
THE rain lashed against the inn, and relentless drumming mirrored the hammering in Mika's chest. Kazuo's laid-back demeanour was replaced by a tense silence that hung heavy in the air. Taking charge with grim efficiency, he secured a room and sent the innkeeper's kind daughter to find a doctor for Shinji.

After the doctor's departure and Kazuo's well-meaning but rejected meal offer, Mika found herself locked in her room, a prisoner of her thoughts. The day's events replayed in her mind, each memory a shard of broken glass.

Returning to his room later, Kazuo found Shinji awake but pale and weak. He set a tray with a steaming bowl of porridge in front of the younger man.

"Hey there, how're you feeling?" Kazuo's voice was a gentle rumble.

"Like death warmed over," Shinji croaked, his voice raspy.

"…What happened?"

Kazuo launched into a detailed explanation, his gaze fixed intently on Shinji. He described the arrival of a stranger with eyes that mirrored Mika's own while he had been unconscious earlier:

A gasp tore from Mika's throat. A searing pain lanced through her head, forcing her to cry out and clutch her temples. Vivid and fragmented images flooded her mind – two small hands clasped together, a half-broken maple tree locket, and a night chillingly warmthless.

The visions faded as abruptly as they appeared, leaving Mika weak and breathless.

Across them, the mysterious intruder mirrored her actions, a hand flying to his head as if struck by the same blow. A choked gasp escaped his lips.

"Mika!" Kazuo's alarmed roar echoed. His chained sickle held menacingly, and he positioned himself between Mika and the intruder. "Who in the hell are you?"

The intruder's smirk widened, sending a shiver down Mika's spine. The face that mirrored hers, though framed by a different shade of hair, held a chilling combination of amusement and fury. However, The emerald eyes were unmistakable – the same shade gracing the Spirit Royal Family.

What emerged from the intruder's lips were words Mika understood all too well, a torrent of insults hurled in the ancient Aspaniac language.

"Boy, I sure feel left out that you didn't include me in the greetings from ya filthy mouth. I'd love nothing more than ta' pound some creative words back at ya," Kazuo clapped back with a smirk.

The intruder scoffed. "Why should I waste my breath talking to a barbarian like yourself?"

Kazuo smirked. "So the little runt does know how to speak human tongue, after all. For seconds there, I'd thought yer might need a nice good beating just to get a simple hello."

"The Human language is hardly a difficult language to learn. Why, even a Spirit child knows how to speak the language fluently. Of course, only the Royal Family and Nobleborn Spirits were allowed to learn most of the words. Making it easier for us to use for invasion."

"Invade, huh?" Kazuo scoffed. "I kick arses like ya before breakfast every morning. I'd like to see yer try and 'invade' us," He grinned challengingly.

"I'd like to see you try. Though right now, my priority is her," the intruder replied, his gaze flickering to Mika, who remained silent and wary. "At long last, we finally met… Princess."

Mika bristled, her fear hardening into defiance. "What are you talking about?"

"The rumours seem to hold some truth, after all," the intruder spat, his jaw clenching. "How utterly pathetic."

"W-what rumours? Who are you?" Panic clawed at Mika's throat.

The intruder straightened with a regal air, his eyes boring into hers. "I am Prince Makai of the Kingdom of Margös," he declared. "And you, my dear twin sister," he pointed the finger at Mika, "are the long-lost Princess and rightful heir to the Kingdom of Margös's throne!"

A suffocating silence descended upon the room. Despite her fear, Mika stood tall, her gaze locked with the Spirit who claimed to be her twin brother.

"W-What…" Kazuo stammered, his eyes darting nervously between the twins. The initial flurry of action had kept him focused on the intruder. Still, with the dust settling, the undeniable resemblance between Mika and the stranger hit him like a physical blow.

"'A land of prosperity, destined for greatness'," Prince Makai continued, his voice laced with a bitter mockery.

"'Twin children – one born to usher in a glorious era, the other destined for destruction…' Those were the prophecies uttered by the Great Vulcan on the night we were born. Margös awaited you, Princess, the one who would bring forth an age of unparalleled triumph." His sharp emerald eyes never left hers.

"Ten years ago, on a night bathed in the crimson glow of a full blood moon," Makai pressed on, his voice growing colder with each word, "The fragile peace treaty between our realms shattered. Humans, driven by greed and malice, stormed our beloved kingdom, Margös, and ripped you from your cradle. They vanished with you into their filthy world."

