Chapter 154: Counterattack

Alan Wayne's proposition hung in the air, casting a momentary silence over the room.

Diana spoke firmly, "We won't sell."

Alan Wayne remained unruffled, continuing with measured calmness, "However, you must understand that sustaining this level of craftsmanship with just the two of you is unsustainable."

Before Diana could interject, he preempted, "Please hear me out."

"Compared to the other families—Elliot, Cobot, and Kane—the Wayne family has a broader vision. Gotham will always be our foundation, but its growth potential is limited. We aim to expand beyond Gotham in the coming decades, transforming into a conglomerate on a global scale."

Alan Wayne's gaze shifted between Diana and Peter as he spoke.

"I extend a sincere invitation for both of you to join the Wayne Group. I believe in your future. Your printing technology and remarkable comics have caught our attention. While the Elliotts seek to dominate, we seek to enlarge the entire market."

The Wayne family, not yet the colossal entity it aspired to be, positioned itself as a rising superpower amidst Gotham's conservative elite.

The invitation to Diana and Peter wasn't solely about their newspaper's potential but also about Peter's advancements in printing technology. This offer came hot on the heels of the Elliott family's failed aggression against them.

The advanced printing technology, decades ahead of its time, would confer significant advantages in expanding markets, albeit a shared asset rather than exclusive.

Diana found herself contemplating Alan Wayne's proposal. Unlike the Elliotts, the Waynes weren't coveting their newspaper but rather aiming to amplify Marvel comics' influence beyond street peddling.

Though tempted, Diana couldn't agree immediately, and Alan Wayne respected her decision.

Before departing, he cautioned, "Beware of the Elliotts. They won't surrender easily."

Once Alan Wayne left, Diana turned to Peter. "What do you think the Elliotts will do next?"

"When frontal assaults fail, they resort to underhanded tactics," Peter replied.

Diana furrowed her brow. "And what do you make of Alan Wayne's offer?"

Peter's response caught her off guard. "I have no objections, Diana."

"You mean, you agree?"

"No," Peter clarified, "I mean, the decision lies with you."

Diana's surprise was evident. "You're leaving such a monumental decision to me alone?"

Peter's tone was intriguing. "Isn't that how it should be?"

"No!" Diana retorted, her frustration evident. "It feels like you're distancing yourself."

During this period, while Diana had been preoccupied, Black Superman had wielded considerable influence. Unbeknownst to her, she had grown accustomed to relying on him.

Now, faced with the reality of his eventual departure to his own universe, Diana felt a sudden pang of sadness.

"I understand," she managed with a forced smile.

Peter didn't press further. His role in this Marvel newspaper, within the DC world, wasn't merely transient amusement. He needed a capable steward to safeguard his interests and the anchor point, tasks well-suited for Diana's longevity.

The day after Alan Wayne's visit, troubling news reached Diana.

The Elliotts had struck back.

The Grays Mafia reported a clandestine raid on their printing factory the previous night, resulting in substantial losses of technology and equipment.

Simultaneously, newsboys expressed reluctance to continue distributing Marvel Newspapers due to threats against their families.

"Sister Diana, if we continue, they might hurt my parents..." one lamented.

Despite anticipating such reprisals, Diana seethed with anger, compounded by her recent emotional turmoil over Black Superman.

"We must retaliate," she declared firmly to Black Superman.

"Absolutely," Peter affirmed, "but this fight is yours to lead."

Diana, feeling overwhelmed, murmured, "But what can I do? I'm not as formidable as you."

"Just do what you do best, Diana."

What was she best at? Perhaps, she pondered, it was only fighting. Diana glanced at her fists thoughtfully.

Later that day, she retrieved her armor, long unused, and reconstructed even her shattered shield, crafting it anew from the remnants left by Ares. The broken God-killing Sword had been refashioned into a dagger...
