Chapter 48 : Meeting Bruce Again

I was secretly shocked, that what's-her-name High Priest, who can talk to the God of Heaven, to put it bluntly, can access the game data to see it, if I knew that the massacre in Wells was caused by me talking nonsense, wouldn't I be a dead man?

 Luckily, it seems that that priest didn't mention me.

 The city lord said: "Now the king issued a wanted notice, see the player of Wells, kill without amnesty, take his life, get the merit 1000, experience 300,000, a treasure weapon, gold coins 1000, the number of times the wanted notice is valid for 10 times. Now, all the teleportation arrays have banned this player from teleportation, and the king has ordered that any village or town that lets Wells enter to replenish his medication will be heavily penalized. Considering that most villages and towns don't have high combat power right now, the king has allocated 100 gold coins to each village and town to strengthen the construction of force, your village finance there should have gotten it as well, go back and you utilize this money properly."

 I nodded, but still worried, "But, I only have a level 40 village guard, the force is too thin, can you send me a few more soldiers? Of course I'll pay for the salary."

 The City Lord smiled and said, "If it was another village, I could send soldiers, however, your village is already your autonomous territory and cannot take up the country's military establishment, your village guard, I will take it back next month. In fact, since you became the first player on the server to have a territory, the 'Recruitment Facsimile' system is now automatically open, and you can send out recruitment orders to any NPC."

 I looked at the City Lord in surprise, "You can still recruit NPCs?"

 The City Lord smiled, "Yes, of course, the NPCs in the streets are generally living profession oriented, if you want to find a warrior, you'll have to go to the 'Talent Market' in the underground black market."

 I couldn't help but call out, "Talent Market???"

 There was actually this in the game, it was the place I ran to the most when I first graduated!

 Asking for the location of the underground black market, I didn't have the heart to chat with the City Lord much longer as I hurriedly excused myself and ran out of the City Lord's Mansion.

 Still, I suddenly came to the realization that I only had 3 gold coins on me, what kind of talent could I hire? It's better to go back to the village and get the money.

 At this time, Lyon and the others message also sent over, congratulating me for getting the territory, saying that they would come to the Lost Village later to meet me.

 I passed by the mercenary union, now at level 30, I can join, go in and pay 1 gold coin to qualify as a G-rank mercenary.

 By the way, I take a look at the mercenary quests, the headline mercenary quest right now is the S-rank: Wanted Wells, which any mercenary can take. In addition to the king's reward, the person who completes it gets 10,000 mercenary reputation points, and if I can complete it, I can go straight to rank D.

 There are very few tasks that a G-rank mercenary can take, only small things like delivering letters, catching rats, carrying stones, etc. Each only has a few points of reputation and a few hundred coins, at least I have to do more than 100 to upgrade, I don't have the heart to do it now.

 I don't have any money on me, so I don't need to shop any more, so I take the teleportation array and return to the Lost Village.

 Leon, Ace, Tom, Jimmy, Bill, and the village manager, Bao, Abbey, Alan, all welcomed me in front of the teleportation array.

 These guys showered me with flower petals and leaves that they found somewhere, making me happy. I was touched from the bottom of my heart, this is not the fun I could have experienced in the past when I was alone in the game, it's good to have friends.

 Fortunately now is night, no other players see, I told everyone to keep quiet.

 Now I want to do things, the first thing is to seal the official, after becoming a lord, you can have some henchmen. I'll restore the village manager's identity, Bill will be my clerk, Jimmy will be a dedicated priest, and can preside over the village's temple of light, Leon, Ace, Tom, and Bao will be appointed as "military officials".

 It's not that I don't want to give them higher positions, it's just that they haven't contributed to my territory at all.

 Other players in the village is the same, before their contribution to the village does not count, from now on, for my territory to make contributions, the system will be calculated to report to me, to reach a certain standard in order to be promoted, of course, even if the merit to reach, as long as I am not happy, or can not be promoted to his position, huh.

 Leon they all got a position badge, although the added ability is not much, but that is a status symbol.

 The brothers were excitedly discussing how they should develop after having a territory, but they were even more excited than me.

 Speaking of which, the Lost Village is kind of rich in resources since it hasn't been developed for a long time, but it's still not well managed with more and more players, so for now, I will never agree with Leon's comment of going to the outside forums to publicize the Lost Village.

 Moreover, I recalled the unfriendly messages I received, and wondered if there would really be people with jealousy to wreak havoc, so I was also opposed to going around publicizing that the Lost Village was the only player territory at the moment.

 Leon still quickly understood my low profile, once upon a time he belonged to the powerhouse in the game, so he always had a high profile, attracting large numbers of players to his side before establishing a gang. But now that there were a few of us, we were nothing in Fantasy Journey, so we really couldn't use that method anymore.

