Chapter 95: The Gentleman

What Connors did not expect was that after he spoke freely for a while, he was met with dead silence and astonished looks from everyone. This made him feel embarrassed, wondering if he had said something wrong.

"What's wrong, guys?" he asked.

"No... it's nothing," Tony held it in for two seconds and could only barely manage to say, "We just have some surprises."


"Yes," Banner said, "If I remember correctly, when I first came here, you weren't like this, Connors."

"That's right," Tony agreed, "I always thought you were a boring science guy."

"But now it seems that Connors is quite different."

"Who doesn't love a girl with cat ears? Right, Banner?"


"Don't think I don't know. You bought a cat-eared costume for your girlfriend with the funds I gave you."


"Maybe it's because the environment has improved since coming to Stark, and you've liberated your true nature?"

"I'll take that as a compliment for Stark."

Several people spoke one after another, and Connors' green face turned black. He realized that he had indeed changed. It would have been impossible for the former Connors, the humorous but decent gentleman, to make the remarks he just did.

When did it start? Connors questioned himself. The answer was obvious. Who could watch Peter... Black Superman having fun all day without their mentality changing? Although everyone was surprised by Connors' speech, the problem was with him, not the idea itself, and the decision was quickly approved.

The next step was to contact their partner, Osborn, and the client, Felicia.

"What? You want Felicia to be the spokesperson for Adam? I have no objection," said Harry on the other end of the phone, "But Felicia is not technically affiliated with Osborn, and I don't know where she is recently. You'll need to talk to her directly."

"Yes, it would be best if Connors handled this. I've been... busy with other things recently and can't spare the time."

"It's settled."

Just like that, one big boss and the second boss were busy with their own affairs, and the burden of this task fell on Connors. After learning the news, he looked at everyone, "Okay, does anyone know the latest news about Felicia?"

Several middle-aged men looked at each other. It was obvious they were not familiar with the world of the cat-eared girl until Peter raised his hand.

"Don't get me wrong, I mean, Gwen might know since she has the best relationship with Felicia," Peter explained.

"Then... please, Peter," Connors swallowed and said.

Peter smiled slightly, "No problem, Dr. Connors."


"So, you want to find Felicia now?" Gwen asked.

On a rare day on campus, the two sat in the audience on the football field chatting. Although he only sensed things that could be known at the outset, Peter still chose to talk to Gwen.

"Yes, Dr. Connors can't sleep because he misses her right now."

"Hey, your statement is so weird," Gwen complained, "Felicia has not been in a good mood recently... she's in some trouble."

"Then let's prepare some dried fish for her?"

"Hey! Peter, you've been getting worse lately!" Gwen couldn't help but be amused, "How could you treat Felicia like that?"

"Just kidding, she is a cat-eared girl after all. Her habits will be closer to cats," Peter smiled and said, "Invite her out to talk, maybe we can help her solve her problem."

Gwen narrowed her eyes, looked at Peter dangerously, and said, "You seem to be very concerned about her appearance."

This is a question that all girls can't help but ask. Even if she believed that Peter would never betray her, there was no way she wouldn't feel a little jealous of Felicia. But she just felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

"What's wrong, are you jealous?" Peter asked.

"No... how could it be..."

"It's so cute, my little spider girl."

This successfully relieved Gwen's displeasure, and she rolled her eyes, "Spiders don't have fluffy ears and tails, only eight sharp legs."

"This is even more exciting," Peter held Gwen in his arms and said, "I heard that female spiders will eat their partners after mating."

He was just aroused for a moment, and now she was suddenly enveloped by Peter's breath. Gwen felt her whole body go limp, as if there was an electric current running through her, and she felt extremely comfortable. She took a breath, pursed her lips, and said, "I feel like I'm going to be eaten by you now."

"Which one of two should be eaten first?"

Their faces were so close that they could feel each other's breath on their skin, making Gwen's face slightly red, and her whole person looked even more frail. Their eyes met, and Gwen just slightly pursed her cherry lips, her meaning self-evident.

In the distance, a football flew towards them from the field. Gwen caught it with one hand without looking and threw it back without giving it a chance to disturb them.

After a heated exchange of words, Gwen became even more dependent and lay in Peter's arms, very lazy. The two were chatting, and suddenly they talked about a girl, "Jessica from the next class hasn't come to school for a week. I heard that her family had a car accident when they went out."

"Is she okay?"

"No, she is still in a coma in the hospital."

"She will be okay, Gwen."

"That's all I can hope for."

Gwen was very efficient. That night, she brought Felicia to Peter's bedroom again.

Felicia sat down on the single sofa unceremoniously and said, "I heard you were looking for me?"

Gwen also sat down by Peter's bed skillfully and looked at the two of them.

"It would be better if you could find a time during the day to sit down and have a cup of coffee," Peter got up and poured himself a glass of water.

"Hehe..." Gwen smiled sheepishly, "We can only find Felicia at this time."

Peter also poured Gwen a drink and said, "It's none of your business, Gwen. It's a matter of Felicia's schedule."


"This is the normal schedule of cats! Also, please give me a drink too!"

Peter handed her a glass of water and she held out her pink tongue, taking a small lick before drinking.

"You look like a big cat now, Felicia," said Peter.

"Maybe this is a side effect of my tube of gene serum," Felicia shrugged.

"Don't worry, Dr. Connors and I have confirmed that there won't be any further impact."

"That's best." It seemed she had indeed been in a low mood recently.

"Felicia, as you saw last time, Stark and Osborn jointly launched a safer version of the gene serum," Peter said, "Although it cannot give people various superpowers, it won't cause too much genetic impact or result in mutation."

"Yes," Felicia looked over with some confusion, "Does this have anything to do with me?"

"Originally it didn't, but now it does." Peter conveyed Connors' thoughts.

In everyone's expectation, this should be a relatively smooth thing. After all, Felicia has been unemployed since she switched to Catwoman. There was no reason for her to refuse a high-paying job, especially when the job was easy.

But Felicia actually shook her head and said, "Sorry, I can't accept this job."
