Chapter 51 : Knight Lankes

Randy silently took his golden sword back into his pocket and took my fireballs without moving, presumably he had forced his way off the line.

 I was almost a little unable to lay my hands on him, but I knew that it wasn't just myself that was at stake, it was my friend's life as well. White light streaked by, and Randy disappeared.

 Going back and picking up the gold-ranked longbow that Glenn dropped, it seems like he was really unlucky to send me a bow twice, speaking of which, it seems like I've never bought any equipment myself ...

 Looking up at the time, what felt like such a long battle was actually only thirteen minutes, I need to hurry!

 Ignoring the fact that the sound of Albert's hooves would startle Bruce, I ran furiously towards where they were ambushed.

 From afar came a bellowing question, "Is that Glenn? Randy? You're only coming back alone?"

 Without replying, I raised my hand and launched a fireball, and with a ding, the system prompted, "Your fireball has been upgraded to Intermediate First Class!"

 It was too timely! Of course, it would have been better if it had been upgraded even earlier.

 A few curses came from the front, Bruce shouted, "Those three idiots, actually lost this kid, everyone don't mess up, the other enemies are coming online soon, let's guard this place, Lankes you stop him, don't let him come over, and don't chase him!"

 Ranks steered his horse and appeared in front of me, coldly said, "Bruce, are you an idiot? Let me, a knight, stop a mage! Are knights just meat shields in your eyes?"

 Bruce grunted and didn't say anything back. Looking at Lankes' stance, I knew that he was about to launch his "Rapid Charge".

 The charge of a knight is very different from that of a warrior, for one thing, the distance of a knight's charge is much farther than a warrior's, and it is much more powerful, and more importantly, it stuns almost 100% of the time after the charge.

 Knights are undoubtedly the biggest nemesis of long-range players, according to Jimmy's comments on the forums, I have not heard of any mages or archers within ten levels of each other who can defeat a knight!

 Of course, the exception was Wells, who I saw yesterday.

 I don't have spatial transfer, how can I deal with knights? Although with my blood, attack, and defense, I can consider myself as a melee player, but I don't have any of the terrifying skills that a melee player should have, so how can I fight him?

 Clapping my horse back, since Lankes wants to charge, I'll just go.

 Albert lightning galloped, but I only heard the sound of hooves like a rainstorm behind me like a hammer on my heart, and it approached me at a rapid pace.

 Less than five feet ahead, is the turn, rushed through can take a breath, the sound of hooves still seems to be ten feet away, my heart just a happy, then feel a sharp pain in the back of the heart, I was hit!

 Lanx's rapid charge has actually exceeded the speed of sound! The sound of hooves was ten feet away, and the horse had already arrived behind me! Moreover, he caught up with me while my divine horse was galloping at full speed!

 The black horse in its charging state was too much faster than my Albert, and I flew out from the horse's back, hitting the cave wall in front of me heavily.

 Albert was also rushed by the black horse and flew up, landing almost at the bottom of his blood, letting out a mournful cry, I couldn't look at my own injuries, as soon as the dizziness disappeared, I first recalled Albert back to the pet space as fast as I could.

 Lanks surprisingly did not give me a patch, riding a horse in front of me pacing around to measure me, suddenly bellowed at me, "Good boy, never a level 30 mage can withstand my 'Rush Charge' blow, not even a level 40. Get up and fight again!"

 I checked my blood level, this Rapid Charge surprisingly dropped 410 points of my blood! Indeed, a level 40-something mage would be killed in seconds. If it wasn't for my Albert's Running Speed that defused some of the rush, I might have lost more than 500 points of blood, worthy of being the highest attacking profession - Knight!

 I slowly added blood, my heart wasn't discouraged, just now if I didn't turn my back to Lankes and was hit in the vitals of my undershirt causing enhanced damage, I wouldn't have been hurt so badly.

 But how can I defeat him?

 Knights have high attack, blood and defense are only a little less than warriors, and if they have a good mount, their agility is even super high, their most obvious disadvantage is that they are easily limited by the terrain, as well as the lance attack is not easy to change moves once it is flashed by the enemy.

 While ordinary players' mounts are easy to kill, a knight's horse has the right to be equipped with iron armor, making up for this weakness as well.

 If I had the time to climb to the top of the cave again, then of course I would be invincible, the problem was that I didn't have that chance now.

 I looked up, "Ranks right? I know you're a decent person, and I believe you're well aware of what kind of person Bruce is, and the hatred we had with him in the first place was in no way our fault! Do you have to help them?"

 Lankes body paused for a moment, "I don't know who of you is right and who is wrong, I don't know, and I don't need to know, we play the game, what we pursue is not justice, it's just fighting, if you want to convince me, use your power to prove it!"

 I snorted coldly, "The eight virtues of a knight, isn't there also the one of justice? What kind of knight are you if you don't care about justice?"

 Lankes said angrily, "Are you still not a man, playing smart to avoid a fight, that's what women and cowards do, if you don't fight, crawl out of this cave for me!"

 I couldn't help but feel the heat, "I'm just trying to save my friend, I don't want to waste my time on you, do you think I'm still afraid of you? Knight? Shit!"