 Right now, we all still need to speed up our leveling, and at the same time make some righteous and reliable people as partners. I, on the other hand, need to seize the time to strengthen the village's combat capability, mainly by building more magic pillars and hiring more high-level village guards.

 While Leon and the others continued to discuss the future development of our little collective, I went to find the herders.

 After a day or so of not seeing them, the herders sold over 200 more horses and handed over all the gold coins to me.

 I felt very sorry in my heart, using the horses raised by the herders in exchange for the construction funds for my own territory was indeed very selfish, however, when the territory develops well in the future and there is more money, then I will compensate them again, or even, it is fine to build a separate village for the herders.

 Together with the 100+ gold coins from the village coffers and the 100 gold coins from the king's subsidy, I am now carrying 470 gold coins.

 Sending a message to Master Shi, asking him to come to the Lost Village, Master replied back that he was working on a big project in a certain town, and that he wouldn't be able to come over until two days later.

 Bill went offline to rest again, but according to Lyon, taking him to practice leveling for a few hours, he had already risen from level 10 to level 13. Someone to bring is fast ah, think of their own former bitter days, huh, do not say.

 Taking the money originally wanted to go to Sunset City to buy magic crystal stone, but still think to the blue demon that hole to pick up more cost-effective, so, our party of five people to pack up, decided to go to the Blue Jade Mountain.

 If you go to Blue Jade Mountain on horseback, it will take more than three hours without fighting monsters on the road, Leon thought it would be better to take the teleportation array to the village of Jade Casting, where the journey to Blue Jade Mountain will be half as short.

 The Village of Caiyu is Bruce's territory, and I've always been reluctant to get into trouble, so I'd rather take a detour to the Village of Barking Dogs when I first opened the teleportation array, but you can't be afraid for the rest of your life, right?

 We rode on the teleportation array and came to the Village of Caiyu, the village at night, seemed particularly quiet, only two couples were outside looking at the moon, so we didn't wander around much, and went straight out of the village.

 Ace's eagle has not yet hatched, so I still send him a horse, and asked the herdsman to teach him riding skills, his understanding can be really good, only learn so short time, has been more stable than Jimmy that no sports cell guy riding.

 Ride the cool night wind, top of the sky full of stars, we all feel refreshed, extraordinarily comfortable, breathe the air, all the way to talk and laugh, less than two hours, has been to the Blue Jade Mountain.

 The cave is very secret, last time if not Leon know the specific coordinates, we really can not find. Coupled with the fact that there aren't many resources of any kind on Blue Jade Mountain, the Jade Casting Village players rarely come here.

 However, we entered the cave and found that the number of blood-sucking bats was not very large, like someone often cleaned up.

 Now with our combat power, level 28 bats were no longer much of a threat, however, I realized that my spells were actually not very effective against these bats. Especially the fireballs and lightning bolts were obviously not as effective as physical attacks, which wasn't the case the last time I was here.

 Leon and I looked at each other, knowing that the other party was thinking the same thing as myself, that Bruce was good at fire and electricity, could it be that he had been killing monsters here for a long period of time, forcing the bats to evolve into monsters that were highly resistant to fire and electricity? If that's the case, I'm afraid the magic crystal stones here would have been emptied by him long ago.

 When we approached the entrance to the second underground floor, we heard shouts from inside, it seems that what we feared has happened, there were people inside long ago.

 We quietly came to the second floor, first hidden in the corner, only to see that there are seven or eight people inside are surrounding the blue demon.

 Bruce, Glenn, Randy three old friends are in, but now has long changed a line, Bruce actually has a platinum level ring on his hand, it seems he has risen to level 40.

 Originally the warrior practicing leveling is not much slower than the mage, but Leon accompanied me to do two quests to delay a lot of time, and hung up once, so only just practiced to level 37. However, if Bruce had really been here for a long time killing low level monsters like bats, he wouldn't have been able to level up so fast.

 Beside Bruce, besides Glenn, there were also two priests, but none of them were of a high level, and their blood-boosting effect was not as effective as Jimmy's.

 The ones who fronted hard, besides Randy, were a knight and a magic warrior.

 That knight rode a black horse, on his body was also a set of all-black battle armor, whenever the Blue Demon Phase rushed around them towards Bruce and the others, it was always this knight who flew his horse to stop it, in terms of speed, it was actually this black horse that prevailed, it seemed that it was already a mature horse.

 Demon warrior's attack is not as good as knight, blood and defense is not as good as warrior, sensitivity is not as good as chivalry, but it's the spirit power and MP growth is high, some people think, they belong to the trash profession, however, this demon warrior in front of me proves that any profession, has its advantages, especially after getting good skills.