Chapter 38 :The True Brave

Small hill, plain, but my intuition seems to tell me that there is a powerful aura hidden underneath.

Following the calf, we found the secret passage hidden behind the rubble.

Bill said, "There's a formation at the mouth of the cave."

We said, "Bill, do you know anything about formation?"

Bill held up his glasses: "My fighting profession is a Taoist priest, so I can understand the primary method, but it is still difficult to put it on my own." This formation is made of stones, and the grade is not high, so it should be possible to break it by brute force."

Taoist is also very few candidates for the occupation, need to draw to achieve the function of the spell, but the power of the spell is weak, only to the advanced after there will be a call to the dead, zombies and other help combat skills, but the early stage is really difficult, the skills of the formation of Taoist, mage, wizard, priest can practice, but the formation of the map is very difficult to find, and the homepage is unknown, That's why it's rare to see a man who can fight.

This formation should be laid after the wizard left, there is no need for Leon to cut the stone, I have a wind skill has blown the stone, broke this formation, it seems that the formation skill can be considered garbage skills, as long as you do not enter the battle, it is easy to break.

Not knowing what danger there was in the cave, we let the calf play outside, and the four of us walked carefully into the secret passage.

In our imagination, the usual secret passages are paved with stone slabs, and there are stone carvings on the walls. However, the secret passageway in front of him is like a natural cave, with only a few traces of artificial widening.

I guess so. There's only three of us, so we don't have to build a complicated tunnel.

A little further on, a stone door appeared, and next to it was written a strange string of words, which Bill had read aloud before my archaeology could recognize: "If you are a virtuous man, please open this door."

Bill looked sheepish at our surprised eyes. "This, this is Hebrew. I studied it." I mean, "research" at 15? I'm giving you the genius.

When we opened the stone door, we saw a light in front of us. Although the room was not large, the murals on the wall gave people a huge sense of impact.

On the fresco, there is a boundless grassland, where countless cattle, sheep and horses are eating grass, and in the cloudless sky, eagles are soaring.

Although I spent some time on the grassland, the picture before me seemed to be more perfect than the real grassland, the colors were bright, the animals were lifelike, and I even smelled the fragrance of the grass. The detailed and artistic conception expressed in the picture are more immersive.

Leon they are even more wow exclaimed, ear-to-ear. Bill said, "If only I could live in a place like this, how wonderful it would be." That's something you don't see in books or on TV."

Not only Bill ah, who would not like such a happy life, but there are too many fame and fortune in the world let people can not leave ah.

My eyes fell on a stone table in the middle of the room.

The style of the stone table is very simple, there are many strange patterns on the stone table, there are three pallets, one of which is placed on a stone carved eagle, and the other two pallets are empty.

Leon also turned his eyes to the stone table and suddenly exclaimed, "This... This is truly an extraordinary carving skill! It's amazing, my God, there's such magic in the world!"

Leon's major life career is engraver, and his sculpting skills have reached an advanced level, and even he admires things that are really rare.

Leon moved involuntarily toward the stone table, reaching for the eagle. I shouted, "Be careful!"

With a snap, Leon's hand bounced off a shield from the eagle, but it wasn't badly hurt, as if the person who set the shield had a good heart.

Leon muttered, "A real brave man? Am I not a brave man?"

I said, "What did you say?"

Leon snorted. "The system tells me that only the truly brave can pick up the eagle, or they will be attacked by the Boundary."

I smiled, Leon is indeed a very brave man, but a brave man is not only brave, but also needs a strong will and a clear mind, speaking of, such a person, besides me who else.

Leon is still not convinced, take a deep breath, gather the spirit of one step to the stone eagle, but this time, before he reached out, the whole person has been a strong bump out.

I smiled and walked to the stone table, just extended my hand, only to feel a strong current from my arm, before I had time to react, my hand was also bounced back, and my body even took two steps back.

The system prompts: "Only the truly brave can pick up this stone eagle..."

I couldn't help feeling a little lost in my heart, and turned to look at Leon, who was also depressed. However, I can see that Leon, like me, is a little unconvinced: even we are not the real brave, then who else can be called.

I looked at the stone table carefully, and there were two lines carved in front of the three trays on the table. In front of the stone eagle, the system prompted us just now. The words on the left read, "Only the pure of heart can pick up this glass of water." The words on the right read, "Only those who love nature can pick up this seed."

My heart jumped, originally, there were three treasures, the water should be able to change the desert soil, the seed can make the grass grow, the eagle attracted eagles. At the beginning, the three people left these three treasures, the common purpose is obviously to make the vast grassland generated here.

I can't help wondering, if the boundary set by these three people is really so spiritual, the people who take away the water should be pure in heart, and the people who take away the seeds are those who love nature, but how can such people destroy this grassland for the sake of treasures?

Leon urged Jimmy to try it, and Jimmy cringed: "Boss, really, do you look like a brave man?"

Under Leon's threat, Jimmy still put out his hand with a hard face, and as a result, he was knocked farther away, hitting the wall with a scream, and quickly added a cure to himself.

My heart grew restless, but I was not coveting this treasure. If the eagle is not removed, the flock will not leave Eagletown, either they will all mutate, kill each other or attack humans, or they will all starve to death. Holy shit, you three old guys who left the treasure, you don't know how to bend the rules?

I was cursing the three men from years ago when I saw Bill throw his hand at the stone table.

I exclaimed, "I want to die!" If Bill gets hit by a shield, he'll be killed instantly, even though he's used to dying, but who wants to see a mate die in front of their eyes?

However, we were dumbfounded when Bill put his hand on the stone eagle, and nothing happened!

Leon gave a stunned cry. "Damn it." Jimmy stared at the three of us repeatedly, as if to compare who was the real boss.

It took me a while to realize that maybe Bill was a brave man. A person who knows that he will be killed, but still rushes to prevent others from killing eagles again and again, a person who is not afraid of anyone's ridicule, and insists on his own practice, this is the real brave man recognized by the three people.

And perhaps most important of all, Bill was striving for something that had nothing to do with his own self-interest, like his name: "Just Bill," who only cared about what he thought was right.

"I shrink, even though thousands of people have passed away." Once upon a time, I also had such a boldness. However, this time in the face of the crazy slaughter of players of Wells, I chose to escape, so I, and how can play the name of the brave?

In the face of Leon and Jimmy's jealousy, Bill was quite embarrassed, suddenly he stayed for a while, and then hurriedly said to us, "Oh, I'm called at home. I'll see you tomorrow."

As soon as I stayed, I cried out in a hurry: "Leave the stone eagle!"

But it was too late. Bill disappeared from our faces and quit the game.

I stared at the spot where Bill had disappeared, wondering what would happen next.

Of course, the eagle is in Bill's pocket, but Bill has left the game, so what space is the eagle in now? How will the eagles, attracted by the magic of the stone eagle, react?

The three of us looked at each other helplessly, and now we had to wait.

Looking dully at the stone table, he glimpsed what seemed to be words on the bottom of three trays. I took a closer look and saw that there were "works of the first brave Li Jie", "works of the purest and lovely beautiful girl Xiaoyu", "works of Harvey who loves nature"...