### Chapter 93: Ways to Contact Black Superman

"Black Superman?" Steve couldn't help but frown.

"Yes, that's right." Tony looked at the crowd and revealed the plan hatched by Black Superman. "Do you know? When he told me this plan, I felt he was darker than ever before."

Of course, despite saying that, Tony did not hesitate to implement the plan after learning about it.

After all, it was fun, especially since the target was Steve, and he had no reason not to support it.

When Steve heard the news, the expression on his face was one of astonishment, and he felt like a bolt of lightning had struck him.

Although he had not yet officially joined the so-called Justice League, he still quite approved of this team whose goal was to save the world.

He had a good impression of the members of this alliance, except, of course, Tony Stark.

When Gwen met him for the first time, she could sympathize with the loneliness and hesitation he felt in this era, which made him particularly kind to the young girl.

As for the Black Cat...well, humans are visual creatures. Even for an old antique like him, a girl with cat ears was a novelty he couldn't bear to feel bad about.

But what Steve cared about most was actually what Black Superman said about the purpose of his arrival in this era.

He was full of expectations for this, and it became one of the pillars that kept him going these days.

But now, this pillar had collapsed.

Could it be that the reason he came to this world was to sleep with women? No, absolutely impossible!

Steve looked up and looked around. Because he had seen S.H.I.E.L.D.'s intelligence, he also recognized several other people present.

The two green guys were standing aside with an attitude of watching the fun.

Another particularly young boy, Peter Parker, rarely came up and said, "Captain, I think maybe Black Superman just wants you to feel that you belong in this era."

This sounded much better to Steve. He glanced at Peter and thought, a kid is more sensible than you guys in your 30s and 40s! "But he shouldn't have done it this way." Steve replied, finally letting go of Tony's collar.

Tony could only straighten his collar. At this time, Steve, who was walking to the basement door, turned around and said, "I'm disappointed in you... and the Justice League."

How could such a group of people save the world?

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Everyone in the basement looked at each other. Tony spread his hands indifferently and said, "Who does he think he is? When I was fighting for the people of New York and the people in the Middle East to protect their safety, he was still in the freezer."

Connors glanced at Peter, as if he had seen through everything, and silently mourned for Steve in his heart.

It's over, another superhero can't escape the clutches of Black Superman.

Only Banner, who has a relatively simple and honest personality but knows nothing, was really worried.

However, although he was worried about Steve, he was actually a bit insecure recently.

After discussing with Tony and others the legacy of the Destroyer, that is, the various development possibilities of the corpse, he hesitated for a while and asked: "Tony, can you contact Black Superman for me?"

Tony raised his eyebrows and asked: "What do you want from him?"

"I may need his help with some spiritual matters," Banner said frankly.

In addition to some daily research, he had recently been learning various meditations from around the world.

To this end, he also used the funds given by Tony to invite many meditation masters.

As early as before, when he was hiding in Brazil to escape the pursuit of General Ross, he had learned meditation from a master there.

But at that moment, his purpose was to calm down and control his anger.

But in theory, meditation is a practice that highly concentrates the mind and purifies thoughts. It can not only keep people's emotions calm... but also make anger purer and more concentrated.

And anger can enhance Hulk's strength.

Extreme stillness and extreme movement correspond to the two states of Banner and Hulk.

However, although this method was effective, Banner also encountered a huge problem that he could not avoid.

It seemed that because of his recent luxurious life, safe environment, sufficient research funds, and his sweet and supportive girlfriend Betty, he seemed to be lying down and unable to get angry.

He even gained some weight because the food was so good.

It's like your body has been squeezed dry; no matter how good your skills are, you can't last long.

At this time, Banner remembered the Black Superman who had woken him up.

Maybe, let Black Superman beat Hulk again?

"Banner, you are a leader in nuclear physics and mechanical science. You even have more doctorates than me," Tony said, after hearing Banner's words. "Tell me now... are you tinkering with spiritual stuff lately?"

Banner glanced at the Destroyer beside him, "Aren't you also tinkering with magic?"


This left Tony speechless, and he shrugged.

"Okay. Whenever you encounter Black Superman, his style becomes strange. He is obviously so dark..."

Banner thought for a while, and it seemed to make sense, but he still asked consistently, "So, do you have Black Superman's contact information?"

"Of course, it's actually quite simple, as long as you find an open place and shout his name," Tony replied.

This made Banner stunned.

He had thought that even if Tony had contact information, it must be something very personal or secret.

He didn't expect the reality to be so... basic.

"Don't you think it's low? The bat lights in Gotham look more stylish than this," Tony said. "So I have never called him like this; he always came to me on his own."

"Sir, it seems that that time you were in the Middle East..."

"Shut up! Jarvis." Tony quickly interrupted Jarvis's interruption. For some reason, his once caring butler seemed to like to carry things on his back more and more recently, stabbing him.

"Black Superman once told me that every move of everyone in New York is no secret to him."

He explained for Banner: "He can see and hear, just like Clark in the comics. Of course, he is better at using his abilities than Clark."

Hidden under the overly simple summoning method is a terrifying power that makes everyone's hair stand on end.

Both of them were silent for a moment, and then they couldn't help but look at the sky at a 45-degree angle, sighing at the power of Black Superman.

Connors on the side: →_→

Guys, he is right next to you, how could you not know?

He was really afraid that one day, he would be killed and silenced by Tony and the others who knew the truth.

However, while everyone was there, he also made a request. "Everyone, I have an idea about the recently launched gene serum."

"What?" Tony asked.

"Tony, you should have seen the recent market report on the gene serum. Maybe it's because of me... it's not objective."

"Actually, it's not just you. Osborne's previous scandals are enough for this project to take a hit," Tony said unconcernedly. "But the effect of the serum is indeed real. We have been mentally prepared for long-term operation, right?"

"Real gold always shines."

"Yes," Connors nodded and added, "But I recently thought of a better idea."

"What?" Tony's recent thoughts were not on gene serum. It is not his main field of research in the first place. It's a long-term preparation, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

"Felicia!" Connors seemed a little excited when he mentioned the name. He said, "Have you noticed that Felicia has become very popular these days? Everyone is fascinated by her plush ears and tail."

Tony raised his eyebrows.

He also understood this very well. Compared to Felicia, the cat-eared girl, the famous Black Widow had to stand aside.

"You mean..."

"Yes, I hope she can also officially stand up to promote our gene serum, or be a spokesperson!"

"Believe me, those guys will go crazy."