Chapter 39 :The Night

Leon and Jimmy also came to see the words on the tray, is also a strange, the names of these three people on the plate are very much like the names of people in reality, "Fantasy Journey" NPC basically will not take such names, and "the most pure and lovely girl" such words, also like players made out. However, the game has only been open for half a month, and the legend of those three people came a long time ago.

Leon suddenly said: "It seems that the players left during the test, although the internal test and public test accounts are all cleared, but some traces left by these players are still retained."

Jimmy added, "I remember maiker saying that as a thank you to the playtesters, they instruct the 'Blue Queen' to turn certain accounts into system NPCS, or do some story based on the player's deeds."

Leon praised: "The players in these tests are powerful, and the stone eagle just now, if I am not wrong, I am afraid it is a work of God level above!" That's something a carver of the highest order could do!"

I nodded: "Three players, can produce something with such divine power, really not simple, but we have not seen the other two things."

We looked around the room for the treasure, but we found no more.

Jimmy gritted his teeth: "Really angry ah, these several missions have no good things, when can my equipment upgrade ah!"

Leon banged on the head. "And you said, don't you realize this room is just for you?"

Jimmy gave a cry, touching his head in disbelief and looking at Leon.

Leon said, "Don't you have a life professional 'painter'? With such a beautiful mural in front of you, why don't you learn?"

Jimmy gave a sigh: "Boss, you forgive me, my family forced me to learn painting since childhood has annoyed me to death, so easy to allow me to play games, you ask me to learn this?"

Leon snorted, "And you choose an artist?"

Jimmy sighed: "I think I have some basic, choose this may practice faster, did not think that the game painter is useless, this world, people have money to buy equipment, who will buy paintings."

Leon said: "Nonsense, no career in the game is useless, you have been staying in the village, of course, do not know the role of painting, many culturally developed cities, the value of art is quite high, you quickly practice!"

Jimmy sighed, took out the painting tool to the wall began to copy, not to mention, there is a foundation of people are not the same, although Jimmy only intermediate third class painting skills, the imitation of the mural is really some resemblance.

I took advantage of this time to observe the construction of the room, and found that the shape of the room is very exquisite, not just built after the shape of the cave.

Leon didn't bother me either. He studied the carving on the stone table.

Time passed, the system suddenly reminded me: "Your" house construction method "content increased, you learned to build 'temple'." Function: Spread the efficiency of the treasures enshrined in the temple, the higher the building level, the higher the efficiency and influence."

I can't think of a way to get it like this, excited to tell Leon, Leon more attentively to study the stone table.

By this time the boundary on the table had disappeared, and I managed to disassemble the three trays from the table. Pallets have no special properties to show, but what I look for is their material, which can be refined to make other things later.

Looking up at the time, it has been 8:30 p.m., the game time is synchronized with reality, I sighed: "It seems that Bill will not be online tonight, I don't know whether it is too late tomorrow." If I don't get rid of all the eagles by two o 'clock tomorrow afternoon, my territory will be lost."

In fact, my heart was already prepared for the failure of the mission, even if the stone eagle could make the eagles migrate, but I only killed a few evil eagles, in terms of merit, it is pitiful, it is estimated that it can not meet the minimum standard for obtaining a title.

Leon looked up: "Ah, it's so late, I have a friend's birthday tonight, everyone agreed to go out for drinks, I'm almost late, sorry, I may not be online tonight."

Jimmy also said, "I was scolded by my father last night, and I dare not go on again tonight."

My heart poured into a kind of unspoken taste, I nodded: "Real life is more important than the game, you go, I also have something to do later."

Leon suddenly remembered: "By the way, Chris, let's write down each other's real number, what is convenient to contact, the game must be 60 level after the thousands of miles to transmit sound, now only rely on the radio and leave a note is too inconvenient."

I smiled wryly. "I don't have a phone."

"Cell phone?" Leon and Jimmy looked at each other and suddenly smiled, "Oh, you're just making an analogy. Yes, the calling function of the ID card is similar to those old phones."

I was there for a second. So, no one's using the phone anymore?

Leon added, "No kidding, you're not a black market person, are you? No ID cards?"

I smiled awkwardly: "Well... This..."

Leon interrupted me: "Don't say it, are you some celebrity, afraid we know, hey, in fact, I just think if there is no contact information, it is very inconvenient."

Say goodbye. Leon and Jimmy are off the line.

I feel a little sorry in my heart, not that I don't trust my friends, I just don't want to let my friends in the game know that I am a vegetable in reality, even if they don't look at me with strange eyes, I am afraid that they will show sympathy to me.

Maybe people need attention when they are sick, but I am disabled, and like other disabled people, what I want most is to be treated as a normal person, not pity.

Out of the secret way, looked up at the sky, but did not see the eagles, my heart in joy, is Bill taking away the stone eagle has had an effect?

But I was soon disappointed. I heard a shrill chirp in my ear, and then I flew past several owls. Most eagles appear in the daytime, and only owls, such as owls, are active at night.

However, the rest time of the eagles should not be easy to change, and the number of evil eagles will not increase much tomorrow morning.

However, there are also many changes in owls, and the name is "evil owl", generally between 42 and 45 levels, higher than the evil eagle. I fought carefully, never daring to provoke more than two "bad owls."

I rode Albert, killing the owls all the way, slowly, but getting closer to Eagle Town.

Not far ahead is where Wells fought the falcon-slayer during the day. When I looked up, I saw the red sky under the night, and I was stunned.

In my imagination, during the five hours I was gone, the battle would have been long over. Even if the elite of the church led by the Lord of the eagle is not the opponent of Wells, the magic of Wells should also be in the situation of exhaustion and exhaustion, and they will choose to run away. I, on the other hand, just came back to get some information about Wells.

But the fire is still raging! Five hours, and what a brutal battle it will be!

I strangled Albert and hesitated for a long time to ride the horse to see the scene of the battlefield, as if all were red with blood, the screams and groans of the players were in my ears, and the complaints of countless players seemed to intruded on my brain, making it difficult for me to breathe.

I suddenly raised my head to the sky and screamed, and I already made a decision in my heart: What I made, I must bear to face. Escape, can only let me from now on, sleep and eat. I galloped off towards the battle.

The plain at night was still full of people, without torches, and countless flames in the battlefield had illuminated the world as day.