A Fractured Realm

THE scent of cinnamon and warm bread hung heavy as Mika stirred the lukewarm tea in her cup. The echo of her words shattered the tranquillity of the bakery, "Run away together?" swirling in her head.

Guy, his brow furrowed, set his cup down with a clatter. His grip on her hand had unconsciously tightened, a silent plea she couldn't ignore.

"Truthfully," he began, his voice laced with concern, "I find the rumours about your journey to the Red Line with the White Wolf Clan unsettling."

"Unsettling?" Mika scoffed a flicker of defiance in her eyes. "Isn't that a bit dramatic, Guy?"

His blue gaze held hers, unwavering. "There's nothing more important to me than your safety, Mika. That's why I believe there's a safer place for you."

A tense silence stretched between them. Finally, Mika sighed. "...And where might that be?"

"The City of Eden," Guy replied. "It's a neutral ground on the East Coast, ruled by Lord Eden Bowyn X. He's known for his eccentricities, a mask-wearing fellow, but even foreigners find peace under his banner."

Mika had heard whispers about Lord Eden during her time in Luyas. He was an enigma. Some revered him, others found him peculiar. But one thing stood out—Commandant Grants, a man Mika greatly respected, considered him a close friend. Perhaps this Eden could be an ally.

"I appreciate your concern, Guy," Mika said, her voice softening. "But I've committed to my companions, and I intend to see it through."

A flicker of pain crossed Guy's face. "Companions?" he muttered, his voice barely a whisper.

"Yes," Mika confirmed. "They're good people, perhaps rough around the edges, but with kind hearts. You should meet them."

"The gentleman you were with earlier," Guy said slowly, "was he the young Lord of the White Wolf Clan?"

Mika swallowed hard, a knot forming in her stomach. She nodded hesitantly. "His name is Shinji Karou. Why do you ask?"

"Just a name from the past," Guy mumbled, his gaze distant.

Unease settled upon Mika. "Guy," she pressed, "what happened in the past?"

A bitter smile played on his lips. "Mika, you attended etiquette lessons with Luna. Don't you find it…improper… for an unmarried woman to travel with two men?"

The air crackled with tension. Mika slammed her cup down, the porcelain clinking sharply against the table.

"Improper? Please, Guy," her voice dripped with sarcasm. "I severed ties with the Heartlets before I left Luyas. Their opinion no longer holds sway over me. Am I a harlot in your eyes simply because I choose my own path?"

Guy's face paled. "That's not what I meant –"

"Then what exactly did you mean?" Mika interrupted, her voice trembling with anger. "Perhaps you've been cooped up in Luyas for too long. I'm not the same naïve girl who needed your constant protection. I've grown up, Guy. And you… you don't know these men. I thought you were better at judging people."

A strangled cry escaped Guy's lips. "The White Wolf Clan…they murdered my mother!"

Mika gasped, stunned by the raw pain in his voice. Before she could respond, a new voice cut through the tense atmosphere.

"Sorry to interrupt," a cheerful voice boomed. Kazuo, a mop of unruly ginger hair framing his freckled face, sauntered in. "There you are, Mika. We've been looking all over for you."

Mika, grateful for the distraction, offered a weak smile. "Thanks, Kazuo. Shinji's waiting at the fruit stalls, right?"

Kazuo nodded. "That's the one. Let's get going, shall we?"

Mika cast a last glance at Guy, whose face masked conflicting emotions. Without a word, she followed Kazuo out of the bakery.

"Mika, wait—" Guy started to rise, but a warm hand, surprisingly strong for its size, clamped down on his shoulder. He whipped around, a snarl forming on his lips, only to find himself staring into a pair of glowing red eyes that sent a strange shiver down his spine.

"Easy there, big guy," Kazuo chuckled, his voice a low rumble that danced along Guy's skin. His ginger hair, usually unruly, seemed to stand on end in the tense atmosphere, adding a touch of wildness to his already captivating features. "Name's Kazuo. 'fraid I can't let you get anywhere near Mika when you're acting like a loose cannon, now can I?"

