Chapter 100: Inconvenience

In a secluded manor in the suburbs of New York, Dr. Blue, now transformed into the Leader, successfully brought Betty back. This place served as one of his secret strongholds.

Months ago, during the operation to capture Banner, Blonsky had forced Lan to inject himself with Banner's blood, turning him into the Abomination. Amidst the chaos, the blood containing gamma radiation had dripped into a wound on Stren's forehead, sparking a transformation. His intelligence soared, granting him an eidetic memory and advanced cognitive abilities. He discovered he could also exercise telepathic control over weak-willed individuals.

Ecstatic, Lan voraciously consumed knowledge, swiftly completing long-stalled projects and creating a new batch of Hulks. Using his telepathic powers, he formed an underground force, amassing significant wealth unnoticed by the outside world. His ambition grew to encompass global domination, until he encountered Black Superman during a live broadcast.

Realizing the futility of his grandiose plans in the face of such a powerful adversary, Lan pivoted his focus to his former friend, Bruce Banner. His gamma blood supply was nearly depleted, most of it destroyed by the Abomination. To continue his research, he needed Banner's cooperation.

Planning meticulously, he orchestrated Betty's kidnapping to lure Banner into his grasp.

"Stern! I didn't expect you to become like this!" Betty, tied up, recognized her captor.

"Please call me the Leader, Betty," he replied with a mocking smile. "Though I've planted bombs on you as a precaution against Black Superman, I promised your father to minimize harm."

"You're despicable!" Betty spat. Her strained relationship with her father, General Ross, due to Banner, only fueled her defiance.

"Your father once considered joining my cause but deemed it too radical," the Leader said dismissively. "Despite having the technology to create Hulks, he was too cautious, likely fearing Black Superman."

"Afraid? No one can stand against him," Betty retorted.

"True, but I only need him not to intervene. I've avoided offending him directly," the Leader said confidently. "He has no reason to target me."

Suddenly, the manor's alarm blared. The Leader checked the surveillance footage and saw Banner outside the gates.

"Bruce!" Betty cried out in surprise.

"Damn, he got here fast. He should be in Harlem!" the Leader muttered, though still composed. "No matter, early or late, it changes nothing."


After obtaining the Leader's location from Black Superman, Banner made his way directly to the manor. His mood was heavy, Black Superman's words echoing in his mind: "Nothing can arouse anger in people's hearts more than destroying beauty."

Banner knew Black Superman's interest in Hulk aligned with his own desire to control the beast. However, their methods diverged sharply. While Banner sought to protect Betty, Black Superman's lack of concern for collateral damage troubled him deeply.

Arriving at the manor, Banner and Felicia split up. Banner would create a distraction, allowing Felicia to infiltrate and rescue Betty. The Leader soon appeared with his Hulk minions, controlled and transformed using his blood. Though less powerful than the original Hulk or the Abomination, they were formidable in their numbers and replicability.

"Bruce Banner, we finally meet face to face," the Leader began.

"Stern, I'm here. Let Betty go!" Banner demanded.

"Do you think that's likely?" the Leader responded coolly.

"What do you want?" Banner asked, trying to keep his composure.

"I've become a Gamma mutate, the most powerful one, and I've mass-produced more Hulks. It's time to share my success with my old friend," the Leader declared.

"Friends don't share this way," Banner said harshly. "If Hulk comes out, he won't be as reasonable as I am."

"I've been waiting for this," the Leader said, unfazed.

Knowing he had no choice, Banner focused on summoning the Hulk. He had plenty of anger and stress accumulated, more than enough to trigger the transformation. Yet, to his shock, Hulk did not respond.

Panic set in as Banner tried harder, but Hulk remained dormant. Remembering his recent fight with Black Superman, Banner realized the reason and felt a chill run down his spine.

Standing before the mass of Hulks, Banner's expression stiffened. "Um, he's... a bit inconvenienced right now."

Meanwhile, Felicia, sneaking into the manor, encountered an unexpected visitor: Natasha, the fiery red-haired agent.