A tremor of anger ripped through Mika. Fragmented and unclear images flickered at the edges of her mind – a frantic escape, a chilling scream, the cold bite of winter air.

"We were led to believe that you perished at their hands," Makai spat, his voice laced with venom. "But thanks to the bond we share, I was finally able to track you down. A reunion long overdue…" His voice trailed off, a cruel smile twisting his features. "…Or so I thought!"

Before anyone could react, Makai lunged across between her and Kazuo, a blur of emerald green and simmering rage. His foot connected with Kazuo's chest with a sickening crunch, sending the more prominent man flying a few distance away across them.

"Kazuo!" Mika screamed, a primal cry of fear and fury tearing from her throat.

But Makai was upon her before she could reach him, his grip like a vice around her throat. The air ripped from her lungs as he slammed her against the wall.

"How dare you!" he hissed, his voice a venomous whisper. "To think my flesh and blood left me to suffer in the hands of that wicked wretch all alone while you are simply free to do as you wish!" He tightened his grip further, his eyes burning with a cold hatred.

Mika gasped, clawing desperately at his arm. Panic surged through her, fuelling a desperate kick aimed at his thigh. It connected with a dull thud but did little to deter him.

"Do you remember what you said that night, sister?" Makai taunted, the edge of his voice dripping with sadistic glee.

Just then, a gunshot shattered the tense silence. The bullet whizzed past Makai's head, leaving a trail of singed hair in its wake. Slowly, he turned to face the shooter: Shinji, his face pale and drawn, a smoking pistol clutched in his trembling hand.

A harsh laugh erupted from Makai's throat, devoid of humour. "Are you truly that weak, human? Can't even aim properly with your pathetic weapon?"

"…Yes," rasped Shinji before collapsing onto the floor, his strength spent.

Makai, on the verge of another cruel remark, was cut short by a sudden growl. Bloodied but unbowed, Kazuo rose from the floor, his chained sickle held menacingly at the ready. His eyes, usually a warm hazel, now glowed with an unsettling vermillion light, a testament to the raw power surging through him.

"Get the hell out of my sight while yer legs still attached…" Kazuo growled, his voice a low rumble laced with danger. His gaze burned into Makai's, a silent challenge hanging heavy in the air.

Makai held his ground tensely, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. Then, with a final glare at Mika, he vanished in a swirling vortex of emerald flame. Only the faint scent of ozone lingered in his wake.

Silence descended upon the room, broken only by Shinji's ragged breaths. Mika dropped to the ground. Her body was trembling from the ordeal. Kazuo slowly lowered his weapon, the vermillion glow fading from his eyes. He moved to Mika's side, concern etched on his face. "You alright?" 

Mika looked up at him, her eyes filled with confusion mirrored his own. "I… I don't know," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

The wooden coffee table overflowed with the detritus of a long night: empty cigarette packs, a scattering of chestnut shells, and two forgotten bowls – one of porridge, the other of roasted chestnuts. Shinji picked up a chestnut, cracked it open with a practised flick of his thumb, and popped the nut into his mouth with a sigh.

"I've always known about her heritage as a Highborn Spirit for some time," he admitted, breaking the tense silence. "There were hints, whispers, but without concrete evidence, I couldn't be sure."

Kazuo slammed his fist on the table, his voice laced with disbelief. "So you knew all this time and didn't bother to tell her?"

"I said I couldn't be absolutely certain," Shinji countered, his voice calm despite the accusation.

Kazuo groaned in frustration. "Alright, alright. So, the portal on the Red Line – we seal it, right? Great. But what about Mika? What happens to her after?"

"Our primary mission remains the same – to shut down the portal," Shinji explained. "What happens afterwards is entirely Mika's choice. She can choose to stay with the Clan or return to her… birth world, if that's what she desires."

"Funny," Kazuo remarked, a hint of amusement creeping into his voice. "I figured you'd want her to stay. After all, it's been five years since you last saw each other, and let's be honest, that reunion wasn't exactly a walk in the park."

A faint flicker of pain crossed Shinji's face, his gaze turning distant. "Things were different back then," he replied softly. "I'm a changed man. You of all people should understand that, Kazuo."