Guy blinked, the anger momentarily stolen by the unexpected warmth in Kazuo's touch and the suggestive lilt in his voice. He scoffed, pushing the feeling down, but the suspicion remained. "Loose cannon? And what exactly does that make you? Her Knight in shining armour?" 

Kazuo threw his head back and laughed, a rich, throaty sound sending another unexpected thrill to Guy. "Hardly. More like her… protector, if you will. And judging by the way things were going, a much-needed one at that. Also," He leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. 

"Unlike you, I know how to handle a delicate flower like Mika." He winked, a playful glint in his eyes. "Now, why don't we both calm down and have a little chat, hm? Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about protecting what's precious."

Guy's jaw clenched, his stern glare hardening into a mask of defiance. "Why should I listen to you?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous. "What makes you think you have any sway over me?"

"Because frankly speaking," Kazuo said, his vermilion eyes glowing with a concern that bordered on anger, "my patient is barely holding it together after yesterday. And your little outburst isn't helping, my friend."

THE air crackled with unspoken tension as Guy glared at Kazuo, whose smug grin only fueled his anger. They sat on a park bench overlooking a fountain where children shrieked with laughter, starkly contrasting their turmoil.

Kazuo, ignoring Guy's clenched fists, lit a cigarette, the smoke curling lazily into the air. "Smoke?" he offered, his voice laced with a nonchalant challenge.

Guy refused with a curt shake of his head. His gaze was fixed on his palms, and he was suddenly ashamed of his outburst. "Mika must think the worst of me right now," he muttered, his voice heavy with regret.

Kazuo exhaled a plume of smoke, his eyes never leaving the agitated Knight. "Every night at camp, Mika talked about her life in Luyas. The hostility, the whispers, but most importantly, the good times with her family."

Guy finally looked up, a flicker of pain crossing his features.

"She never hated you, Guy. Not then, not now. Upset, yes. Deeply. She never imagined seeing her brother again." Kazuo gritted his teeth, a silent fury simmering beneath his carefree facade.

Sensing the shift in mood, Guy cautiously asked, "Did something happen to Mika?"

Kazuo shrugged, his eyes hardening. "Not my place to say. The point is, I brought you here because some things need to be clear. You almost scared Mika off with your possessiveness. Another episode like that and…" a fierce red glow pulsed behind his eyelids, mirroring the embers of his spent cigarette.

Guy, his jaw clenched, met Kazuo's gaze. Neither man blinked; the tension stretched taut as a bowstring. Finally, Guy broke eye contact with a defeated sigh. He turned away, the children's laughter echoing in the sudden silence.

"I never meant to hurt her," he mumbled, the words barely audible. "Protecting Mika… it's all I wanted. Redeeming myself for failing her before. Protecting her from those… those who wronged her. Even though we shouldn't be allies, she deserved more. That's why I planned to take her to Eden, the only place she'd be safe."

Kazuo, surprisingly, didn't scoff. "Yeah, I get it."

Guy stared at him, bewildered. "You do?"

Kazuo shrugged, flicking the cigarette butt away. "Being a protector ain't easy. Never is." He stood, stretching his arms. "But listen, Mika's tougher than she looks. Everything that happened made her who she is today. Big brothers like to shield their little ones, but sometimes…" he trailed off, his gaze distant, "sometimes you gotta let them fly."

Soon after their little talk, the two men go to the rendezvous point, where Shinji and Mika await.

"I suppose I still need some time to absorb everything that happened. But the first thing on the list is to get some decent sleep."

"Ya bet. I've never seen a Knight so haggard like ya."

Guy chuckled delightfully. "True. You'd only see haggard knights when there is a war."

"Kazuo! Guy!"

The two men stopped abruptly when Mika and Shinji in the hood rushed toward them.

"Yo. What got ya two work out all the sudden?"

Mika turned to Guy, seriousness in her eyes. "What are the Knights of Luyas doing at the East Gate?"

Guy's eyes widened. "What?!"

"They're questioning people," Mikai confirmed.

True enough, not far away from where they stood were Luyas Knights at the entrance talking to the locals, no doubt seeking information.

