Chapter 52 :Combining Techniques with the Heart

On the four sides of the blue space, there were countless strange ghostly faces spread out, grinning hideously at me, seemingly ready to pounce on me at any moment.

 Fortunately, I had already cracked the formation once last time in Flying Eagle Town and had some understanding. This formation in front of me should also have been set up by placing some stones on the ground.

 I quickly sent out a few Gale Arts to the surroundings, wanting to blow those stones away, but the blue space didn't disappear, instead, it triggered the formation, and a few ghostly faces lunged at me, with their big mouths biting down on my head.

 I can't be sure whether these ghost faces are illusions or truly offensive, and hastily dodged, the ghost faces are not very fast, but somehow, they are always right behind me.

 Originally just a small blue space, after I ran around for a while, this space also with my movement of the distance becomes bigger and bigger, if according to the width of the cave, in fact, I should have hit the wall many times by now.

 Brain quickly rotating, from the former online game, there is no formation such a setup, I am completely inexperienced. From the current scenario, the formation is most likely a kind of space magic, once a person enters this space, it will be difficult to return to reality.

 Thinking of the black space inside my head, my heart suddenly got excited, if I could break this formation in the game, would I be able to figure out a way to break the black space as well?

 I tried sending out another Falling Stone Technique, hoping that some more stones would be produced to invalidate this formation's automatic deformation, however, it was obviously futile as well, in this space, the formation's few stones were non-existent.

 Last time we used violence to break the formation, that was outside the formation, the stones were still objects belonging to the outside, abiding by the rules of the outside, but here, the stones may have already transformed into those ghostly faces.

 The heart is anxious, Bruce has such a formation, Lyon and the others are even more dangerous, I don't know if people will still suffer from the attacks outside after entering this space. Should not be able to it, otherwise I fell array, Bruce can take the opportunity to send a few fireballs to kill me.

 There's no use being anxious, what's needed now is calmness.

 I think hard, the game can not let the formation become an invincible thing, otherwise it will destroy the balance of the game, there should be a way to break.

 Think about the "trap" setting, once the monster or player falls into a strong enough trap, there is no way out, but the trap also has a durability, once the durability is exhausted, the trap is naturally ineffective. At the same time, the trap's ability to trap a monster is limited, strong monsters can still break out.

 Since my intelligence can't figure out an easy way to get out of the formation, I'll just use violence to attack the formation until it's durability is exhausted, and if the power of this formation is far greater than me, then it's my misfortune and I'll resign myself to my fate.

 Blue in color, perhaps representing the water attribute, I chose to use the earth-type Falling Stone Jutsu to launch an attack on the ghost faces in the space.

 The rockfall spell hit the ghost faces without causing any reaction, these ghost faces were like ghosts, the rocks passed right through them and fell into the blue space, and immediately disappeared.

 After the ghost faces were attacked, their flight speed immediately accelerated, and they became bigger and bigger, more and more hideous, accidentally, my shoulder was swept by a ghost face, dropping 30 points of blood.

 Could it be that my attack energized the formation and made it stronger instead?

 As more and more of my rockfall techniques were being used, the counterattacks I received were getting stronger and stronger, and the wolf king I killed appeared in my mind, when it was in the trap, charging left and right, wasn't it also like the scene I'm in right now? Hey, I can't imagine that there is retribution in the game.

 However, when I thought of the wolf king's unyielding battle, my fighting spirit rose again, I can't be inferior to a wolf!

 Withstanding the ghost face's stronger and stronger attacks, the -100 number began to float out of my body, I also began to swallow blood pills. And the blue space is still like the sea, silently swallowed my stone, not a little wave.

 It seems that I chose the wrong method, but is it still useful to change now? Is there another way? I can't change anymore, I must trust my own judgment now!

 My heart can't calm down anymore, it should be past the agreed upon time to go online by now, Leon and the others must be in greater danger than I am! When I thought of my brothers being trapped in the formation like me, with Bruce's playful mockery outside, I suddenly felt like I was going to explode! I couldn't help but shout from the inside, "Rockfall Technique! Give me a miracle!"

 Suddenly, my heart skipped a beat, and a message seemed to come to me from the stone I had sent myself, "Go on!"

 Dang, could it be my illusion? Was it the stone that I sent out just now that was talking?

 An electric light flashed through my mind, and it seemed that some inspiration crossed my mind, which I didn't catch.

 But that electric light suddenly brightened, allowing me to clearly distinguish, "Combine techniques with the heart!"

