Chapter 49 : The Crisis

The magic warrior's whole body was covered with a layer of white light and a layer of red light, Jimmy recognized that it was the "Light of Life" and "Light of the God of War", which could increase his HP and attack, and the effect was no weaker than that of the priest's auxiliary spells, and could be iterated with the effect of the priest's spells, and because it only added to the individual, it consumed less magic, so this magic warrior's two skills were obviously practiced at a high level. only adding individuals and consuming less magic, so the two skills of this Magic Warrior were obviously practiced quite high.

 As a result, among the players in melee combat now, the number of this Demon Samurai exerted the most power and could kill the Blue Demon for 180 blood every time. Although the Knight and Warrior's skill attacks were stronger than his, they could only use them once in a while, and their normal attacks could only hit 100 out of 100.

 In the center of the battlefield, there was also an odd fellow dressed in black, that was the Summoner.

 The Summoner could summon various elemental spirits in human or beast form to help him fight, it should have been a very good profession, but this game had to set the Summoner to not be able to raise pets, so the Summoner had also turned into a cold profession.

 This summoner summoned four kinds of sprites at the same time: wind, fire, water and earth, perhaps because he did not specialize in one, each kind of sprites come out, can withstand at most two attacks of the blue demon, however, this is also a good way to practice skills.

 Such a powerful lineup, we really don't dare to act rashly, but it's not cool to just make a trip for nothing, glancing towards Lyon, but seeing that he already has the stance of gathering Qi to charge.

 Five against eight, even if sneak attack, victory or defeat is also difficult to say, but the most critical, is that I am not too willing to do it, last time although it is Bruce injustice, but in the end, or they dropped a level, now we take the initiative to fight again, indeed not very good.

 I reached out to Lyon, signaling for us to leave, Lyon frowned, it seemed that he still wasn't willing to let go of this despicable Bruce.

 Just as we were trying to convince each other with our eyes, there was a wild roar and the blue demon hung.

 Unable to make a move now, we carefully retreated to the cave wall and watched as they harvested the loot. The magic crystal stones, which seemed to respawn slowly, only had two very small pieces in the blue demon's nest this time, and were estimated to be worth only a dozen or so gold coins.

 That Demon Warrior said, "The Blue Demons are popping less and less, people say, is it time to try that guy at the bottom."

 Bruce shook his head, "Not yet, don't be in a hurry everyone, we're the only ones practicing here anyway, that guy will be ours sooner or later. Practice for two more days, when you all level up to 40, we'll go again, let's go, there's still enough medicine to practice for an hour, let's go to the third floor to practice before going back."

 The group agreed and walked towards a mountain wall, then, disappeared there.

 It turns out, there are still the third and bottom floors down here, the monsters down there must be of a much higher level, no wonder Bruce and the others upgraded so quickly.

 Monsters in caves usually refresh fast and in large numbers, once you find a cave with monsters, it's definitely more favorable than practicing in the wild.

 Leon still advocated for everyone to go after Bruce to teach him a lesson. Although I don't agree with Leon, I'm not really sticking to my opinion though, as long as Leon feels that he hasn't gotten enough anger out of him, I'll still be along for the ride.

 Asking a few more of the others, Ace simply said, "Whatever." Although Jimmy was not too willing to PK with his former companions, he didn't dare to oppose Leon, and only said, "It's not good ...", or Tom excitedly shouted, "Kill, burst their equipment!"

 Leon frowned, pondered for a while, and finally nodded: "Tom, or you reminded me ..."

 Tom was delighted, "So it's dry?"

 Leon knocked his head heavily, "If it wasn't for your words, I wouldn't have realized that on the surface I wanted to retaliate and punish Bruce, but actually deep down I wanted to explode their equipment and unwillingness to come here for nothing. So, if we go out to kill them this time, it's actually banditry, this kind of practice, what's the difference between it and the kind of people like Bruce?"

 I breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, I didn't make the wrong friend in Leon.

 We all discussed for a while, and decided to wait for Bruce and the others to run out of medicine and leave, and then go to the third floor to see what's strange. It's just uncomfortable not to fight monsters when you're loaded with medicine.

 During the waiting time, everyone found a hidden place and went offline together for a snack before resting for a while. Agree to go online in two hours.

 I go offline first, but there is no Lisa in the hospital to play songs for me, there is really nothing to stay, after a few minutes, I come back online, out of the new wire bed to sleep.

 Enter the game's "small space", began to order songs, new songs obviously do not need to listen to, "Fairy Tale" will be listed as a sacred song, probably because of the age, not many people remember, otherwise there will be many players easily trigger the task.

 After listening to the song for half an hour, the system prompted me that my fatigue had recovered, and I returned to the game.

 The time was still early, I practiced quarrying for a while, then I was afraid that Bruce and the others would hear me, so I had to practice prospecting instead, and added Survey, Appraisal, and Detection in the auxiliary bar.

 Checking the cave along the way, experiencing the joy of treasure hunting, without realizing it I went further and further.

 Using all four skills at the same time was really cool. Prospecting mainly detects all kinds of metal ores, Appraisal can find gems hidden in the cave walls, Surveying mainly checks the terrain and strata and can find good stones and fossils, and Scouting boosts the effects of all three skills.

 Unconsciously after forty minutes or so, what I found was not much but it was really interesting, I'll come back and dig slowly after Bruce and the others have left.

 At this time in front of me was a very long cave wall, the system prompted, "You found a giant dragon fossil."

 I was startled, towards that passage, take a closer look, the whole cave wall is actually a giant dragon's skeleton fossilized, I am now walking in the body of the giant dragon it.

