Chapter 30 :Pastoral

She had short purple hair, large eyes, a round face like a doll, and could not have been more than seventeen years old. He wore a green warlock's robe and carried a harp in his hand.

I beckoned everyone to stop the horses, and the girl stepped down from the back of the goose and looked at me curiously: "Your clothes are so beautiful, and your song is also beautiful."

I fainted, this girl is not looking at my beautiful clothes just fell down.

I rarely talk to girls in games, but this girl is so cute that I want to tease her, while hiding my name, while laughing: "Little girl, your dress is also very beautiful."

Game players can choose to hide their own attributes, if the other party is lower than their own level and detective skills are not high, it is difficult to find what you want to hide.

The girl did use the detective, did not see my name, but suddenly found my "Sark chief" and "lost village chief" identity, the mouth suddenly became "O" shape.

The girl rushed up excitedly and grabbed my hand: "You are the chief of the Sark clan! I've been looking for you for a long time. The last time I was in your tribe, they said you were out. I've been walking around here for hours!"

I wonder: "You looking for me? What's the matter?"

The girl urgently said: "My name is' Irene ', from the sunset city, I am a 'bard', my teacher told me that to rise the stunt 'singing', must find you to take the task, patriarch brother, your task is what?"

Heard the girl's voice called brother, smelled the girl's light fragrance, I only feel that the bones of the whole body are soft. I coughed and tried to put on the shelf that the patriarch should have, one side of the strange, I am not an NPC, can I also send tasks?

Quietly open the patriarch's management window, and sure enough, there is a "task" column. Open a look, it lists a long row of tasks, there are "find the missing pony, level 10, reward: riding horse", "find a lost wooden bow for a herdsman child, no level requirements, reward: a wooden bow", "Give me an iron level weapon, no level requirements, reward: 10 random monster skins." ............

I can't believe it's true. I can also send quests to players?

I was in a daze when Irene took my hand and shook me awake. I was busy with a smile: "Well, little sister, I think about what your task is, is to see you look so cute, let me look at the ha ha."

I had no idea that I would become so glib, Irene's face suddenly red, eyes shining, shy look, appear more lovely.

I quickly found out her task: "Sing a song, eliminate all my fatigue, raise the emotional level of more than 10." Level 20, skill requirements: Singing Advanced Level 3, reward: quest item 'Dongbula'."

Irene listened, "Moved more than 10!" On the spot, he cried out: "How to do, I don't have a good song score now, and the best result before is to improve the audience's moving degree 6 ah."

It turns out that there are hidden attributes such as "touching degree" in the game. I understand Irene's distress, a singer without good music, like a good blacksmith without good ore, can not produce good works.

I looked at the little girl with tears in her eyes, and my heart was very sad, and hurriedly said, "Don't worry, I am very musical cells, maybe it is your bosom friend, you sing to me, you can move me."

Irene wiped her eyes and looked at me. "Is it true? Oh, yes, you are the patriarch, the music cell must be better than others."

Irene told me to sit down and drew the people behind me to listen to her.

The melodious sound of the piano glided past our ears, lifting our spirits, but when Irene sang, we were visibly disappointed.

Irene's voice is very nice, sweet and clean, very comfortable, like a brook flowing into our hearts. However, the song she sings is too ordinary, the song name is "I love grass", both lyrics and music are very vulgar very no taste.

I desperately want to immerse in the song to go, but no, no way to resonate, if this song for a big guy to sing, I'm afraid I will spit out on the spot, God, how can there be such a bad song in the game.

Irene put down her harp in disappointment: "No, you are only moved to 3, the difference is too far."

I coughed, "Little sister, you didn't... Any other songs? Don't you have a song that moves people to 6?"

Irene bowed her head: "Songs are divided into ten levels according to the level, this" I love grass "is the ninth, I will be the other three songs only ten, but not." I used to sing this song to a few children, and they liked it, and only once did it reach 6."

I dizzy, originally this is a children's song ah, it seems that the song and the audience also pay attention to the compatibility.

Eileen then tried three other songs, but it worked better, and we were moved by 4 points, but it was still far from the standard deviation of 10.

Irene's tears were wrapped in her eyes again: "I am stupid, others can find a good task, learn a lot of six and seven good songs, I can't find such a task..."

Seeing her cry, I was worried for her. I am an only child, and I have never experienced the feeling of being a brother in my life, and today I feel it. Now my heart regards this little girl as more important than myself, only feel unwilling to let her suffer a little grievance.

I tried to sing the songs I had learned and see if she could learn them. Irene was really talented and quickly picked up the tune of the song and couldn't sing out of tune. However, although the songs learned in this way are also good, the system does not think that this is a skill, so it is not moved at all.

I suddenly thought of the "book making method" taught to me by the former bookstore owner, so I found a piece of fur, used the "handwriting" skill, and added "madrillic" in the auxiliary column. But the system says the book failed.

Not discouraged, with fur, wood, etc., take turns to write, and finally, after five failures, the success of the first song score.

Attributes of the song score: "Severely damaged 'Madrigal', song grade 9."

Irene looked at all this in surprise, quickly took over the music, after the use, immediately can sing "pastoral", this time, we moved to six.

My heart is also extremely excited, before only writing to write notices and village rules, but what came out has no attributes, just posted on the wall for the new players in the village to see. I also tried to write a book on skills, which is to remind me that my skill level is not enough and the book is failed. Today's song score, but I wrote the first book ah, perhaps, or the game so far the first player-produced song score, haha.

My "writing passion" was out of control, and repeatedly produced books, dozens of times, and finally wrote a "incomplete" Madrigal, song grade eight. Two of my other three songs were written as ninths.

Irene jumped excitedly, this is her first time to get the eighth grade song score, after careful use, heart singing, let us move to 9.

But I clearly have been conquered by Irene's song, "My horse, ah, accompany me all over the world, today came to this magical place, the eagle of the sky is flying for me, the distant sunset shines on my chest, I am intoxicated in the vast grassland..."

I closed my eyes, a long time can not come out from the pastoral mood, behind the herdsmen also excited to jump up, around Irene dance, Irene saw this scene, face excited red, singing became more bright, at this time, she excitedly called: "Success, moved to 10!"

I slowly opened my eyes, feeling in my heart, although the game console is clever, but it can only calculate the effect according to the level of the singer and the song level, but it can not reflect the real value of the song ah. Irene has only advanced singing skills, and she only sings eighth class songs, but I believe that what I just heard is the most beautiful song in the world.

Suddenly appeared in the hand of a note "task items" of the Dongbula, to Irene, we sang all the way to the lost village.