Chapter 108: The Black Superman Church

Gwen was stunned for a moment when she heard Banner's question, "What do we think of Black Superman?"

Several people were in a private room with a nice environment, overlooking a wide street.

"That's right." Banner sat in a wheelchair and explained the situation to Peter and Gwen, "I've asked others and received various opinions. I feel much more at ease now."

"Oh? What do they think?" Peter asked.

"Connors said Black Superman is strong and gentle, but I think he's a violent maniac!"

Peter smiled half-heartedly, "Oh, next."

"Next was Felicia... It's complicated."

"What about her?" Gwen asked curiously.

"She said a lot of bad things about Black Superman, but I think..." Banner hesitated, "She seems to be addicted."

"Addicted?" Gwen frowned.

"Yes, although Black Superman treated her roughly, she enjoyed it physically despite her words."

"Ah..." Gwen blinked, not understanding her friend's preferences, "It feels a little strange... Felicia seems a bit off."

"This is just my guess. Maybe I misunderstood." Banner added quickly.

"Okay, who else? Mr. Stark?"

"Unexpectedly, Stark's attitude was the most correct. He thinks we should focus on our own business before evaluating Black Superman."

"Wow, I didn't expect Mr. Stark to say that."

After the Pepper incident, Tony's image in Gwen's mind had shattered.

"He is a billionaire, after all. He feels Black Superman makes him itch... figuratively speaking."

"It seems everyone's attitude toward Black Superman is complicated..."

"Rather than saying it's bad, I'd say it's complicated."

As the Black Superman himself, Peter wasn't fazed by these opinions. He took it all in stride.

"So, what do you think?" Banner looked at them.

"I..." Gwen thought for a moment, feeling conflicted. "I just think Black Superman is very determined."

"What do you mean?" Banner asked, intrigued.

Gwen explained, "Since I became Spider-Woman, I've faced many difficulties and questioned my identity. But Black Superman never seemed confused, only determined. His methods may not always be heroic, but he protects people."

She looked at Peter, "I don't always like his ways, but I often wonder if his approach is the right one."

"You're the best, Gwen."

"So are you, Peter."

Banner and Betty couldn't stand the sudden display of affection. Banner cleared his throat, "Are you looking at it from a hero's perspective?"

Banner muttered to himself and looked at Peter, "Peter, what do you think?"

Peter could only add, "Me too."

Gwen laughed, "You're too perfunctory." Peter shook his head and said, "Maybe, it's just that Black Superman sees the world differently. None of us are Black Superman, and no one can fully understand him."

Peter's words made Gwen and Banner think deeply. They had tried to understand Black Superman from their perspectives but never from his.

"Peter, thank you. You've inspired me. I'm glad I came to you." Banner said.

"You're welcome, Dr. Banner. We're happy to help." Gwen replied politely.

But things didn't end there.

Banner said, "Peter, can you introduce me to Harry Osborn? His perspective on Black Superman would be invaluable."

"Harry?" Peter knew this was a bold move. Harry, son of the Green Goblin, whose father was killed by Black Superman.

Before Peter could answer, they were interrupted by movement outside. A group of marchers passed by, shouting and carrying signs with "Black Superman" written on them.

"What are they doing?" Banner asked.

"Don't you know, Dr. Banner?" Gwen explained, "After the court incident and Black Superman's battle with the mysterious man, people formed an organization."

"It recently became prominent in New York. Dad was worried."

"What organization?"

"The Church of Black Superman."

"A church? They see Black Superman as a god?" Banner was surprised.

"In many people's eyes, he is like a god. He walks among us and exists."

"People don't just worship his power. They follow his words from the court, protecting the weak and punishing those who cause harm beyond the law."

Banner was stunned, "Has Black Superman's will been accepted by so many people?"

This phenomenon was terrifying. It had the potential to cause widespread upheaval, much like Hydra in the past.

"Maybe, he will really become a god." Banner said with a wry smile.

Gwen remembered Peter's words, "What does Black Superman think of all this? More and more people are placing their hope in him."

Peter shrugged, "Who knows? Maybe he doesn't care."

Gwen was stunned, "If that's true, he is too cold... and cruel."

Banner asked, "Does the government care?"

"No, it's Black Superman."

"And Black Superman doesn't care? These people act in his name."

Gwen sighed, "Dad tried to intervene. The group was chaotic and involved in legal issues. But there seems to be a capable person behind them, funding them and setting rules. They even registered with relevant associations, making them legal."

Banner was speechless, "Maybe they are serious, and we're just suspicious."

"But they're not without problems." Gwen added.

Banner was confused, "What problems?"

"There seem to be multiple backers vying for control, involving gangsters and capital giants. Dad thinks it's a hidden danger."

"Who is it? Any clues?"

"No, they hide their identities well."

"A church becoming more confusing..." Banner sighed.

The marchers left, and they turned back to Peter.

"Of course, I'll arrange a meeting with Harry, but he's been busy. It may take some time." Peter said.

"Thank you, Peter." Banner thanked him.

Harry has been very busy recently. He left the gene serum project to Connors to handle.

So, what is he busy with? Many have guessed it. He is one of the two mysterious people fighting behind the Black Superman Church.

He discovered early on that people began to gather because of Black Superman's will. Initially, they connected online, then in group chats, societies, and forums.

Harry joined this movement early, standing out due to his status as Osborn's heir.

During this process, he met an account named "Black Superman Fanatic Pope," who also gained a following.

Harry soon discovered his financial resources were superior, and he quickly gained more followers.

However, the "Fanatic Pope" created the Black Superman Church, directly challenging Harry's influence.

This competition escalated, with Harry using his wealth to seize control of the church, while the "Fanatic Pope" recruited loyal followers.

This led to a massive war of influence, burning money, and vying for control of the church's orthodoxy.