Chapter 29 The Race of Celestials

When I used my mind to detect the imprint of the strong in the abdomen, the white light flashed in front of me, and I suddenly appeared in a strange white space, and in front of me was a pool of white gas.

A male angel in white appeared in front of me and said to me: "Are you alone, you immediately enter the 'purification pool' and wash away the germs from your body."

Without much time to think, I jumped down into the pool and asked, "How did this happen? How did I get here?"

The angel said, "The great hall where the plague God is located was originally owned by our God, and because of its invasion, we can only evacuate." We have a giant teleportation array in the hall, and according to the setting when we left, once the plague God's will is gone, the Teleportation array will be in effect, and it will be able to send out the gods or human life in the temple. This is to prevent the warrior who challenges the plague God from being infected by the temple virus for too long."

I wonder: "Are you gods still afraid of these evil spirits?"

The angel said faintly, "If we only talk about power, the plague God is not a rival of our heavenly family, but we do not want to be contaminated with the virus he sends out when he dies, just like you humans do not want to touch dirty things with your own hands." That hall is no more than a small dwelling place for us on earth, which can be rebuilt in half a day. There is no need to argue with him."

Although this angel's attitude towards me is not bad, how can I feel that we human beings appear so low in the eyes of these angels? The demon God that they can destroy at any time will cause such a great disaster in the world.

Remember to log in to the game to see the angel is also, it seems that the angel family should be the owner of this game?

I looked up and asked, "May I ask, what is going on with the Devas?"

The angel said, "God is the supreme ruler of this world, and according to the will of the creator God, we can change anything in this world." Under the God of creation, there are hundreds of gods, such as the God of war, the God of life, the God of the earth, the God of the sky, the God of energy, the God of the elements, and tens of thousands of middle gods and countless lower gods, and we and God's heavenly soldiers, etc., belong to God's emissaries."

I asked, "What is the rank of plague God and ox head God?"

The angel frowned and said, "It is the gathering of evil energy between heaven and earth, especially the evil thoughts of your human beings, but also the main cause of the formation of these evil spirits, the stronger the human power, the more evil thoughts will be, the more powerful these evil spirits will become." So..."

Suddenly the angel stopped speaking, with a look of disgust on his face.

In my heart, I did not know how to come up with an idea: Is it because of the fear that human power will become stronger and breed stronger demons, the gods will disregard human life and death, and let disease, war and natural disasters consume human power?

I interrupted my own thoughts, I was really too whimsical, whatever, here is just a world created by programmers, these gods and demons, even including their own bodies, in fact, are just a pile of data.

However, I was still uneasy, unlike other players, the game world is almost all I have, in other words, the god determines my entire life. If they're unhappy for a moment, they can always take everything away from me.

Determined to please these gods, I kept flattering the angel, but the angel only lightly dealt with me, not like the angel who logged in to the game.

However, after I came out of the pool, the angel could not withstand my sweet words, and sent me a "lightning technique" and several primary skills of the light department, that is, the "blessing technique" of the priest.

I also want to stay for a while, by the way to the place where the God lives to visit, the angel has been very impatient, a move in the hand, will me back to the earth.

It fell outside the forest of Confusion, outside the altar of the bull head. Now the monsters around the altar have all left and are scattered everywhere. The horses left outside by the Sark have been eaten by the monsters, there is no way, the ordinary NPC has no pet space, the mount can only stay here.

I was going to beat up some "Mingmeng" and skin them back, but I have no medicine, so I'd better hurry back to the lost village.

Counting the time, it has been nearly two days since we set out from the lost village, and I still have to go back and try to find a way to pay off the debts of the village, but with dozens of silver equipment on my body, I should be able to sell dozens of gold coins, and I am not too worried.

Returning to the Sark tribe first, seeing the wives and sons of the chieftains, and the families of other warriors, I really could not open my mouth.

If we players had not offered to help them seal the demon, these Sarks would have chosen to migrate far away, and these warriors would not have died.

Sealing the demon God may be a great merit for all the people in the world, but it does not mean that I have the right to let these knights sacrifice, what's more, we accept the original intention of the task, but to go to the task reward, it can be said that the patriarch they are sacrificed for our personal interests.

I didn't know how to repent to the people in front of me, or how to compensate them for the loss of their loved ones. When the Sark people saw me coming back alone, with the Luperz suit on me, they were silent for only a moment, then they all fell to the ground and shouted, "Luperz returns! Luperz returns! Welcome the return of the new chief!"

I was regarded by them as a hero to destroy the demon, as a hero to find the lupercal suit, and as a new patriarch, but I was really not excited at all.

I even want to return the "Luthor suit" that the players dream of, to the Saxo people, but my selfish heart still let me endure, my bones, after all, is still a professional player ah.

Look at the Sakh people in front of me, in addition to the jewelry maker Bihul and the son of the patriarch Luo Ying, basically have no name, belong to the low intelligence NPC, and the combat level is below 20, I must also bear the heavy responsibility of this patriarch.

At this time, one of the oldest elders of the clan asked for a long whip from the wife of the old chief and gave it to me. At the moment I took the whip, the system prompted: "You have become the chief of the Sark clan, increase the management window of the Sark clan."

"Add 'tent building method' to your 'house building method.'"

"You get the stringed instrument Method, you get the Madrigal, the Prairie Song, the Prayer Song, the Toast Song."

"Your herding and riding skills have improved."

"You learned the art of falling rocks."

I take a long breath, although the harvest is rich, but with this corresponding responsibility is also very big.

I pondered for a moment and shouted to my people, "As your chief, I will try my best to protect you and give you a better life!"

"Now that we are no longer attacked by monsters and plagues, the number of horses will increase a lot, so I have decided to trade our horses with the outside world. Therefore, you will choose some good riders and herders to follow me to the nearby Lost Village to sell the horses."

Then I arranged for some strong herdsmen to insist on fighting the monsters, while others continued to take care of the horses, and with some herdsmen and Bihul, a jeweler who had reached expert horsemanship, I set out for the lost village with a thousand horses.

I took the lead in the prairie, behind the thousands of horses to follow, listening to the roar of the ground as a thousand drums of war, I was full of spirit, singing aloud: "Vast grasslands ah, there will be muddy swamps, that dance gas filled the hills, I do not know how to turn over..."

At that moment, the sky came from a wild goose, followed by a clear harp, through the hooves of the horse, straight through my ear drum.

Surprised, I looked up and saw a wild goose rushing down from the sky, on the back of the wild goose, sitting a green girl playing the piano.