Harry looked at the message from the "Black Superman Fanatic Pope" and was speechless.

Although the other party was stubborn, difficult, and annoying, during this period of fighting and exchanging barbs, he had to admit that the other party admired Black Superman no less than he did. The term "fanatic" was quite fitting.

The two were rivals, but that didn't stop Harry from admiring him. Therefore, Harry was a little hesitant about the invitation from the "Fanatical Pope."

Normally, he shouldn't have accepted this invitation. It wasn't suitable for him to appear in public; although it wouldn't cause much economic loss, it would increase his psychological burden. He often found himself entangled with thoughts about Black Superman and his father.

But as the saying goes, a blockage is worse than a sparse one. The arrival of Banner and Peter had broken the balance in Harry's heart and left him feeling depressed. He needed a way to vent, and this invitation came just in time.

Perhaps, the "Fanatic Pope" would be a good outlet. After all, the other party was like himself, a pure fan of Black Superman. This suddenly made Harry look forward to the meeting. However, he wouldn't accept the invitation rashly. There was no guarantee of the other party's true intentions.

In response, Harry stood up and walked to the mansion's study. This room had once been occupied by Norman Osborne but now belonged to Harry.

Harry gently moved a vase on the cabinet, and the next second, the bookshelf against the wall moved slowly, revealing the entrance to a secret room. Harry walked into the Chamber of Secrets.

This had been his father's secret base, discovered by Harry some time ago. Norman Osborne had stored a lot of supplies here, preparing for war. He even had secret bases all over New York, which allowed him to quickly obtain various equipment and ammunition after escaping from the medical facility.

Today, these resources belonged to Harry. He had dismantled most of the bases but kept the secret rooms at home. They now stored not Norman Osborne's original equipment but a newer generation of armor that Harry had customized for himself.

He did not need a life support system, so all functions of this part were cut off, avoiding the mental side effects of losing the armor. He couldn't imagine what he would become if his spirit was eroded.

The armor also absorbed many of Stark's armor's advantages. Combining Osborne's existing technological capabilities, it blended the characteristics of biological armor and steel armor to the greatest extent, further improving performance.

Of course, Stark's energy technology couldn't be imitated, so to a certain extent, Harry had only learned a little. The coating on the outside of the armor was also intentionally or unintentionally made to look similar to Black Superman. Harry was very satisfied with this; it felt like his armor.

As for the Green Goblin's glider, after some hesitation, Harry chose to keep them as his means of movement. After all, his father was still his father.

The meeting place of the two was in a prison in the suburbs. When Harry arrived, he realized that the place was special. He was stunned for a moment, feeling that this prison was familiar but couldn't recall where he'd seen it before. Moreover, who lives in a prison? This man was also a huge fan of Black Superman.

Without any clues, he was confused. But it didn't matter; the answer would soon be revealed.

Harry stepped on the glider and landed at the prison door. The prison seemed cleared, and the middle door was wide open. He was wearing battle armor and fell heavily to the ground, making a crashing sound.

The aircraft circled around him, and he walked inward along the main road, passing by the guard room, the yard, and the prison cells. He arrived at the deepest part, in front of a closed door.

Harry took a deep breath and pushed open the door, stunned by the scene inside. The room behind the door was spacious, almost like a church. There was a long corridor in the middle with rows of benches on both sides, indicating that many prisoners came here to repent.

At the end of the aisle was a podium, and behind it was a huge Black Superman statue. Harry had to admit that for a moment, he was awestruck by the scene in front of him.

The church in prison wasn't grand, but Harry felt the seriousness of the "Fanatic Pope" at this moment. He had built a church and made a statue of Black Superman.

Harry looked at the huge figure under the statue and said, "I never expected the fanatical pope to be the criminal emperor Kingpin, or Fisk."

Kingpin also raised his head and looked at Harry. Although the armor blocked the line of sight, the flying wings provided some clues.

Kingpin sneered, "I didn't expect that 'Black Superman is the Strongest,' the guy competing with me for the church's leadership, would use the Green Goblin's glider. Let me guess, only the Green Goblin's son, Harry Osborn, could inherit these things, right?"

Harry's mood darkened. "Am I right? This is wonderful. Can you tell me what you think? Black Superman is your father's enemy."

"Tell me your purpose, Kingpin," Harry demanded.

Kingpin smiled slightly, his huge figure resembling a priest under the statue. "I think it's time to decide the church's leadership. If we keep fighting, we'll both lose."

"You can't now? I can keep fighting."

"Forget it, the family fortune your father left isn't for wasting. Do you think your identity can be exposed? You don't want everyone to know the son of the Green Goblin admires his father's killer."

"That's enough!" Harry shouted, regretting coming to the appointment. He didn't expect the famous Kingpin. He asked, "Is your identity enough!?"

Kingpin opened his arms, "Of course, it will be a commendable story for a thug to change his ways because of Black Superman."

He asked again, "And you, Harry Osborn, do you have the courage?"

Harry fell silent. Kingpin seemed disappointed, "You're nothing more than that."

Kingpin stepped forward, "Let's use a Black Superman method to decide the church's ownership."

"What do you mean?"

"Power!" Kingpin's tall body pressed over, "Using power to decide the church's ownership is very Black Superman, isn't it?"

Harry had been building up anger. Now that Kingpin made this suggestion, it played into his hands. He said, "Are you sure? As far as I know, you're just an ordinary person."

"Ordinary? My body isn't big because of obesity; it's muscle and strength."

Kingpin's mountain-like body rushed up like a giant beast. "Feel free to use your armor. I'll show you the ultimate power of humanity!"