### Chapter 93: He's So Nice

"So, what is driving this thing?"

"Since it is magic, it must be magic, mana, or some kind of magical spell?"

"What is magic? This big guy looks like he has nothing but pieces of plate armor. I even doubt whether he can move."

"Well... we are studying a very new thing."

"But no matter what is driving it, we can only conduct research if we observe it directly or indirectly."

"Maybe the same goes for the so-called gods. They must have some kind of organ or device that can sense these things."

Several world-leading scientists were discussing the phenomenon of magic on a piece of medieval armor in a basement. Anyone who walked in and saw it would be surprised.

"If it can run, maybe we can glean a little bit of useful information," Connors said.

"But this thing was hit in the head by Black Superman, wasn't it?" Banner spread his hands, "He's dead."

"So is this armor alive, or is it given life by magic, or is it just similar to artificial intelligence?"

"Okay, guys," Tony interrupted everyone's increasingly off-topic conversation and said, "So, do you have any ideas?"

In fact, although a few people kept talking nonsense, they had all kinds of questions without an awkward look on their faces.

They are the smartest humans in the world. They are very confident and there is nothing they cannot solve.

"I could set up a gamma radiation receiver and see if I could detect anything," Banner said.

Tony also clicked on the Ark reactor on his chest, "I'll try to see if I can use this to push the armor to move. I've always felt that the energy released by this thing doesn't seem to be pure."

Then, the two of them looked at Connors and asked:

"Do you have any ideas?"

Connors: ...

His giant lizard shook his head, "I have already said that I am interested in biological genes, and it is a bit difficult to study this across fields."

He sighed with his head buried in his chest.

After all, he is only a second-tier scientist, not as good as geniuses like Tony and Banner...

"Okay, you and Peter come over here to help." Tony and Banner couldn't say much.

Everyone started working enthusiastically.

Being a scientist in Marvel seems to be the same as being a mage. You must not only have knowledge, but also have strong muscles.

Although they could rely on various machines, they chose to go into battle shirtless.

"I detected it."

Finally, Banner built his receiver. He looked at the display results and was surprised: "In fact, this armor contains huge energy. This energy is hidden in every piece of steel. But because it's dead, its activity seems to be very low."

"This is good news, isn't it?" Tony also took out his propulsion device, "Now, we just need to figure out how it works. It'll be fine."

He connected the new element reactor to the device and called to Peter, "Let's do it, boy!"

Peter turned the wrench of the switch very unceremoniously.

The huge energy output in an instant made Tony's face pale, but it was worth it. All this energy poured into the Destroyer's body.

As soon as the Destroyer was stimulated by the new energy, the divine power on his body also began to flow, gathering upwards, and finally concentrated on the broken neck.

"Lower your head quickly!" As Tony shouted, a huge energy beam came directly from the broken neck. It spurted out everywhere, blasting straight through the ceiling, the first floor, the second floor, and the entire mansion.

His house was demolished again... Tony looked excited.

Anyway, it won't be demolished once or twice, just get used to it. The most important thing is the Destroyer's beam.

This has exceeded the output limit of his steel armor's light cannon at this time.

"It seems that magic is not useless, huh?"

At this moment, he completely understood that the so-called magic is just the use of higher-level energy.

And although he is only a mortal, he has a reactor, and maybe he can use it as a ticket to... gods.

Banner also concluded: "His destroyed head is the core of intelligent life, as well as the center for controlling and emitting energy beams."

The poor Destroyer not only had to be hammered during his lifetime, but his body was also played with by scientists after death.

After that, several people made various summaries on the development and utilization of the Destroyer's body and discussed better solutions. At this time, Jarvis suddenly appeared,

"Sir, the captain is outside the door."

"Steve?" Tony frowned. The lower eyebrow had a rare and unnatural expression, a rare and subtle expression that was a little playful, sarcastic, and a little embarrassed.

Everyone also noticed his expression and was a little curious. Tony also said:

"Isn't he in the SHIELD? How did he find him here... Forget it, let him come in."

Soon, Steve also came to the basement. Looking at the hole drilled in the ceiling, he was stunned for a moment, "You guys seem to be doing something very exciting."

But when he saw Tony, he immediately lost his temper.

He rushed up, grabbed Tony's collar, and said, "Stark, what do you mean?"

That night, although he failed to take down Kingpin, he also brought back a lot of information about the Black Superman to S.H.I.E.L.D.

No one said anything about the Captain's failure on his first mission after returning. After all, that was Black Superman.

After that, Steve suddenly became free. After reading a lot of comics about Superman and Batman, he was still thinking about it and remembered that Black Superman once told him that he could go to Stark Tower.

He really missed his old friend Howard, so he left quickly.

However, when he arrived at Stark Tower, everything was different from what he imagined, a scene where contemporary heroes were working hard to better save the world.

After a brief exchange of greetings with Tony... he was taken to a party with wine and meat.

Generally speaking, Steve would not be tempted by tricks of this level, but the problem is that Tony found a woman who looked very similar to Carter from somewhere...

It was already the second day of the party. You can think of what happened last night. After coming back to his senses, Steve came to the door angrily.

Connors on the side also started whispering to Banner,

"I heard that the captain brought a lady back last night?" Banner gossiped.

"You don't need to hear it, I saw it with my own eyes." Connors replied, "I can't believe that the legendary captain is actually this kind of person..."

"You know, I always thought he was a virgin."

"No, no, no, he is quite relaxed, and he is really popular with women."

In fact, although Steve has a very dedicated personality, he himself is not always a man.

When he was single, he would not refuse to have an affair with some ladies, especially the plump ones. Maybe it was because he was once skinny and he liked this.

Physiologically speaking, you can't expect a superman at the peak of human physical fitness to not have needs.

Steve: ...

He couldn't help but the veins on his head popped out, "Stark, you'd better give me an explanation."

"You had a lot of fun, Captain." Tony broke it off indifferently. He broke Steve's hand... without breaking it, he could only spread it and said:

"This was not my idea."

Steve frowned: "Whose is it?"

"Who else could it be? Of course, it's Black Superman."