Kazuo nodded, a flicker of empathy replacing the amusement. "Yeah," he conceded, "you got that right."

A heavy silence descended, broken only by the crackling of the dying fire. Finally, Shinji cleared his throat. "In any case, I would appreciate it if you kept this discussion confidential for now."

"Confidential? No way in hell!" Kazuo slammed his fist down again, rattling the empty bowls. "You can't keep this from her, Shinji! She deserves to know what happened!"

"I will tell her," Shinji stated firmly. "But right now, Mika's still processing everything that has happened. Adding another layer of complexity could overwhelm her. She needs time."

Both men turned their eyes towards the closed door leading to Mika's room.

"Mika's still fragile," Shinji continued, his voice laced with concern. "The Andania incident left a deep scar on her. This whole meeting with her supposed long-lost brother didn't exactly help matters. Until Mika can come to terms with her past and accept things as they are, only then will I tell her the whole truth. But until then…"

Kazuo gritted his teeth, frustration simmering beneath the surface. He knew, deep down, that Shinji was probably right. Keeping such a secret felt wrong, yet he couldn't deny the logic in Shinji's words. He reached for the last cigarette in the pack, lit it with a shaking hand, and took a long drag.

Shinji watched the smoke curl into the air, his doubts mirrored in the rising wisps. He wasn't sure if his choices were the best for Mika, but he was determined to protect her, even if it meant keeping a part of her past hidden.

MORNING arrived, cloaked in an uncomfortable silence. Ever the optimist, Mika plastered a smile on her face, the dark circles beneath her eyes betraying a restless night. 

"Good morning," she chirped, her voice strained. "Did you both sleep well? Perhaps breakfast is in order?"

Kazuo, never one to miss an opportunity, seized the moment. "Well, good morning sunshine! Waking up to your beautiful face is a sight for sore eyes. Did you wake up early for me, or just breakfast?" he winked, earning a pointed glare from Shinji.

Despite the tension, a flicker of amusement danced in Mika's eyes. Kazuo's outrageous behaviour, while sometimes grating, offered a welcome distraction. 

"Breakfast sounds lovely," she replied, her stomach growling in agreement.

The scene that greeted them in the dining room dropped Mika's jaw. Plates piled high with fluffy scrambled eggs, golden pancakes glistening with syrup, mountains of crispy sausages, and an assortment of pastries overflowed the table, their delectable aroma filling the air.

"What are you waiting for?" boomed Kazuo, gesturing towards the feast. "Dig in! There's plenty more where that came from. I even ordered some steamed buns and raspberry muffins on the way!"

Mika's stomach rumbled again, but a glance at Shinji, who sat brooding across from her with a dark cloud hanging over his head, sent a wave of guilt crashing over her. Kazuo continued with a mischievous glint in his eyes, oblivious to the tension.

"Don't worry about the bill, sweetheart. This rich guy," he jabbed a butter knife towards Shinji, "is loaded as shit. Feel free to knock yourself out!"

Before Shinji could retort, a whirlwind of limbs descended upon Kazuo. The latter choked out a strangled cry when Shinji lunged across the table toward him. His grip tightened around Kazuo's throat. Plates clattered to the floor, sending a spray of sausages and scrambled eggs flying. 

Patrons gaped in shock as wait staff rushed to intervene.

"You insufferable oaf!" Shinji growled, his voice strained. "My finances are not your personal piggy bank! You'll pay for this entire monstrosity yourself!"

"Ack! Shinji! My throat! C-Can't... Breathe!"

The cafe erupted in a flurry of activity as patrons gaped and staff scurried to intervene. Mika, mortified, offered profuse apologies, assuring everyone that the situation was under control. Eventually, the two men, red-faced and panting, grudgingly settled back down to finish their breakfast. After settling the (hefty) bill, they decided to stock up on supplies before leaving town.

"I'll grab some medical supplies," Kazuo announced with a wink. "Don't miss me too much, alright?"

"Just get a move on, you oaf," Shinji grumbled.

Turning to Mika, Shinji suggested, "Why don't we head to the junction? I hear there's a fantastic bakery nearby."

They had yet to walk far when a figure emerged from around a corner, his form obscured by a hooded cloak. He collided with Mika with such force that she tumbled to the ground. Shinji reacted instinctively, his hand flying to his weapon.