"I-I swear I know nothing of this!"

"Or it could be a little ploy to lure Mika away?" Shinji stepped forward menacingly. "Should Mika resist your invitation returning to Luyas, would you have her be taken by force?"


"Never!" Guy bristled, his anger momentarily reignited. "I would never do such things to her!"

"Then why are they here?" Mika pressed.

Suddenly, Guy realized the gravity of the situation. "It must be about the threatening letter from the Spirit Army." He relayed what Commandant Grants had told him, leaving the others stunned.

"Your father…" Shinji began, his voice laced with suspicion. "He fears a repeat of Andania on Luyas, doesn't he?"

Guy nodded dejectedly. "He ordered the Knights to find you, Mika. Capture you, if necessary."

Kazuo scanned the area, his sharp eyes on the approaching Luyas Knights. "Staying here is risky. The Knights might find us. There's a mountain route at the South exit, the one we used to get here. We should head there."

"Guy, are you coming with us?" Mika asked, her voice filled with concern.

Kazuo frowned. "Wouldn't that be a risk?"

Guy straightened his shoulders, a newfound determination in his eyes. "They wouldn't dare harm a Lord's son and a Captain, at least not directly. Butjudging by the way those knights are acting, they're definitely under my father's orders to demand information at any cost… They wouldn't even hesitate to even torture me."

A grimace played on Kazuo's lips. "Nasty situation all around. Alright, you're coming. But remember, keep up. We can't afford any delays."

Shinji crossed his arms, a deep frown creasing his brow. "Tsk. Just don't slow us down, Heartlet."

"There will be a time for settling old scores, Lord Karou," Guy replied, his voice firm yet laced with a hint of weariness. "But for now, Mika's safety comes first."

A tense silence descended upon the group, broken only by the distant shouts of the approaching Knights. Without further discussion, they hurried toward the south exit, the weight of their unspoken tensions heavy in the air.

As they navigated the bustling marketplace, Mika stole a glance at Guy. His face was etched with worry, starkly contrasting his usual stoic demeanour. Despite their differences, a flicker of empathy sparked within her. She knew he genuinely cared for her well-being, even if his methods were misguided.

"Guy," she began hesitantly, catching up to him during a lull in the crowd. "Thank you for… everything. I understand your concerns, and I appreciate your willingness to help."

Guy remained silent momentarily, then met her gaze with a hint of vulnerability. "I was wrong to try and control your choices, Mika. You're a grown woman, capable of making your own decisions."

A small smile tugged at Mika's lips. "Just promise me one thing, okay?"

"Anything," Guy replied readily.

"Promise to try and trust Shinji and the White Wolf Clan," she said, her voice barely whispering. "They may not be perfect, but I believe they can help me."

Guy hesitated, the ghosts of past conflicts flickering in his eyes. But then, he closed them briefly as if taking a deep breath.

"Alright," he conceded. "For now, I'll trust your judgement."

A wave of relief washed over Mika. It wasn't a complete truce, but it was a start. Perhaps they could rebuild their bond amidst the chaos that lay ahead.

WITHIN the hidden depths of Zágan Castle grounds lay a soundproof compartment, its existence a secret to most inhabitants. Transformed from a forgotten chamber, it now served as the young Prince Makai's training chamber.

Muffled thuds echoed through the room. Battered dummies slumped in the corner, testaments to the Prince's fury. Makai stood in the centre, sweat dripping from his chin as he ran a hand through his long maroon hair, now pulled back in a high ponytail. He eyed his bruised knuckles, a grim reminder of the ferocity with which he'd pummelled the punching bag until it sported several gaping holes.

Frustration and anger had gnawed at him for days since his return from the Human Realm. His reunion with his long-lost twin sister, Mika, had been a crushing disappointment. Shame and bitterness festered within him – how could she not recognize her own flesh and blood? In the castle, Queen Reza, his stepmother, had revelled in his failure, her mocking laughter echoing in his nightmares.

Fuelled by these emotions, Makai had trained relentlessly. Now, exhaustion finally claimed him. He sank to his knees, his back against the cool stone floor. Taking a deep breath, he focused on the rhythm of his heartbeat, attempting to calm the storm within. Just as peace began to settle, a familiar scent drifted from behind the door, followed by a firm rap.

