Chapter 155: Pay the Price

The Elliott Family

Edward scrutinized the equipment seized from the Grave Printing Factory with keen interest. Despite the straightforward nature of the raid, the preparation—comprising investigations, infiltrations, and more—had been extensive, delaying the operation by two days. The haul, though incomplete, included crucial machinery and even two operational workers taken hostage.

Upon closer inspection, Edward found himself baffled by the intricacies of the equipment. While the general printing process was discernible, the precision parts and underlying technology were beyond his comprehension. He marveled at the sophistication, questioning if some components were even producible with current industrial capabilities. Nevertheless, he understood their immense value, surpassing his initial expectations.

Deciphering this technology could elevate the Elliott family to new heights, transforming them into leaders within their field. The butler, observing Edward's excitement, cautiously interjected:

"Sir, we must remain vigilant against potential counterattacks. The Grays could retaliate swiftly, as they did against the Graves."

Edward waved dismissively. "Of course, I'm aware. The Elliotts are not to be underestimated either."

The butler refrained from commenting further, knowing Edward's confidence was not unfounded. Edward continued, "I've already informed Mayor Cobot. If they attempt legal maneuvers, the Cobots will support us in quashing them."

"As for physical threats... in Gotham, none rival the four major families in power. Haven't we fortified our defenses? We've stationed hundreds of sharpshooters, which wasn't cheap."

The butler nodded silently, recognizing the Elliott family's seriousness in the matter. However, he couldn't help but wonder if their adversaries would halt at this juncture. Few could breach defenses manned by seasoned veterans, many with military backgrounds.

Suddenly, a crash shattered the silence, coming from a nearby window. Positioned to face it, the butler's eyes widened at the unexpected intrusion.

Moments later, Edward turned to see the butler's shocked expression. "What's the matter?" he inquired belatedly.

Turning slowly, the butler stammered, "Sir... there's a woman... she's broken in."

Edward envisioned an elegant guest for dinner, not an intruder wielding a shield.

It was Diana, appearing alone to seek justice—a figure known to both Edward and his butler through Marvel News.

Edward, momentarily stunned, quickly regained his composure. Yet, his surprise mounted as he realized the breach of their fortified premises.

"How did you get in here?" Edward demanded.

Diana's reply brought a hint of relief to Edward's bewilderment. "Elliott, you have to pay the price."

Though Diana's capability to evade their defenses unnerved him, Edward maintained a semblance of control. The butler swiftly drew his firearm, aiming it at Diana. Edward, attempting diplomacy, approached cautiously.

"I acknowledge your strength, ma'am, but bullets respect no one. Let's discuss this civilly," Edward proposed, gesturing to a nearby table.

Simultaneously, the sound of a siren echoed through the manor, signaling their guards to converge on the scene.

Diana, undeterred by the threat of guns, advanced steadily, unyielding in her purpose. "I said, you must answer for your actions."

"Stop!" Edward commanded. "Damn it, if you don't cease, I'll order them to shoot!"

Without hesitation, shots rang out from the butler's gun. Diana, however, effortlessly deflected each bullet with a shield conjured at her command. The butler fired repeatedly, each shot met with a swift block or dodge by the agile intruder.

Edward, sensing the futility of their resistance, made a dash for the exit. The butler, intervening, attempted to shield Edward from Diana's pursuit.

Bang! In an instant, the butler was sprawled on the ground, incapacitated by Diana's decisive blow.

Edward, now realizing the vastness of his estate was a hindrance, attempted to flee. Diana swiftly hurled her shield, striking Edward squarely in the back and flooring him.

Though her shield lacked vibranium's rebounding properties, Diana closed in with resolve, brandishing the God-killing dagger...