 I have been walking for dozens of feet, but I have not finished the passage, this dragon is also too big.

 Just then, I seemed to hear a faint knocking sound behind me, very far away. Could it be that Leon and the others have come online early and are summoning me, I hurried back the way I came.

 The knocking sound was getting closer and closer, I was sure that it was never Lyon, because it was the sound of mining and quarrying, and other than Lyon who had the stonework profession, no one else knew those skills. A bad feeling grew in my heart and I cautiously approached.

 At the place where we just got offline, Bruce and the others were spread out, some were mining and quarrying, while the others were practicing their respective life skills. In addition to the eight from earlier, there was also a skinny gray-clad assassin in the group.

 While smelting metal, Randy said excitedly, "Finally, we can take revenge, fortunately, our 'Kenny' brother came late today and heard the conversation of those idiots, otherwise we would have missed such a good opportunity."

 That assassin said in a strange voice: "Originally I was very anxious, because of the poor signal in the cave, I couldn't send you guys a message, I almost wanted to call you guys out loud, but seeing that they didn't want to make a move for the time being, I held back, I didn't expect that when I waited for such a good opportunity, they actually went offline en masse."

 That knight was a European, somewhat unimpressed, "Nine of us, five of them, in fact, we can win in a head-on battle, there's no need to engage in this kind of sneak attack, and waste time waiting here."

 Bruce said sharply, "Ranks, you don't know how insidiously these people betrayed us in the first place, there is no need for us to talk about fairness when dealing with such people. Most of all, if we really fought head on, they would definitely know that they are unbeatable and turn around to escape, that would be infuriating."

 Lankes didn't speak anymore, and that Demon Samurai faintly said, "Bruce, since we're a team and we've been working together for so long, your business is everyone's business, there's no need to say too much."

 The Summoner hesitantly spoke, "What I'm concerned about now is that we've used up almost all of our medicine, in case we get into a protracted battle later, I'm afraid it will be unfavorable."

 Bruce snorted coldly, "They won't have the slightest chance at all, if one comes out, it doesn't take three seconds to solve it, even if two come online at the same time, it's still the same. If it's really evil, five at a time, in such a narrow encirclement, they won't be able to last more than three minutes!"

 My heart clenched and cold sweat broke out, this was really the most vicious situation I had encountered so far. In the past, no matter how strong the enemy was, we could still get through it through hard work and wisdom, but now, facing this ambush, there really was no chance!

 There are now only thirty minutes left before the agreed upon two hours, and it's also likely that Leon and the others will come online earlier, so there can't be any more delays!

 I add Blessing, Divine Blessing, Acceleration, and Refreshment to myself. Quietly, I let the Xuan Turtle armor over my body. Since I'm now facing multiple enemies, armoring only the shield won't work, while armoring the whole body is less effective, but there won't be any obvious weaknesses on the body.

 I mounted Fei Yang and pre-dosed a few Big Reds, suddenly leaping out from the corner, I aimed a string of fireballs at the assassin.

 In this party, the ones with the least blood should be the two Priests, but Priests have high magic resistance and aren't much use in sneak attacks, so I chose the Assassin, who has the highest agility and is the most dangerous and has less blood.

 Assassins usually wear light equipment to increase their agility, so this "Kenny" guy had very low magic defense, and I burned 107 points of his blood with a single fireball.

 When Bruce was level 30, his intermediate third class fireballs could hit a blue demon with 120 points of blood, and it was similar when he hit Leon. Although I'm only a beginner with third class fireballs now, my mental power is much higher than Bruce's level, so my fireballs are quite powerful.

 After three fireballs, all the enemies reacted, Kenny dodged quickly, and various attacks from the others had been sent madly towards me.

 I understood that Kenny, a level thirty-something assassin, couldn't have more than 400 blood, mustn't let go of this opportunity, with one against nine, I couldn't possibly kill anyone else, it was good to reduce the threat for Leon and the others by half.

 Ignoring all attacks, my fourth fireball was sent out very calmly, without a single error, I hit Kenny who was moving at high speed. Without a scream, this assassin turned into white light.

 Killing someone undoubtedly comes with a price.

 With my Xuan Turtle and Divine Blessing spells adding to my defense and the Pastoral Suit's shield on, Glenn's arrow shot down 113 points of my blood, the Summoner's two Elemental Monsters knocked down a total of 65 points of my blood, the Knight's Normal Attacks stabbed down 141 points of my blood, and Randi slashed 130 points of my blood.

 The Gentoo Turtle was now level 15 and could add 250 points of blood to me, and with the Necklace of Life and the Shepherd's God Set, I had a total of 652 points of blood.

 The two priests were sending out late healing spells towards the white light left behind by Kenny's death, and the Demon Samurai was the furthest away from me and didn't charge close. Just as I turned my horse around to run, Bruce's spells finally descended.

 The reason why Bruce's spell was slightly later than the others, aside from the fact that he froze for a moment when he saw me, was also because he didn't release his most skillful fire spell, but instead chanted a longer lightning spell.

 It should have been an advanced or higher level Lightning Spell, knocking out 190 points of my blood, and if it wasn't for the fact that I had taken a few blood pills in advance that were giving me back my blood, my blood would have bottomed out by now. However, a thought flashed through my mind, "It's over."

 Although the Lightning Spell was relatively slow, it had an advantage that other spells couldn't compare to - dizziness. People and monsters that were struck by the Lightning Spell would basically have a lull of half a second to a second, which was enough time for me to be killed many times.