Chapter 117: The Status of Spider-Woman

The party disbanded unhappily, each person driven by their own motives.

Steve swiftly pursued answers, guided by his own inquiries.

Meanwhile, Natasha's concern for Barton led her to Loki, seeking vital information.

Across the divide, Hawkeye, once a senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agent turned mole, deftly seized control of several transport planes to approach the space carrier.

Eventually, they reconvened as Fury arrived to assess progress, yet tensions simmered.

Jarvis's infiltration bore fruit, revealing SHIELD's second phase involving the Cosmic Cube's development into potent weaponry—a stark reminder of Hydra's past, plunging Steve into a momentary bout of PTSD.

Decades ago, he'd fought Hydra tirelessly to prevent them from wielding such world-dominating power through the Cosmic Cube.

"And now?" He voiced his disappointment. "You're telling me SHIELD is creating weapons akin to those Hydra once used to conquer?"

Fury shifted uncomfortably. "The world's changed, Steve. We must adapt."

Tony, spectating, pointed to the weapon designs Jarvis had cracked, exacerbating the tension. "These are deadlier than anything I ever sold."

Fury, cornered, deflected, "Because of Black Superman?"

"Black Superman?" Thor queried, taken aback. "What do you mean?"

Fury elaborated, "There was a skirmish—"

"Between Black Superman and Odin!" Thor interjected.

"The aftermath was global," Fury pressed on. "You can still see the scars."

"Black Superman?" Thor countered, disbelieving. "He's Asgard's ally. His armor was a gift."

Fury sneered, "More like a trophy. Was there nothing amiss when Odin returned?"

"Odd," Thor pondered, recalling Odin's troubled return from his slumber.

Natasha interjected with her findings, "Loki seeks to exploit Hulk's power for chaos."

With the scepter in hand, Loki possessed the means to achieve this goal, a dire threat.

Banner interjected firmly, "Hulk stays dormant unless provoked."

Natasha redirected, "Let's return to the Cosmic Cube's weaponization by SHIELD."

Fury turned to Steve, "Captain, wake up. This is the world we face."

Thor interjected defensively, "Asgard has shielded humans for millennia."

"They need strength to protect themselves!" Fury retorted.

"Isn't Black Superman capable?" Tony challenged. "Can he not face Odin?"

"If he loses control, would you advocate his destruction?" Banner interjected, injecting an awkward pause.

Tensions flared anew.

In the cramped office, factions emerged—Stark and Banner opposed weapons development, while Fury and Natasha supported it, alongside Steve's loyal SHIELD faction. Thor stood with his Asgardian perspective, and Felicia maintained a neutral stance.

Gwen, growing impatient, finally spoke up. "Enough!"

Silence fell as all eyes turned to her.

Initially overlooked, Gwen had gained respect through her feats as Spider-Woman, even from Tony and Peter, and now, Steve and Banner.

"I'm sorry, but this bickering needs to stop," Gwen urged, embarrassed yet resolute. "Aren't we here to save Earth? Let's prioritize that."

Her words had a sobering effect. Steve sighed, acknowledging his distraction from their mission.

Indeed, SHIELD's use of the Cosmic Cube demanded scrutiny, but Gwen's clarity reminded them of their greater purpose. Perhaps she was the teammate they needed, steadfast and focused.

Fury seized the moment, "Addressing our conflicts will strengthen our teamwork. It's time we form a united front."

He looked around, gauging reactions. No objections surfaced. Finally, his gaze settled on Gwen.

Excited, she exclaimed, "Mr. Fury, you're right!"

A smile crept onto Fury's face. The pivotal moment had arrived.

Then, unexpectedly, Gwen added, "Let's go Justice League!"

Fury's smile froze.