Knock. Knock.

The door creaked open without an invitation, revealing a handsome, silver-haired Spirit Knight in traditional Chevalier's armour. His golden eyes, usually warm, held a glint of concern as he surveyed the hunched figure in the centre of the room.

"There you are, Your Highness," rumbled a deep voice. "I've been searching everywhere. I should've known to check here first."

Makai remained slumped, his eyes closed. He recognized the voice instantly. "What do you want, Leo?"

A wry smile played on Knight Leo's lips. "Now, now, Your Highness. Is that how you greet the one who cleans up after your messes?"

Makai snorted, a hint of a smile flickering on his own lips. "See? That's why you should've waited for me before I left for the Human Realm. You wouldn't believe the look on Her Majesty's face when I returned three days ago. I think I scared her a little with my murderous aura."

Leo chuckled, but his gaze remained severe. "Let's not dwell on that now, Your Highness. Would you like to talk about what happened? Or should I guess?"

Makai hesitated, then nodded. "There's much to discuss, but perhaps a more discreet location would be wise. We never know who might be listening."

With a shared glance, they both knew exactly where to go. The Prince's Secret Chamber, housed within a small manor behind the castle, had been his childhood sanctuary. Now, it serves as his private study and library. A particular barrier he'd cast ensured only he and Leo could enter or leave freely.

"Is it clear?"

Leo scanned their surroundings for any unwelcome observers. "Clear."

Makai muttered briefly, and the manor's front door swung open silently. They slipped inside.

"What a hassle," Makai grumbled. "Having to resort to such measures for a simple conversation."

Leo sighed. "Unfortunately, Her Majesty's displeasure with your refusal to cooperate is no secret. She's placed you under close watch by a new group – 'The Orders,' a band of elite mercenaries who've been doing her dirty work for years. Recently, she's begun parading them as her bodyguards."

Makai scoffed. "Personal bodyguards? Please. It's not like she ever ventures outside the castle."

"Indeed," Leo narrowed his eyes. "There's no doubt Her Majesty is up to something. Introducing these 'bodyguards' feels like a warning – to us, or perhaps to whoever she fears might challenge her. Maybe she anticipated your return with the Princess and prepared for the fallout. After all, only the Princess has a legitimate claim to the throne."

Makai clenched his fists, a dark look clouding his emerald eyes.

"Now that we're here," Leo continued, "Why don't you tell me what happened in the Human Realm. Did you find her?"

"...Things didn't go as planned," Makai admitted cautiously.

"I can imagine. After all, It's been nearly a decade. I wouldn't expect—"

"That's not what I meant!" Makai interrupted, his voice laced with frustration. "Even after all this time, shouldn't she have recognised me? The look on her face..."

"My Prince —"

Makai gritted his teeth. "You and I both know if it weren't for that wicked woman and her plan to conquer both realms, I never would have set foot in the Human Realm again! Not after everything that happened that fateful night..."

His emerald eyes darkened with hatred and rage as a memory flickered through his mind. A voice filled with despair echoed in the darkness. 

"There's nothing left for us over there, brother."

Makai clenched his fists even tighter. "I loathe Reza with every fibre of my being for what she did to our family and this kingdom – a legacy that was my father's joy and pride. It infuriates me that I'm powerless! Even if society sees me as nothing but a puppet prince, I would have endured it all to protect this legacy. But if she hadn't brought up that idiotic plan to take over the Human Realm, I wouldn't be rebelling against her!"

Leo watched silently as Makai ran a hand through his hair in frustration. Usually, he would intervene and offer comfort, but this time, he felt different.

Golden eyes glazed over as Leo recalled the events that led them to this point:

It had been one of the rare nights the Queen had summoned them, her voice dripping with malice as she unveiled her plan to invade the Human Realm.

"That's insane!" Makai had roared. "What possible reason could you have for such a thing?"