 Lankes laughed out loud.

 Almost at the same time, the knight's lance plunged completely unimpeded straight through my right chest and out my back!

 The shot wasn't blocked by the shield or the Pastoral God's suit, I had over 100 points less defense, and it was a vital attack, stabbing me for over 500 blood in one go.

 What I did like this was really not thought through at all, I don't know if I was infuriated by Lankes, or if I instinctively came up with this plan to overcome the enemy.

 Ranks was dumbfounded, and before he could react, he had already been hit by two of my lightning bolts on his face, dropping 150 points of blood.

 Without being paralyzed by the lightning, Lanks bellowed and drew his gun with all his might, but he was grabbed by my left hand, which was free from my shield, and couldn't pull it out.

 Lankes didn't expect that my strength wasn't much weaker than his, and in a blink of an eye, my Lightning Spell landed on his head again, and this time, there was a freeze!

 The reason why I didn't use a more powerful Fireball against him was because my own body couldn't withstand the next blow, so I could only hope to paralyze him for a little while with Lightning.

 Ranks' blood level should be over 450, plus he must have a quick-acting blood pill as well, so he can't be beaten for the time being. As for me, my blood level was dropping rapidly due to excessive bleeding, after hesitating for a while, I didn't attack Lanks, instead, I took a pill and added a healing spell first.

 Now that I had Lanx's biggest threat, the Knight Gun, under control, victory shouldn't be far away.

 However, in this turn of an eye, Lankes has awakened and shouted, white light suddenly appeared on the body of the gun - "Holy Light Breaks Evil"!

 The gun body inside my body exploded with white light, and even though I turned off the pain beforehand, I almost fainted, the white light almost took away all my body's power, and my HP was lost rapidly along with my blood.

 Miscalculation ah, the holy light caused me more than 100 points of damage, blood is about to fall out!

 The speed at which the blood pills and healing spells return to my blood is canceled out by the Holy Light's subsequent damage and blood loss, and my HP is still dropping at a rate of 10 per second, so I can only last for 9 seconds!

 I added another healing spell to myself, and Lankes suddenly flung his lance, "Great Windmill!"

 My body flew up with the lance, it was as if Lankes' power was much stronger all of a sudden, the lance carried my body and danced in a circle in the air, the centrifugal force almost threw me off.

 If Lankes continued to use the Holy Light Lance, I could only hold out for a little while longer at most. Perhaps he was trying to tell me that there was more than one way he could break my "Clip Lance Technique".

 Now his move, although it looked even more horrible and tore through my chest, causing me 60 points of damage in the first round, it gave me a chance to survive.

 I saw the right moment to suddenly let go, and my whole body flew out like a stray arrow, hitting a recessed cave wall squarely. I clutched the rock on the wall with a death grip and let out a long breath, the force of the impact just now had knocked 4 points of my blood directly left!

 Healing spells, blood pills, all frantically added towards myself. I grit my teeth, Ranks, now it's my turn!

 No, no, this guy is different from Randy, his gun is four meters long! One raise of his hand and he could stab me.

 Lankes' voice resounded on the ground, "My friend, you are a true warrior, I take back my own words just now, if you still have the strength, go help your friend, I will no longer participate in the war between you!"

 The sound of horses' hooves rang out, and Lankes' figure disappeared into the darkness.

 Was it out of a sense of justice, out of heroic compassion, or pity? I didn't have time to think about it, all I knew was that my brothers had one more chance.

 Although our fight was far away from Bruce and the others, Bruce, who had been paying attention, still knew the result, and the sound of cursing came from far away, however, he didn't rush to kill me.

 One step closer to success! There were only four enemies left now: Bruce, the Summoner, the Demon Warrior, and a Priest.

 As long as one of Bruce and the Demon Samurai is held back again, the Summoner and the Priest are not to be feared, and if it's Leon who comes online first, there's a chance to survive the first wave of the ambush!

 There's still time, there's still six minutes left, that's great, Leon and the others are actually so punctual, none of them went online early. Well, it's not good to be too punctual, it's better to be late, and the longer you're late, the better!

 I forced down my excitement and nervousness, and quickly organized the Shepherd God Suit, the heavy injuries on my body were not something that could be fully cured by my own current healing spells and medicines. Taking medicine, my blood was still dropping at a rate of 2 points per second, and all my attributes had also dropped due to my severely injured state, but I didn't think about it that much anymore, and rushed towards the enemy with great strides.

 Bruce was really calm this time, cursing me under his breath for being despicable and not knowing what lies he used to provoke Lankes', but he didn't have the intention of making a move or calling the others over.

 It was already in the range of Bruce's spells, my intermediate fireballs weren't far enough, this would have been the best time for him to strike, but Bruce still didn't move, it seemed like he was determined to focus on the others who would be on the line.

 Bruce can't be that stupid, right? I laughed in my heart, looking at the enemies in the field, all four are there, no ambush, now it's in the range of my spells, look at me.

 Suddenly, my eyes went black, I entered a blue space, my intuition flew to me, it was a formation!

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