**Chapter 99: Head**

"Betty was kidnapped? What happened!?"

Banner couldn't help shouting, his anxiety palpable.

"Just now, Banner." General Ross's voice was tense but controlled. "A group of Hulks appeared, kidnapped Betty, and then quickly disappeared, leaving a message. They named you specifically to save her alone."

General Ross's words were a shock. "Other Hulks? Is their target still me?"

"That's right. Do you remember Dr. Blue? He's the mastermind. He left a video for you; I've sent it."

Banner was stunned. "Dr. Blue? How could it be him?"

Dr. Blue, real name Samuel Sterns, was an online friend Banner made while in hiding. Sterns had been fascinated by the Hulk, wanting to use Hulk's blood to develop weapons and medicines. Banner had sought his help to solve his Hulk problem, but they parted ways due to differences in ideology and the sudden intrusion of Blonsky, who became the Abomination. Banner hadn't heard from him since.

Banner quickly opened the video file sent by Ross.

"Bruce Banner, we meet again."

A figure with green skin and a grotesquely large head appeared on the screen. Despite his mutated appearance, it was still recognizably Dr. Blue.

"Are you surprised by what I look like now?" Dr. Lan continued. "This is all thanks to you, Banner. Your blood mutated me, giving me unprecedented power. You can call me the Leader now."

"The Leader? That suits the big head," Felicia muttered.

Banner remained focused on the video. Peter, as Black Superman, remained silent, indifferent to Felicia's comment.

The Leader continued, "Your blood, full of gamma rays, is a treasure trove! I even used it to create more Hulks. They kidnapped your girlfriend Betty."

He laughed eerily, "Don't seek help, Banner. I know you have connections with Black Superman. I've planted numerous bombs on Betty. I can detonate them at any moment."

The Leader's eyes seemed to bore through the screen. "This is a personal matter between us. You don't want Betty hurt, do you, Banner? If you want to save her, come alone. You know where to find me..."

The Leader's intentions were clear. He wanted Banner to face him alone.

"Banner! I entrusted my daughter to you, not to put her in danger!" General Ross's voice cut through the communication. "You must bring her back intact!"

Banner clenched his fists. He never expected Betty to be dragged into his battles. Moreover, the Leader had used his blood for nefarious purposes, a power Banner knew was dangerous.

"I will," he said resolutely.

As the communication ended, Banner took a deep breath, controlling his anger. He didn't want to transform into the Hulk out of rage.

"So, what do you want to do, Dr. Banner?" Felicia asked, concerned. "You don't really plan to go alone, do you?"

She was worried Banner might act recklessly, but also knew Peter, Black Superman, could be of immense help.

Banner, however, understood his responsibility. He couldn't put Betty in more danger, and he had to deal with the Leader himself. But he wasn't foolish. Looking at Felicia, he said gratefully, "Of course not. Thank you for offering to help, Felicia."

Felicia was taken aback. "I... What?"

"Didn't you just say you wanted to help?" Banner asked, confused.

"No, I mean..." Felicia glanced at Black Superman, hinting that he should be the one to help. She sighed, resigned. "Okay, I'll help you."

Though exhausted from the day's events, she couldn't refuse. "Thank you, Felicia," Banner said sincerely.

Banner then turned to Black Superman, but before he could speak, Peter interrupted, "The Leader is cunning. He's no longer in the city and has planted special bombs on Betty, anticipating my interference."

Banner was stunned. "I thought he'd wait for me in Harlem."

"He left a batch of Hulk replicas in Harlem for you," Peter clarified.


"So, what do you want to do?" Peter asked, echoing Felicia's earlier question but seeking Banner's choice.

Banner remained silent for a moment. "The Leader wants me. I can't let Betty be in more danger. I will go alone."

"No problem. What's next?" Peter inquired.

Banner took a deep breath. "Besides that, I can only ask you, Black Superman. If things go wrong, please save Betty. I can't lose her."

Unlike Felicia, Banner saw Black Superman as only interested in the Hulk, aiding him out of curiosity rather than benevolence. So he could only appeal to Peter for Betty's sake.

Peter responded cryptically, "Banner, don't you want Hulk to break through to a higher limit?"

"Yes..." Banner was puzzled by the sudden question.

"Nothing can arouse more anger in people's hearts than destroying beauty."
