Chapter 28 : Manslaughter

The cry sounded in this quiet and dark hall, though very light, but particularly penetrating, and even my ears, which had not yet fully recovered, were awakened and heard very clearly.

The cries drifted past my ears and round my back, as if they were in all directions.

The slighter the sound, the easier it seems to invade the heart, my hands and feet are a little numb, a long breath, chest out clenched the sword in the hand, slowly forward.

Finally saw the source of light, not far in front of a semicircular ball of light, light ball reclining a long-haired woman in white, long hair dragged on the ground, blocking her face.

In such a dark place, a woman in white with long hair is crying, which is particularly strange and reminds me of many ghost films from the last century.

The woman in white seemed to hear my voice and turned her head.

There was no rotten face as I imagined, nor was there a seductive coquettish ghost, the woman was just a relatively beautiful young woman.

The young woman's face is still pear flower with rain, crying: "Hero, save me, I was captured by a dog head human monster for more than ten days, he trapped me here with magic, draw my blood every day, do not know what to do, I am so afraid."

I didn't have any expression on my face, just looked at the young woman coldly.

The young woman continued to cry, "Poor me, I have been pregnant for six months, and all these days the monster catches some mice and wild dogs for me to eat, I really can't eat, I really want to starve to death, but for the child in my belly, the woman keeps crying."

I took a look at her stomach, which was indeed swollen, and her image, which was indeed haggard, looked malnourished.

I said coldly, "How do you want me to save you?"

While wiping her tears, the young woman pointed to a pillar beside her and said, "It seems that the worm's eyes can unlock the magic of the monster, and every time the monster brings food to me, it is pressed there."

I looked into her eyes, and indeed, the bug's eye was a button.

I stopped looking at the woman and walked to the right of the light ball. The woman screamed, "Hero, aren't you going to help me?"

I coldly said: "If you can kill the plague god, I will save you."

The woman said, "I have not seen any plague god in this hall, there are three monsters in total, and you have killed them just now."

I suddenly gave a loud snort and looked directly at the young woman: "God of plague! I could not confirm your identity, but your words are too much, your heart is too anxious, and your acting is too poor!"

The woman said again and stared at me.

In addition to the Sark and our lost village, the nearest village around the Cave of the Plague God is five days away, how could the monsters capture a woman who is clearly not a Sark?

The monster, there is no reason to keep this woman here for more than ten days without eating her.

How could this woman know we killed three monsters when she was so far away from where we were fighting?

All these doubts combined to prove that the woman must have been transformed by the plague God

The young woman screamed, "No!" But her face soon turned grim: "Hero, you can kill me, I, here have had enough."

The sad look of the young woman made my heart move for a moment, but now I force myself to be as iron as stone, and this young woman is just an ugly monster in my eyes.

The first arrow went through the ball of light, sank into the young woman's chest, and then flew out of her back. The young woman gave a cry, clutching her breast and trembling in pain.

Unable to allow her to deceive herself with this horror, my second arrow shot without hesitation into the young woman's forehead.

Instead of what I had imagined the monster would suddenly appear in its true form, the arrow pierced the young woman's skull, pinning her head to the ground, and the scream was only half uttered before it lodged in her throat.

I heard a reminder in my ear: "You killed the good NPC 'Ping', the evil value is +1, the reputation is decreased by 5, and the experience is increased by 10..."

My head hummed, my body took a few steps back, and I fell to the ground, dumbfounded.

What I just killed was not a monster, but an innocent human NPC!

My body is cold, I have never felt such a feeling, what is this?

In the past, I mistakenly cut good NPCS in the game, and killed countless players, why don't I have such a feeling, I really like falling into the ice cellar now.

I killed someone, and I'm afraid that's how I'd feel if I killed someone in real life who had nothing against me? Besides, I killed a woman, a mother with a six-month-old fetus!

In the past, more than once, when I killed someone in a game, I was reminded of reality. I've always thought that TV shows of terrified criminals who kill for the first time are really useless. You know, if you're mentally competent, you might get a little nervous after a murder, but you should clean up right away. However, today I learned that killing people is not so easy...

In the confusion of consciousness, a voice kept reminding me: "You still have tasks to complete, you are a person related to countless lives, if you can not seal the plague God, the world will usher in a devastating disaster!"

This sound is like a huge bell, a strong sense of responsibility, and I gradually wake up from the confusion. Now was not the time to confess. I fought back my anxiety and slowly rose.

Afraid to look at the corpse of the young woman, I staggered forward a little, and finally, I saw the throne of the plague god.

The body of the Plague God, like that of the Ox God, is enveloped in a crystal full of life energy, which appears smaller than that of the Ox Head God, probably because by the time the Sark came here, the Mages had lost a lot of money and were much weakened.

The face of the plague God was painted with various colors, like wearing a mask, and the equipment on his body was still very gorgeous, but I did not want to appreciate it and carefully observe the crystal.

There are no gaps in the crystals, and they are significantly harder than the crystals in the bull head. I can almost feel it as the last remaining mages of the Sark Clan putting the most elemental power of life into this crystal. Otherwise, it is impossible for this crystal not to be forcibly breached by the "plague god".

However, I clearly felt that the crystal seemed to be crying and becoming weaker and weaker.

I was surprised to touch the fast crystal with intuition, and finally found that the crystal has appeared countless small cracks under the action of various micro-undetectable viruses and bacteria!

I see, the crystals are made of the life energy of the mages, and the virus is a demon that eats away at life!

Although the plague God is sealed, the various viruses in the hall are still there, and they continue to attach to the crystal, bit by bit corroding the crystal, and some have penetrated the crystal. As a result, the plague God's consciousness was restored to a small extent, and the three plague gods were awakened, and the plague gods summoned their monsters.

I thought about it for a while and came to a decision.

I carefully sent a fireball to the crystal, controlling the fireball only to travel on the surface of the crystal, using high temperatures to remove the virus.

After the removal, I used the treatment again, and felt that the crystal of life seemed to recover some vitality, sending me a "happy" message, and I immediately covered all the remaining bright skin in the bundle on the crystal, so that there would be no virus invasion!

The whole time, I was on guard against the attack of the plague spirit body, but surprisingly nothing happened.

I originally suspected that I was not sealing the real plague God, but when I put on the clear skin, the system said: "You have successfully restored the 'plague God seal' and gained 500 prestige!"

"When your physique goes up 10, you get the 'mark of the strong.'" "Other players participating in this mission, each physique increased by 5. Prestige 100"

Mark of the Strong, increased Health by 5, HP+10%, and physical attack resistance by 5%.