### Chapter 116: Gossip

Tony was waiting for Jarvis to break through SHIELD's firewall, wandering over to Banner with nothing to do, and couldn't help but say:

"Hey, I don't even know, Banner. When did you become so fierce?"

"Do you remember what happened last time? I asked Black Superman for help." Banner did a very practical job, and his preliminary research on the scepter and the detection of the gamma signal of the Cosmic Cube have been completed. Most of it is done.

"Of course, of course I remember, I just didn't expect the effect to be so good." Tony found a pack of snacks from somewhere, opened them and ate them, and asked, "When can you try transforming again?"

"Uh..." Banner was a little embarrassed.

At this time, Steve came over. When he heard what Tony said to Banner, he suddenly became angry, "Stark!"

"What's wrong?" Tony looked over, even a little confused in his heart. He was not looking for trouble. Steve dared to come to him for trouble?

"Do you know it's dangerous for you to do this?"

"Dangerous? What do you mean?"

"What happened with Hulk, we spent so much effort to get him to stop."

"It's just a joke."

"You think this is funny?" Steve said seriously. "Besides, it's not good for Banner."

Seeing that the atmosphere between the two of them was getting a little wrong again, Gwen quickly stood up and said, "Captain, Mr. Stark doesn't mean any harm. I think he was just comforting Dr. Banner, in his own way."

Tony received a wave of assists and glanced at Gwen with praise, "Look, there are still discerning people."

Then he said unforgivingly, "Steve, I spend much more time with Banner than you do, and I care about him more than you do, at least better than your so-called concern for everyone's safety."

Steve also laughed angrily, "So, are you guys in the same group?"

Gwen didn't understand why she helped to smooth things over, but the captain and Mr. Stark just couldn't get along, and instead made things worse. She and Banner glanced secretly and agreed that being around the two of them was a very tiring thing.

And Steve's words also exposed a big problem for everyone now. From the beginning, this place seemed a bit unlike S.H.I.E.L.D. Everyone came from Stark, and they naturally gathered here after arriving here. Maybe they don't have any feelings when they are together, but to outsiders, it feels a bit like a partisan group. This can be exploited by malicious people and can easily cause problems.

Fortunately, a lone ranger appeared at this time: Thor.

He walked in and was stunned for a moment when he saw everyone there, "Are you having a party here?"

"Yes, your name is Thor? I've been telling you... I'm very curious about Asgard." Tony also said, "Your armor and technology are very interesting."

"Thank you, you can talk to the dwarves if you have the chance." Thor was interrupted by Tony midway through his words.

"Dwarves? Are they real? Look, it's getting more and more interesting."

"Mr. Stark?"

"Okay, okay, macho man."

"I want to ask you about Black Superman." Thor was very direct. "Asgard had a friendship with Black Superman, and he had a profound influence on me." Thor couldn't help but tighten Mjolnir in his hand. Of course, no one could notice this abnormality. "I have something to talk to him about now."

Regarding Loki's current problem, he didn't know how to deal with it.

As soon as everyone heard "It has a profound impact," they immediately understood something, especially Banner, who blinked and became much kinder to Thor in an instant. "Come on, don't stand, find a place to sit down." He greeted him, saying, "He may be busy with other things, but when he wants to see you, you can naturally see him."

Thor frowned and was asked by Banner to sit down. He didn't expect that Black Superman's style seemed a bit too big. Isn't this a bit similar to his father, Odin, the father of the gods?

Banner had already seen it, and suddenly asked with some "pity," "What did Black Superman do to you?"

Thor subconsciously said, "He did it to Mjolnir in front of me." Halfway through the words, he was stunned for a moment.

He suddenly looked around and found that everyone was looking at him, and they were still looking at him with that curious, disgusting, how should I say, a bit creepy look.

"Who is Mjolnir? What did Black Superman do to her?" Tony asked.

A veteran of the flowers, he could tell at a glance that Thor's emotions were different when he said "Mjolnir." Is it a certain woman? Moreover, the emotions are complicated, and at the same time, there seems to be a sense of intimacy that cannot be let go. Damn it, what did Black Superman do to that woman to make Thor, the son of the Nordic God King, have such complex emotions?

Tony has never been a nosy person, and his strong curiosity is often used in his own affairs, but he had to admit that at this moment he was a bit nosy.

Thor: I don't know why, but he, who was obviously the strongest person present and whose life level was far beyond his level, suddenly had some hairs standing on end. He had a bad feeling that something terrible would happen if he continued talking.

Of course, there are also people who do practical things.

"Is this how you solve problems?" Steve asked.

What did Black Superman do to Thor? Well, he had to admit that he was also a little curious. Was it similar to him, who found a girl who looked so similar to Carter, but the priorities were different. There was no time to explore this kind of thing later. The matter at hand is more important.

And what he said successfully interrupted everyone's rhythm. Tony was a little unhappy and said, "Solve the problem? Do you think I haven't?"

He asked, "Why did Fury come to us now? Why did he go there before? What is he hiding from us? The information is incomplete and I can't answer it."

"You said Fury has a secret?" Steve asked.

"He's a spy, Captain, the king of spies." Tony took another bite of snacks. "He has as many secrets as a chicken that gives birth to chicks. I bet Banner must be struggling with this matter as well."

Banner didn't. It was a pity to be able to ask Thor's secret. After hearing what Tony said, he directly replied, "In fact, Tony can be said to be the leader in today's clean energy industry, and everyone knows that the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to some extent Basically, it is an energy source. If Fury wants to develop the Rubik's Cube, why has he never contacted Tony before?"

Tony gave some snacks to Banner and said, "And Peter, that kid's brain I don't know how long it took, but I took him to complete the reactor, and he understands it better than most people."

When Gwen heard the mention of her boyfriend, she immediately pricked up her ears and listened.

Although Felicia knew that what they were talking about now was very important, she still couldn't help but yawn. She didn't even understand why she wanted to go to the Helicarrier to make up for it.

"In short, there is a big problem here. I have asked Jarvis to start hacking the data, and the results will be there soon." Tony greeted, bringing the matter to an end.

And no one present objected, except for Steve, who was a bit out of touch.

Steve: He has always felt that SHIELD is the shield that protects the world.

Tony and the others are more like a group of dangerous elements. Although they claim to be heroes, they may cause greater harm at any time.

There are various reasons for this. Maybe it's because Carter and Howard were involved in forming SHIELD in the first place. Maybe it's because he looks more "official."

And he came to this era when most of his old friends had passed away and were getting old. It seemed that all he could do for them was to protect what they had left behind. He only needs to play a soldier, obey orders, and sacrifice himself to save the world when necessary. Just like in the past, this is enough.

But he suddenly realized that he seemed to be a little wrong now. Maybe SHIELD was not so strong, although Stark was still a bad person.

"I'll give you an explanation." Steve said.

"We will find an explanation ourselves."