### Chapter 107: Handover

Compared to the two middle-aged men, the most embarrassed person at this moment was definitely Gwen, the one caught in the act. There is nothing more mortifying than being discovered by your father while kissing your boyfriend.

After a long absence, Gwen wished she could find a hole to bury her head in.

"George, I told you it was best not to come over, but you didn't believe me," Uncle Ben said cheerfully, in stark contrast to George's demeanor.

"Of course, it's best if you don't come over. After all, the boy who is provoking me is your protégé!" George retorted, fuming.

"Don't say that. I've watched Gwen grow up, and she's almost like a daughter to me," Uncle Ben replied.

George rolled his eyes and stopped paying attention to the old man who was making jokes. Instead, he glared at Peter. "Boy, come here with me!"

Gwen stepped in front of Peter, protesting, "Dad, you can't do this!"

This made George even angrier. The daughter who was once so sweet now stood against him. It was a mix of emotions, but he couldn't direct his anger at Gwen, so he shifted it to Peter. Everything was this kid's fault!

"Gwen, it's okay," Peter reassured her, patting her shoulder. "Uncle George won't do anything to me."

"Humph, that's not necessarily the case, kid," George said harshly and turned to walk away.

Peter reassured Gwen and then followed George.

"Uncle Ben, Dad and the others..."

"Don't worry, Gwen. George is just upset seeing his dear daughter being affectionate with another boy," Uncle Ben said kindly. After all, he had nothing to lose today.

"Um, that makes me even more worried," Gwen replied, looking in the direction the two left, and decided to follow them secretly.

Peter followed George to the hallway outside. George leaned against the window, silent and brooding, like the calm before a storm.

"You don't seem afraid at all, Peter," George said.

"Why should I be afraid of a respected elder?" Peter asked.

These words left George speechless. It was really impossible for him to blame Peter, but seeing Gwen and Peter so close all at once made him uncomfortable.

"You have really changed a lot," George said, staring at Peter. "You know Gwen is special. Her future won't be easy, and she'll face challenges that ordinary people can't imagine."

"She is my beloved daughter, but even as her father, I can't protect her forever. In fact, Gwen helps me now. If it weren't for Spider-Woman, my job would be even harder."

George shook his head and continued, "In short, Helen and I can only accompany Gwen for so long. She needs someone who can support her, walk hand in hand with her, for life."

"This will be much harder than for ordinary people. There will be many dangers, accidents, and tests."

George looked at Peter again. The light from the window shone on his face, and the previous sternness was replaced by a serious look.

"Can I trust you with her, Peter? Though you are still very young, I feel you can make this commitment."

This is a question every father worries about. They worry if the person their daughter entrusts herself to is worthy of trust, what they will do if they are wronged, and whether the boy who has captured their daughter's heart will treat her well.

To some extent, George was lucky. He had watched Peter grow up and was very close to him. It was as if he had passed a precious gem from one hand to another, entrusting it for safekeeping.

He was also special because he had a very special daughter. Even if he didn't show it in front of Gwen, he worried about her future.

He never worried about Gwen's abilities. Sometimes, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. From this point of view, he wished Gwen could be more ordinary.

He couldn't tell his wife Helen or his old friend Ben that the most suitable partner for Gwen was Peter, who was her boyfriend and also knew her identity.

"Of course, Uncle George," Peter responded without hesitation. "Even if it means going against the world."

At this moment, the two men, one old and one young, seemed to have completed a sacred handover ceremony, truly recognizing each other.

"It's not that serious, Peter. I don't think you need to go against the world," George said, letting go of a big weight in his heart and feeling humorous for a change.

He patted Peter on the shoulder and said, "Young people should be more restrained."

"Maybe you won't believe it, but I have to say, Gwen is usually the more proactive one..."

"Shut up! My daughter can't be like that!"

When they returned to the room, they saw Uncle Ben inspecting the place, looking at his future new home, and Gwen sitting nearby with an uneasy expression, unsure if she was happy or sad.

George and Uncle Ben had come to look at the house sincerely and soon went shopping elsewhere together, leaving Peter and Gwen behind.

Gwen eagerly hugged Peter. "Little eavesdropper," Peter teased, hugging her back.

"Ah, you found out!" Gwen exclaimed in surprise, then buried her face in Peter's chest and explained, "I didn't mean to..."

"We won't blame you."

"Well, I was just worried Dad wouldn't treat you well."

"You underestimate Uncle George, Gwen."

"Hehe... I feel so happy, with you and my dad." Gwen blinked and joked, "Even if it means going against the world, haha?"

Unexpectedly, Peter kissed her directly this time, and Gwen immediately softened.

The house was not finalized quickly. At least, Aunt May and Aunt Helen would come over to take a look, but by then it wouldn't have much to do with Peter and Gwen.

After a brief interlude, they soon resumed their heroic lives.

It wasn't that there was a new crisis; Banner had extended an invitation to them, hoping to meet and chat.

As for the topic of discussion, it was likely about Black Superman.

Before getting down to business, they chatted about some interesting topics.

"What? Has Mr. Stark finally been discovered by Miss Pepper?"

"He was discovered a long time ago, but the evidence has only been recently obtained."

"My God," Gwen said, leaning against Peter and gently covering her mouth in surprise. "What will happen to Mr. Stark?"

"I don't know. Maybe we can mourn him in advance."

"Haha, you're so bad, Peter."

"So, what's the matter with you two looking for us?" Peter asked directly.

"That's right," Banner said without hesitation. "I want to ask what you think of Black Superman."
