**Chapter 110: The Fanatic Pope and the Strongest Black Superman**


At this moment, Harry received an invitation from Peter, "Dr. Banner would like to chat with you about his views on the Black Superman."

"What do I think about Black Superman?" 

Generally speaking, at this critical moment, Harry should not focus on irrelevant people and things. After all, at this time, if something goes wrong accidentally, it is easy to lose everything. His opponent is not simple.

However, for the sake of Black Superman, Harry agreed. He had to admit that this topic tickled him a little.

Soon, the two parties met at Harry's mansion, and Peter also participated as a middleman.

"Would you like something to drink, Dr. Banner?" Harry welcomed the two into the room and shook Banner's hand. With the rapid recovery buff, Banner was able to get out of the wheelchair and walk on his own with the help of crutches.

"Anything is fine, Harry."

"Okay." Harry looked at Peter again and said directly, "I know, Coke, right? I've specially prepared some here for you."

The three of them sat on an expensive sofa with a medieval aristocratic style. Harry did not delay and went straight to the point, "I am very curious, why did Dr. Banner suddenly study the Black Superman?"

Without going into too much detail about the repetitive content, Banner repeated what he had said before. Harry was naturally very happy to hear more interesting things about Black Superman, and he even secretly regretted not being able to participate.

He commented, "Connors's opinion is good, but I think Black Superman should not be associated with gentleness. He just uses his power more correctly and is not held hostage by anyone. Felicia is so lucky that she doesn't know how lucky she is. Black Superman is the most powerful person in the world. If you don't like it, you can replace him with someone else."

He almost said that this person was himself. This fully demonstrated his attitude, which surprised Banner. Although he had already looked away from Harry about Norman Osborn and Black Superman, he would not come to the door unless he was allowed.

However, Harry's attitude towards Black Superman seems to be a little too good at this time.

"You seem to identify with Black Superman," Banner said.

Harry naturally understood the implication of Banner's words and asked, "My father is the Green Goblin, but I am not, Dr. Banner. Do you want to hear me yelling at Black Superman?"

"Of course not, Harry, in fact, I'm very happy that you have such an opinion. I almost thought you were a fan of Black Superman," Banner said with a smile.

However, his unintentional words made Harry somewhat silent. "Fan? No, how can I be a fan of Black Superman?" Harry shrugged and said, "I just... just know him better because of my father!"

Well, I have to admit, Harry also has his difficult, not easy place. He cannot openly support Black Superman.

Harry was once confused about what happened to Norman Osborn and didn't know how to look at the Black Superman. Although he later looked away and felt relieved, everyone can understand this kind of thing.

But if now, Harry suddenly said that he was a fan of Black Superman... that would be a bit incomprehensible. Faced with the revenge of killing your father, you can choose to let go, but now you actually tell me that you still admire me?

In fact, even now, Harry still feels confused from time to time, even though he is now in charge of half of the Black Superman Church. This was due to the complexity of the original incident. He is already a fan of Black Superman, one of the original fans. 

The fault between his father and Black Superman did not lie with Black Superman. He understood that it was his father who had caused great harm to society. He had convinced himself to let it go, but he still couldn't convince himself to face it.

"Are you letting go of the hatred in your heart because you are right? Harry, you also taught me a lesson. I believe your father will be pleased to see you like this." At this time, Banner also said with great benefit.

Harry felt a little ashamed, "I hope so."

Banner also sighed, "So, the charm of Black Superman is really great. Whether it's Connors, Felicia, or you, you all seem to have been influenced by him to a certain extent. So far, the only one who can maintain some doubts about Black Superman seems to be Spider-Woman."

"Gwen has always done a good job in this regard," Peter also said with a smile.

Banner seemed to have remembered something and said to Harry, "Have you heard? Harry, the Black Superman Church has emerged recently, but the identity of the organizer is still a mystery. Believe me, the person behind it is definitely a fan of Black Superman!"

Harry: ...

After sending Peter and Banner away, Harry sat on the sofa a little discouraged.

Originally, he was obsessed with church affairs during this period, and he briefly forgot about his father's conflicts, but today Banner's arrival brought all these things out. This made him feel a little unmotivated for a moment.

It was at this moment that he received a message. When he opened it, Harry found that it was from the "Fanatic Pope." And the other party also directly proposed that he want to meet with him to discuss what to do with the church...



Kingpin's cell is located in the deepest part of the prison and is also the most luxurious one. It is equipped with all facilities, and all kinds of information about the entire American underground gang will be sent here on time every day.

This prison was built with the help of Kingpin. He enjoyed almost the same power here as the outside world. He was still the guard of the entire prison and the emperor of the prisoners. Even if what he needs is not available in the prison, someone will quickly help him get it.

Of course, being imprisoned itself had some impact on his underground empire, but these impacts were not worth mentioning compared to other things. For example, Black Superman.

Recently, he created an account online called "Black Superman Fanatic Pope." He quickly attracted many people who also gathered because of the Black Superman. Kingpin did not expect that these people would come in so many and so fast.

Therefore, soon, the idea that was just a prototype in his mind was quickly realized by him. He brought these people under his command, unified their thinking, and established an iconic organization, the Black Superman Church.

For Kingpin, who had established a huge underground empire, this was almost not difficult and the process was very smooth.

Until he met a guy named "The Strongest Black Superman."

Kingpin didn't know where this stupid boy came from, but he was surprisingly rich, at least, much more than his net worth. After all, a lot of his property is in the dark and is in industry, which allows him to mobilize a lot of power, but the idle floating funds are much smaller than some people.

And "Black Superman is the Strongest" also directly registered the ownership of the Black Superman Church before him. This time I hit gold and was caught off guard.

There were many underground gangs operating in the past, but Kingpin actually didn't think of this incident for a moment.

If it were just an ordinary person, registration would just mean registration. Do you still want to threaten him with chicken feathers as an arrow? I'm afraid it's not that I don't know what cruelty is.

But "Black Superman is the Strongest" is different, he is rich! At the same time, the other party is also very familiar with the government operations of the United States. With this layer of feathers, it really caused him a lot of trouble.

Kingpin also tried to search for the other party's information, but unfortunately, the other party did have some skills and did a good job in this regard, but he was not able to find much useful information.

And although he is called the "Fanatic Pope," how can he really only be fanatical?

After spending money on everyone for a period of time, KIngpin quickly realized that it was meaningless for both sides to continue like this, and it could not directly determine the outcome.

Moreover, judging from a series of actions, the other party is obviously also a fan of Black Superman. Although he hates him, Kingpin also feels a little sympathy for each other. Therefore, he sent a message to "The Strongest Black Superman," hoping for a meeting between king and king.
