Chapter 158 Return to Amazon

Hermes recounted Olympus' crisis and implored Diana's aid: "Olympus urgently needs you now, Diana. You're family. Please come help us."

But Diana's concern wasn't for Olympus; she anxiously asked, "You said Hera went to Paradise Island?"

Hermes hesitated, nodding solemnly, "Yes, with the Queen's temper, everyone on Paradise Island... is in danger."

"No!" Diana's shock and anger were palpable.

She couldn't bear the thought of bringing disaster to her tribe and mother. Determined, she declared, "I must go back to see my mother and tribe."

Relieved that Diana had a clear path forward, Hermes saw his role as a guide fitting well with his expertise in swift travel and delivery.

However, Diana turned to Peter, seeking guidance: "Black Superman, do you have any ideas?"

Hermes interjected urgently, "Diana, Paradise Island isn't on Earth; it's in an alien dimension, a gateway between our realms."

Understanding dawned on Diana, realizing why entry to Paradise Island was restricted for most gods.

Ignoring Hermes' plea for her help, Diana looked to Peter with hope. Aware of his recent miracles, she trusted him implicitly.

Peter nodded confidently, assuring Diana, "It should be okay."

Diana was relieved, but Hermes couldn't contain his astonishment. "How is that possible?"

Taken aback by Hermes' reaction, Diana frowned. Hermes quickly apologized, explaining his concern for Olympus' safety.

Peter nonchalantly summoned a portal to Paradise Island, confirming his extraordinary abilities. Hermes, still bewildered, queried if Peter was a mage, but Peter denied any magical affiliation.

As early as when Ancient One first appeared and wanted to recruit him into a pyramid scheme, the system had already recorded some of her abilities.

Originally, these skills, like most other talents, were thrown into the corner of the system shop by Peter. After all, he generally had no use for them.

It was only recently that he began to think about how to return to Marvel, and then he started to purchase them and study

Peter led the way through the portal, with Diana following eagerly. Hermes, feeling compelled to follow for Olympus' sake, pondered his next move concerning Ares.

As they arrived on Paradise Island, Diana felt an immediate sense of homecoming amidst the familiar surroundings. Yet, her relief was short-lived when she saw a stone statue resembling her mother, Hippolyta, on the beach.

Overwhelmed with grief, Diana rushed to the statue, hoping against hope it wasn't true. But her touch confirmed her worst fears—her mother had been turned to stone.

Desperate, Diana asked Peter and Hermes, "Mom, she's turned to stone... What do I do? Is there a way to reverse this?"

Hermes wanted to explain Hera's involvement, but hesitated, unsure of Peter's capabilities. Finally, Peter admitted, "Diana, only Hera can undo this spell."

Hermes, eager to involve Diana in Olympus' affairs, urged, "We need to find Hera. Olympus is in danger, and your help is crucial."
