Chapter 153: Allen Wayne

Following a hard-fought victory, Diana found herself in notably high spirits over the next two days. Despite facing sanctions imposed by the Elliott family, the newspaper was back on track. Through self-reliance and strategic marketing like hunger marketing, the "Iron Man" album had surged in popularity. People from across the city traveled far to find newsboys or vendors selling the coveted papers, making it a trend among affluent young families.

While the excitement brewed among readers, Diana had concerns lingering in the newspaper office. She had inherited responsibilities from "Black Superman" and pondered over the agreements they had signed, still in effect after their collaboration had ended. As a member of the newspaper, Peter logically should have taken the lead, but Diana felt the weight of responsibility fall more heavily on her shoulders now.

Peter had made a simple request: Diana should wear a maid uniform while at work. Initially skeptical, Diana gradually appreciated the symbolic role of attire beyond its practicality. The black and white ensemble, with delicate lace and stockings under a fluffy skirt, pleased "Black Superman," though Diana couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than met the eye. Despite any misgivings, she found herself oddly enjoying the routine, even considering it a form of reward.

Alongside managing the newspaper, Peter continued work on other projects like "Batman Beyond," aiming to leave a lasting impact on Gotham's media landscape and beyond. His research also delved into anchor points for navigating the Marvel Universe.

One day, Alan Wayne, descendant of Gotham's railroad tycoon Bruce Wayne, arrived unexpectedly. Fresh from conflict with the Elliott family, Diana harbored reservations towards Gotham's elite families. When Alan addressed her as "Madam," Diana was taken aback.

"Madam?" Diana questioned, uncertain if she should be flattered or offended.

Alan Wayne clarified, having heard tales of a foreign couple revitalizing a failing newspaper in Gotham. Intrigued by their success, he had come to see for himself.

"As head of the Wayne family, it's a pleasure to meet you," Alan greeted politely, his confidence infectious.

Diana, caught off guard, stammered in response, wondering if rumors had painted an inaccurate picture.

Alan observed Diana in her maid outfit, unsure of the situation. "Upset? Why would you be? It's not your fault," he reassured her gently.

Peter intervened, clarifying Diana's role as his maid, though Diana hesitated to contest the assertion.

After a brief pause, Peter cut to the chase, instructing Diana to prepare coffee before asking Alan directly, "Why have you come to us?"

Peter's directness surprised Alan, who expected more formality. However, Alan admired Peter's confidence.

"First, may I ask your name?" Alan inquired.

"Peter Parker."

"Mr. Parker, since you're so direct, I'll be frank. The Wayne family wishes to collaborate with your Marvel newspaper."

Diana, standing behind Peter, frowned at Alan's proposal. "We won't agree to being acquired or joining you!"

Having learned from their ordeal with the Elliotts, Diana was adamant in her refusal.

Alan Wayne paused, then clarified, "Miss, you may have misunderstood. We're not looking to acquire your newspaper. The Wayne family's interests don't hinge on newspapers, but we're interested in investing."

Peter declined, stating firmly, "We're not interested."

Alan Wayne accepted the refusal gracefully. "In that case, let me be clear. We hope your newspaper will join us, become part of our community. We're offering shares, not a takeover."

Diana was puzzled by Alan Wayne's intentions. Peter, intrigued, urged Alan to continue.

Alan Wayne elaborated, praising the comics' innovative designs and artwork.

"However," Alan continued, "it's not just the comics that brought me here today. It's the advanced printing technology behind them."
