Chapter 95: Black Superman Special Training Class

When gods fight, mortals suffer.

On the day when Black Superman and Odin fought in New York, Gwen and others had to rush into disaster relief operations, which naturally included Felicia. That was also her first public appearance.

Felicia had gradually adapted to her ears and tail as people around her accepted them, but this appearance put her back into a somewhat embarrassing situation. Everyone was focusing on her ears and tail, making comments like:

"Hey, are you the new superhero? Super Cat Ears?"

"Are they real? Or are they just toys?"

"How did they get attached to you? Oh my god, this is so sexy."

Even some more gentle (perverted) people directly asked:

"Can I touch you?"

This made Felicia feel uncomfortable.

After finally getting through that day, she thought the matter would end there. But trouble was still to come. Her popularity skyrocketed, and people were paying attention to her wherever she went.

She wasn't like Tony Stark, who thrived on attention. Excessive attention made it difficult for her to move freely. She felt like everyone in the city suddenly wanted to pet cats, which scared her so much that she didn't dare to go out.

"I can't let my popularity go any higher. This has seriously affected my life," Felicia said.

"Even if this attention is what many people want, maybe if you miss it, you'll never get it again?" Peter asked.

"Yes," Felicia's attitude was very clear, "What I want... is freedom."

"Maybe it's the habit of felines. I prefer freedom now, like the night, and traveling around the city, jumping, and exploring instead of being an idol."

"In other words, you want to be a powerful person rather than a pet, right?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Felicia nodded repeatedly and couldn't help complaining, "Damn Black Superman, he actually said that I was his pet! That's too much!"

Peter thought for a moment and said, "I have an opportunity recently, maybe I can recommend you."

Felicia's ears perked up curiously, "What opportunity?"

"You can go see Dr. Banner."

"Dr. Banner? What for?"

"You'll find out when you get there."

With that, Felicia left Peter's house with many doubts.

Seeing Felicia leave, Gwen said worriedly, "If Felicia doesn't agree, what will Dr. Connors do?"

Peter spread his hands, "We can only embarrass him and keep resisting the pressure, after all, the person involved doesn't agree."

"Isn't this not good?"

"It's okay, have you forgotten? His current lizard body is very durable."

"Pfft," Gwen couldn't help but laugh, "Dr. Connors is so pitiful."

"So, Miss Gwen, can you please get out of my bed? I still want to sleep!"

"Hey! I'm your girlfriend, Peter."

"Do you still want to sleep with me tonight?"

"Sounds good." Gwen blinked, quite moved. Being held by Peter all night... just thinking about it made her squeeze her legs together.

But Peter's response was a bit cruel, "Gwen, believe it or not, if you don't go back, Uncle George will call me right here."

Although he knew that his daughter had become Spider-Woman, George couldn't completely let go. At least he was keeping a close eye on what he considered one of the biggest sources of danger, Peter. Peter had received calls from George in the middle of the night several times.


Gwen also felt a little speechless.

Ah, suddenly I feel that my father is so annoying.


The next morning, Felicia followed Peter's suggestion and went to Stark Tower to find Banner.

"Hello, Felicia, I've heard about you for a long time, and you've been very popular recently." Banner greeted her.

"Hello, Dr. Banner," Felicia said, "It was Peter who asked me to come to you. I encountered some difficulties. He said that you might have a solution."

Banner was stunned for a moment but soon showed a look of surprise, "No problem, come in with me."

Felicia, walking on the catwalk, asked, "You didn't even ask what problem I have?"

"It doesn't matter, he will solve it."

"Him?" Felicia suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, as the door opened, Felicia quickly saw the person she least wanted to see at this time,

"Why you again!" Felicia's fluffy ears drooped as she looked at the Black Superman in a new outfit.

Is the opportunity Peter mentioned to push her into the clutches of Black Superman again? This guy is so cruel. Woohoo.

"Felicia, this time I mainly asked Black Superman to ask some questions," Banner quickly explained, "Peter told you that I can solve your doubts, probably because of Black Superman."

But Felicia was already disheartened.

Peter ignored her and first looked at Banner, "So, you want to find a way to make you angry so that Hulk can break the boundaries?"

Banner nodded, "Yes, Black Superman. As long as I have relatively large emotional fluctuations, nervousness, etc., it is enough to make Hulk come out, but if I want to make Hulk stronger, it seems that the only way is anger."

Peter gave his first suggestion, "In that case, you can go to Tony first. He should be busy studying the Destroyer now, and come back to me before sunset."

Banner was a little confused, "Looking for Stark? Sorry, I don't understand the relationship."

"It doesn't matter, you'll find out when you go there."

"...Okay." Banner left, confused.

Now only Peter and Felicia were left in the room.

Peter finally looked at Felicia and said playfully, "Want to be a powerful person instead of a pet?"

Felicia was startled, "How do you know!"

"Have you forgotten? As long as I want, nothing in New York can escape my perception."

"..." Felicia couldn't help but say, "It's too dark for you to do this..."

"Who told me to be the Black Superman?"

Felicia fell into silence, seemed to be anticipating the next question, and didn't know what to say.

And Peter did indeed say something heavy as expected:

"Actually, you are destined not to be a hero like Spider-Woman. You don't have the pure belief that she wants to help other people."

"I know that, so I have always admired her." Felicia nodded and replied.

Peter continued, "Including everything you want now, it is just a product of the side effects of the gene serum. Of course, I am not saying that they are not good, but that they are just a feeling of being an animal, not specific enough, without thinking, lacking in depth. You want to be free, but you don't know what kind of freedom you want."