 That was the essence of the skill I had realized from my own construction master, could it be, could it be possible to use it in a combat skill?

 Yes, it must be possible, that's it!

 My heart, following the method used by the construction, endeavored to give a soul to the spells I sent out. Suddenly, my heart flew into blue space with the next falling stone spell, and it was as if there was another heart inside of me, guiding myself to dodge Ghostface's attack.

 Seeing it, I saw the stones I had sent out, and they were all around my heart, as if it had opened its smiling face and greeted me, "Master, please order."

 My heart, having rushed into blue space, with the ocean before me, I saw clearly the stones I had previously sent out, enlarged into huge mountains of stone, piled up silently at the bottom of the sea.

 Seeing clearly, my own rockfall technique was not useless, but too little.

 The heart I had sent outside my body echoed the heart I had left in my body, and once again I sent out a series of rockfall techniques. Guided by my heart, they were barricaded together with unparalleled precision, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of small islands were piled up in the ocean.

 The sea began to groan, and the attacks of the ghost face became more and more frantic. If I were still in my own state a moment ago, I would not have been able to dodge these attacks, but the "heart" that was left in my body was able to dodge all of them with unparalleled precision and skill, and did not suffer a single bit of damage!

 It is said that there are more than two souls in a person's brain, and when one leaves or weakens, the other will take over the body. Could it be that that heart is my own subconscious, the source of my own intuition? If that's the case, honestly, the subconscious mind seems so much stronger than my normal heart.

 Looking at the boulders destroying the sea, I felt like the ancient Jingwei, or rather, like the guy who "held Tai Shan to exceed the North Sea"?

 A system alert sounded: "Due to your epiphany, the Rock Falling Technique has been upgraded to Elementary Level 2."

 What's going on? How can a skill rise so fast when you dissolve your heart into it? Fate ah, won't all my skills be upgraded soon?

 Luckily, cracking the formation didn't require me to actually fill up the sea, as more and more small islands grew, there was a distortion in front of my eyes, and the sea, the ghost faces, all disappeared.

 My heart fell back into my belly, the whole person felt a strong discomfort, it seems that this body does not belong to me at all, half a long time before I recovered, but still feel strange.

 The sound of shouting came from my ears, I looked up and saw that four pairs of people were engaged in a fierce fight in front of me.

 Jimmy was bullying that priest, relying on his higher level than others, pressurizing that priest, however, watching two priests knocking against each other with small mallets was really a bit weird.

 Tom dealt with the summoner, more than enough, the summoner's four elemental monsters, the threat to him is not very big, and Tom in addition to a few knives to cut apart the monsters, but also from time to time to send out two "lightning darts", the summoner paralyzed.

 Leon's figure was as solid as a mountain, standing in place, his whole body exuded a shocking aura, and everyone knew that as long as he struck, it would be a thunderous blow.

 The one who fought against Leon was the Demon Warrior. The Demon Warrior's whole body was still flashing with the Light of the God of War and the Light of Life, but he didn't close in on Leon, instead, he carefully wandered around Leon.

 Perhaps, the attack of the Demon Warrior after adding the auxiliary skills was stronger than that of Leon, but as long as he was hit by Leon's big moves once, even if he didn't die, his blood quantity would surely be at the bottom.

 Anyone would understand that since Leon didn't use the warrior's skill "Charge", the move he was going to send out now would definitely be more powerful than "Charge"!

 Compared to the silence here, the battle at the other end of the battlefield was obviously much more intense.

 Ace and Bruce, just like me and Glenn earlier, launched a frantic attack.

 Both were level 40+ players with equally terrifying killing power, and victory or defeat would often be decided in less than half a minute.

 The archer's attack speed was slightly higher than the mage's, and the range was comparable.

 The attack of bow and arrow is weaker than magic, but while the physical defense of mage is low, the magic defense of archer is not very bad, plus the blood quantity of archer is a bit higher than that of mage, which makes both sides reach balance when single P.

 Magic face high magic defense opponents when the power is weakened, while the bow and arrow in addition to physical attacks, but also through a variety of skills or inlaid gems, so that the bow and arrow at the same time both magical attributes, than the scope of application of magic is broader. This makes the status of mages and archers in fighting monsters is also balanced.

 Therefore, a battle between a mage and an archer of the same level would mainly depend on equipment and skills.

 In the past round of attacks, both sides had run out of quick-acting blood pills, and the normal blood pills were not fast enough to restore blood, so the time had come to decide the winner. Two loud shouts, "Five Star Arrow Formation!" "Consecutive Fireballs!"