."

After the battle with Odin, Peter did not forget his trophies. Although the Destroyer is of no use to him, if it is given to Tony and the others, they might be able to develop something interesting.

At least, it's better than being disassembled by SHIELD.

Moreover, it is most appropriate for Tony to handle the aftermath, for no other reason than that he has a lot of money.

At Tony's current level, he could never spend all his money. To truly fulfill that sentence, money just stayed with him in a different way.

In addition to significantly reducing the cost of building repairs, the most important thing is the political field.

When something like this happens in New York, the people who are most anxious are not the ordinary people, nor the wealthy capitalists, but politicians such as the mayor and congressmen of New York.

Just like the super villains have emerged one after another in the past six months, the biggest headache is no one else, but Police Chief George.

It's a miracle that he still holds this position.

Tony can use this to get many discounts that he can't usually get, such as tax exemptions and other generous conditions, and it is impossible to lose much.

"So, what do you want to do, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked interestingly.

And this was the question that gave Tony a headache.

"Theoretically, as long as this armor is fully desiphered, my steel armors will receive a major upgrade... But," Tony spread his hands, "this thing is magic! Hell, I have lived for more than forty years. For the first time, I learned that magic is not a bedtime story used to trick children."

The treasure house is clearly in front of you, but you can't go in because you don't have a key. This is really a torment for Tony, "So, I called you all here. Although your brains may not be as good as mine, working together may give me some inspiration."