Chapter 98: Black Superman Special Training Class (3)

Although Felicia kept saying that Black Superman was cruel, after a whole day of training, she quickly got into the state and concentrated on dealing with Hulk's attack.

She had no advantage in strength or speed. The only thing that allowed her to survive was her dexterity and agility. This battle reminded her of when Gwen faced the gigantic Electro-Man, dancing on a tightrope with extreme maneuvers to fight for a chance of survival.

Felicia used the various terrains in the forest to maneuver and dodge, occasionally trying to attack with the sharp claws on her hands, but found Hulk's skin unbreakable. Feeling even more resentful towards a certain figure in the sky, Felicia quickly retreated and resorted to using the severed limbs of various trees in the forest to cause trouble for Hulk. This was more effective, though it couldn't cause much damage, it made Hulk a little upset and even angrier.

Felicia immersed herself in the battle with great concentration, her various experiences and instincts growing rapidly. However, the gap in strength between the two sides was too great. No matter how hard Felicia tried, she soon reached her limit. In a moment of vulnerability, Hulk grabbed a broken tree trunk and smashed her away, leaving her unable to get up.

When Hulk saw this, he jumped up and slammed his whole body towards Felicia. She saw the sky in her field of vision suddenly obscured by Hulk's huge figure and closed her eyes in fear, unable to resist and waiting to die.

But the expected pain did not come. She quickly opened her eyes and saw that Black Superman had appeared in front of her, blocking Hulk's attack. After all, Peter couldn't really let Hulk hammer Felicia into a pile of cat cakes.

Felicia breathed a sigh of relief, then glared at Black Superman fiercely, "You could have almost killed me!" She even found that her legs were weak now.

Peter just threw Hulk back and said, "You did pretty well and passed the test."

Felicia snorted and didn't respond angrily. Peter didn't care either. The problem of the cat-eared girl was solved for the time being, and next was the big challenge.

Can Hulk break through the boundaries this time? He was also looking forward to it.

Hulk got up from the ground and shook his head. Naturally, he was even more upset when his last blow was interrupted. He roared and ran towards Peter, who floated on the spot quietly, blocking Felicia, whose legs were weak, and waiting for Hulk to punch him hard, but Peter didn't budge at all.

"You're still so weak, Hulk."

Peter beat Hulk again, as hard as last time. After so long, and with Peter's rhythm of beating being extremely scientific, Hulk had long since emerged from the shadow of last time and was eager to fight back and take revenge. He was very excited and then, with a bang, was punched into the ground by Peter. 

However, it didn't matter. Hulk got up and charged again. The result was the same: he was beaten down again and again, and got up again and again. He didn't know what it meant to be tired, but his fighting spirit was high. At the same time, his strength was constantly improving.

Felicia's eyes widened as she quietly watched the extremely shocking scene in front of her. Strictly speaking, she had never actually seen Black Superman take action. Even during the battle with Odin, she only saw two meteors suddenly flashing across the sky. This was the first time she saw him fighting up close.

It was still this kind of close-range, punch-to-the-flesh, full of primitive and brutal power, extremely intuitive and shocking. The Hulk, who had just tortured her to the point of fleeing, was now like a toy in Black Superman's hands. This made her unable to recover for a long time, until Hulk's roar snapped her back to reality.

This roar was different from the previous ones. Felicia felt as if he was suppressing something, longing for something, and at the same time, it was extremely dangerous. The huge sound waves spread in all directions, and Felicia had to cover her ears in pain and move away as quickly as possible. She didn't understand what had suddenly happened to Hulk.

Peter punched Hulk away again, but this time after Hulk got up, he did not rush up again, but hugged the ground in pain. He seemed to feel it too. As he fought stronger and stronger, he reached that boundary again. He remembered that last time, he stopped here. He accumulated strength and roared to break through this restriction. But no matter what, he still felt the same as before, seemingly a little bit short. This made him extremely annoyed, and he punched Peter with all his strength.

But Peter was just like that barrier, motionless, which made Hulk realize that Black Superman was stronger than last time, much stronger, but he was still the only one who couldn't break through that boundary.


He was knocked down again, but this time he never got up. Bruce Banner lay disappointed on the messy ground.

"I failed, right?"

"It's not as simple as you think, Banner," Peter flew to his side and said.

Banner closed his eyes and said, "I can feel that Hulk... is a little lonely."

"What's wrong?"

"He is the one who can really feel the shackles on his body, but he can't break through. The most important thing is, he found that you seemed to be stronger than last time, but he was still so useless."

"He is a little autistic."

"What about you, Banner?"

"Me? I don't know," Banner closed his eyes and said, "I used to be extremely afraid of this power, hoping that it would never come out and hurt everything around me, so I ran away from everything I was familiar with."

"Now, as I gradually mature in meditation, I can gradually feel Hulk's emotions, and I should be satisfied, because most of the time, I can already ensure that Hulk doesn't mess around."

"But, I suddenly feel very unwilling."

"I am satisfied. But what about Hulk? He is still the same as before, and even became my victim."

"I should be able to do better, not only to be worthy of myself, to be worthy of Betty, but also to be worthy of Hulk."

Felicia didn't know when she had come back, listening to Banner quietly finish everything. She didn't understand what was going on and why the atmosphere suddenly became so heavy.

She asked, "How can Hulk break through the boundaries?"

Peter didn't answer, but he already had the answer in his heart. Hulk alone is not enough. Banner needs to break through this boundary.

As for how to break through, refer to a certain version of Hulk that destroys the world, loses something important, and shatters the reality he cherishes. This level of stimulation is almost enough.

Peter quickly took the two back to Stark Tower. Both Banner and Felicia were very tired at this time. Felicia just wanted to go back and hide in her cat's nest. Banner was a little emotionally unstable and needed some rest to recover.

At this moment, a communication suddenly came in. This was Banner's laboratory, and the incoming communication was naturally directed to him. Banner looked at the screen and saw it was his old enemy and father-in-law, General Ross!

Banner hasn't had direct communication with General Ross for a long time since he was brought back to Stark by Peter, and he didn't understand why General Ross suddenly contacted him.

After the communication was connected, General Ross didn't waste time. He was very urgent at this moment,

"Betty has been kidnapped!"