The Queen's lips curled into a sneer. "How naive, Prince. The Spirit Realm is a force to be reckoned with. Don't you think it's time we expanded our territory and dominated those worthless humans? Honestly, I'm disappointed in you."

"Even if that were true, there's the Thousandth Years Sacred Peace Treaty Agreements—"

"Disappointing," the Queen interrupted, her voice laced with disdain. "I never thought the Spirit Prince would be such a coward. I was under the impression you'd be the perfect candidate to lead the invasion army."

Makai's knuckles turned white with rage. "...Drop this nonsense immediately," he had finally growled, storming out of the Audience Chamber before Leo could catch up.

A few months after that fateful encounter, Makai was returning from his duties when he noticed a group of cloaked figures exiting the Audience Chamber. Masks obscured their faces, and a sense of unease settled over him.

Curious and suspicious, Makai discreetly followed them deep into the forest behind the castle. He watched from behind a cluster of tall pines, wondering where they were headed.

Suddenly, a blinding light erupted, revealing a portal shimmering ominously. It pulsed with an energy that sent shivers down Makai's spine.

The cloaked figures wasted no time, disappearing through the portal before Makai could confront them.

Disbelief washed over him. Even after his vocal opposition, the Queen had blatantly ignored him and proceeded with her ridiculous plan.

In that moment, a steely resolve formed in Makai's heart. If he couldn't stop Reza's conquest, there was only one way to end it – permanently.

The truth was, he never held any genuine desire to kill her, no matter how much he despised her treatment. Perhaps the lingering influence of his late father, a kind and just ruler, held him back from such violence. By rights, the throne should have rightfully passed to his twin sister upon their father's death. However, after her presumed kidnapping and death, the crown fell to Reza.

Fortunately, the Queen remained childless despite pressure from the senate to secure an heir with the late King. It was a small mercy in an otherwise bleak situation.

Leo blinked, snapping back to reality. He sighed and turned to find Makai gazing out the window, a newfound calmness settling over his features despite the lingering frown.

"Your Highness," Leo's voice broke the silence. When Makai turned, he saw the older Spirit kneeling before him.

"Whatever path you choose from here on out," Leo continued, his voice filled with unwavering loyalty, "know that this humble servant will always stand by your side. If you wish to fight for the throne, I'll fight alongside you. Had it not been for the late King's kindness, I wouldn't be here today. To repay my debt to Ferid and honor our friendship, I pledge my loyalty and service to you, and you alone."

Makai stared down at Leo, the former King's trusted bodyguard and the only constant presence since his family's world had shattered. A flicker of warmth sparked in his emerald eyes, battling the storm of emotions within him.

"Leo," he finally spoke, his voice hoarse. "There's more. In the Human Realm, I encountered someone… a man named Shinji Karou, Lord of the White Wolf Clan," The strange connection he felt, the power similar yet different from their own, gnawed at him. "Though it's such a shame I couldn't interrogate him further."

"If Your Highness wishes to conduct a full background investigation on the Lord of the White Wolf Clan, I will gladly do so."

Makai nodded. "Do that. Find out everything we need to know about him and his clan."

Leo nodded in agreement. "Then that's our first course of action. I'll explore everything about Lord Karou and the White Wolf Clan. Additionally, with the Queen placing you under such tight watch by these 'Orders,' it's time we considered a more proactive approach.

Makai raised an eyebrow. "Proactive, you say?"

A glint of mischief flickered in Leo's golden eyes. "Think of it as a way to test the loyalty of 'The Orders' and gather some much-needed intel. After all, knowledge is power, Your Highness. And right now, we need all the power we can get."

A slow smile spread across Makai's face. The prospect of turning the tables on the Queen and her new guard dogs was a welcome change from the defensive position he'd been forced into.

"Excellent idea, Leo. Let's see what these so-called elite mercenaries are truly made of."

The weight of the situation still pressed heavily on them. Still, a sense of purpose, a flicker of hope, had ignited within the Prince's chambers. With a renewed determination and a loyal friend by his side, Makai was prepared to face whatever challenges awaited him in his fight for justice, the legacy of his kingdom, and perhaps, even a connection to a power he never knew existed.