Chapter 133: The Evil Fall Comes So Quickly

Bullets erupted from the barrels, streaking towards Peter, but before they could reach him, Diana leaped in front, shielding him with her hands. Her silver bracelets jingled as they deflected each bullet with precision.

Turning her head slightly, she quipped, "Your kindness isn't something ordinary people can handle."

The guards, witnessing this supernatural defense, looked on in disbelief. They had heard rumors of two superhumans imprisoned here, but seeing it firsthand was another matter entirely.

As another round of gunfire loomed, Peter asked calmly, "Do you plan on catching bullets all day, Diana?"

Diana rolled her eyes.

In this moment, she felt like she was aboard a pirate ship with only one way forward. Peter's earlier jab about her being timid had spurred her on, dispelling any thought of surrender.

Sorry, Steve. Diana muttered inwardly, resolving to take the lead.

The guards prepared to shoot again. Diana swiftly intercepted, deftly redirecting the barrels of two guns upwards and then dodging their shots. With precise movements, she neutralized the immediate threat with a few well-placed punches, ensuring only to incapacitate, not kill.

Avoiding unnecessary bloodshed was paramount, even if Peter's presence was proving more of a hindrance than a help.

Meanwhile, Peter strolled out of the cell nonchalantly, as though taking a leisurely walk after dinner.

Outside the prison, news of the escape spurred guards and soldiers into action. They didn't rush in immediately, partly due to Peter's deliberate pace, which allowed more reinforcements to gather.

Soon enough, Diana realized they were surrounded.

Though she handled the guards efficiently, new waves kept coming. She had to clear the field while also shielding Peter from incoming fire.

But why was she shielding Black Superman? He hadn't revealed his steel body to her, and even defeating Ares had relied on superhuman strength and heat vision alone.

Peter's commentary from the sidelines only added to Diana's frustration. "Well done, Diana. Your bracelet skills are improving. But do you really need to block bullets every time? I'm sure your body can handle it soon."

It's painful! Diana cursed silently, momentarily distracted by Peter's remarks. A bullet grazed her shoulder, causing her to grit her teeth against the pain.

Although the bullet didn't penetrate her skin, it left a painful mark. While her breastplate could stop bullets, the impact still jolted her physically due to its force.

Peter continued, his voice in her ear, "Watch your strength. That guy you just punched? He won't be getting up for months. And with a bit more force, he might've... well, let's just say it would've been a mess."

Not because of me! Diana fumed inwardly.

With her current strength, guerrilla tactics and street fighting would be the best way to break out alone, leveraging her abilities while preventing overwhelming numbers. But she was stuck here, protecting Black Superman.

As reinforcements arrived, the pressure mounted. Diana began to question why she was fighting this battle. Ares was defeated—was there any reason to continue?

Was it for herself?

If this confrontation continued, what would the outcome be? Could she win, or would she tire out and be captured?

And even if they won, what then?

Diana found herself in uncharted territory, far from the typical heroic narrative of compromise and gradual development.

At what point had she strayed from that path?

Reflecting, Diana realized it began the moment Black Superman pushed open the prison fence.

Now, uncertain of the outcome or her own fate, she glanced back at him.

How would he resolve this?

As Diana contemplated, the enemy numbers swelled, reaching a critical mass where quantity turned into quality. Her strength wasn't enough to disregard human weapons entirely. Coupled with her reluctance to harm, she found herself overwhelmed by the advancing army.

Bullets breached her defenses, striking her armor and overwhelming her like a deluge.

In desperation, Diana did something uncharacteristic of an Amazon warrior—she covered her head, seeking shelter.

A day ago, she'd never have imagined herself resorting to such a defensive move. Yet, with bullets raining down, she had no choice.

It was all because of him.

"Get down!" Diana urged, pulling Peter down with her.

But to her surprise, she couldn't budge him.

Finally moving, Peter deftly reversed their positions. Now, he shielded her, unfurling his white cloak to deflect the barrage of bullets.