"Watch where you're going!" he snapped at the figure scrambling to his feet.

A gasp escaped Mika's lips as the figure threw back his hood. Time seemed to stand still. Tears welled up in her eyes as recognition dawned.

"Guy?" she whispered, her voice thick with disbelief.

The world seemed to shrink around Mika as Guy's face appeared. Tears streamed down her cheeks, a mixture of relief and a thousand unspoken questions. Guy's smile, familiar yet etched with worry lines, softened the harsh edges of his chiselled features. He pulled her into a tight embrace, his arms a warm haven.

"Mika," he murmured, his voice rough with emotion. "You have no idea how long I've been searching for you."

Mika buried her face in his shoulder, the scent of leather and woodsmoke bringing a flood of childhood memories. A million questions swirled in her mind. But for now, the comfort of his embrace was enough.

Shinji, ever the observer, watched the reunion with a mixture of curiosity and a hint of sadness. He recognized the man – Guy Heartlets, Luyas' esteemed Captain and a renowned prodigy in his own right.

Perhaps, Shinji thought, it would be best to give them some privacy. He slipped away unnoticed, heading towards the medical supply shop instead.

As he entered, he couldn't help but notice his ginger-haired companion already in mid-flirt with the cashier. He sighed, a wry smile playing on his lips. Some things always stayed the same.

AFTER the whirlwind of emotions, standing still felt awkward. Mika finally realized she'd forgotten entirely about Shinji. Her gaze darted around, searching for him amidst the bustling street. 

"Guy," she began hesitantly, "I should probably find Shinji. We were heading to the bakery together."

A flicker of concern crossed Guy's face. "Perhaps he went ahead. Where were you two planning to go?"

"The bakery," she replied, her voice tinged with worry. Can I check and see if he's there? It wouldn't take long."

"Hold on," Guy said, his voice surprisingly firm. "I saw someone who looked like your companion walking into the drug store just across the street."

Mika blinked, surprised. "The drug store? How did you know he was there?" A sliver of doubt, a remnant of her training with Shinji, pricked at her. Guy seemed to sense her hesitation.

"He had a long brown coat, right? Dark hair and plum-coloured eyes? I saw him through the window a few moments ago. Unless there's another man in Luyas with your exact description, then yes, I'm sure. Why don't we have a coffee there?" He pointed at a coffee shop. "It's near to where the drug store is. Moreover, your companion is bound to see you when he comes out later."

"Sure. Let's head to the café now."

After a short walk to the café, Mika and Guy found a table near the glass window. Mika had insisted that they be seated where Shinji could easily see them.

"So persuasive, aren't we?" Guy teased, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "This entire café could have accommodated us, yet you insist on this particular spot."

Mika flushed, caught red-handed. "I... I still feel bad about just leaving him. I wanted to introduce you both properly."

A waitress arrived, taking their orders. As Guy watched Mika sip her tea, a memory surfaced. He recalled Luna praising Mika's elegant tea etiquette, contrasting her rough and tumble life after the separation.

"How have you been, Mika?"

"I'm doing alright, all things considered," Mika finally answered, breaking the comfortable silence. "Honestly, I'm still trying to process everything that's happening… Including just now when you found me... it's a lot to take in."

"And you," she continued, her voice softening, "how have you been?"

"Exhausted," Guy admitted with a tired smile. "Travelling non-stop after months of intensive training in the North... I didn't even take a break when I heard the news from Father." A shadow crossed his features, a hint of the pain he carried.

"…You must be so shocked to hear the news of my exile… So much that you ran all the way here to just verify it with me."

Guy frowned. One hand affectionately caressed her left hand. "I… felt so helpless for not being able to prevent Father from exile you despite your crimes… Not being able to protect another member of the Heartlets… I just can't let it happen again."

A pang of guilt washed over Mika. She knew about the tragedy that had struck the Heartlets family years ago – the assassination of Lady Anna. Guy had been just a child then, and poor Luna...

"You need some rest," she said gently. "There's a good inn here. You should stay and recover before heading back to Luyas. I am very happy and grateful that you came looking for me, Guy. I was very sad that I couldn't personally say goodbye to you."

Guy remained silent, his gaze unwavering. His grip on her hand tightened a quiet plea. 

"Mika," he began, his voice low, "since returning to Luyas isn't an option… what do you say we run away together?"