Chapter 53 :Marshall and Iverson

"Five Star Arrow Formation", one mother and four sons, although when hitting the Evil Eagle of Evolution, the son arrows could only hurt 70, and the central mother arrow 100, but against Bruce, these low-defense mages, they could almost kill him in seconds. You know just now Ace normal shooting can hit his blood 80 ah.

 But five-star arrow array still have hit rate problem, as long as the opponent experience and reaction is fast enough, often can dodge one or two arrows, so Ace just did not start to use, wait until Bruce is ready to cast a large spell, can not make the time to dodge, Ace immediately shot arrow array.

 "Continuous fireball", is extremely consuming mental power magic, Bruce is also saved until the last minute to use, this string of three fireballs almost at the same time fall, the same level of the archer is basically a second kill!

 These two types of magic were the strongest magic before level 45 of that profession, and required a great deal of chance to be able to learn, and for both to appear at the same time was really very rare.

 However, if there were no accidents, this strike would be a situation where both would die.

 Accidentally, the platinum ring in Bruce's hand suddenly sent out a shield - an intermediate shield!

 Five arrows broke the shield power to weaken, shot in Bruce body, showing a string of numbers, "-80, -80, -120, -80, -80", a total of 440 points of blood, Bruce actually did not hang!

 When Leon killed Bruce, he was level 30, 230 blood, higher than the average mage, according to reason, level 40, up to 350 blood, it seems that he must have added HP equipment or like the turtle like auxiliary pets.

 Ace body equipment to be worse, according to just Bruce's fireball power, once can hit him 160 points of blood, three will have 480 damage. And Ace level 41, there is a kind of HP equipment, as far as we know, only 405 blood.

 But the archer's advantage of striking quickly also finally manifested itself, as Ace used Arrow Formation earlier than Bruce, so at the most critical time, Ace just in time to be able to send out a second move against the fireball: "Ice Arrow"!

 The ice arrow impacted on a fireball, the ice turned into water, the water vapor extinguished the fireball for the most part, but the fireball in turn evaporated all the water vapor, and even the golden arrow was melted off and continued to fall on Ace.

 Thanks to this ice arrow, Ace only lost 400 points of blood after being hit by three fireballs!

 Ace quickly hitched up his third arrow, but Bruce's next fireball had already been sent out, staring at this fireball with the smell of death, Ace's face was expressionless, and his long arrow still flew at Bruce!

 There is no time to gather Qi to release a special arrow technique, but even a normal arrow should be able to kill Bruce, but the one who dies first, is definitely Ace.

 Bruce had an evil smile on his face, although his ring's shield could only be used once a day, he still had the last of the quick-acting blood pills, which he had just eaten, enough to withstand this arrow.

 Once this archer died, the winner would be decided right away, he himself spared a big injury and sent out another continuous fireball, together with his own people's attacks, he could definitely kill another enemy.

 Just when Bruce was complacent, his face suddenly deformed.

 Two white lights descended on Ace's head almost at the same time, it was a healing spell, however, even with the addition of Ace's own medicine, it was impossible for him to regain 160 points of blood in such a short period of time, he was still going to die.

 What made Bruce furious was not the healing spell, but the figure that suddenly appeared in front of Ace - Tom!

 The fireball hit Tom, causing him to lose 220 points of blood, which startled him, but Tom immediately let out a loud curse, "Lightning Dart" flew out of his hand, and then rushed towards Bruce.

 He didn't have to do anything, I sent a healing spell at Ace, and then sent a rockfall spell at Bruce.

 Arrows, darts, and rocks sent Bruce back to the resurrection point before he even realized what was happening.

 Before Bruce died, I'm afraid that he was very upset, and he must have been chagrined why he didn't have a brother who was willing to take arrows for him.

 I remember back then, when Bruce was knocked out by Lyon Charge, Glenn s first reaction was not to come to his rescue, but to run away ...

 Platinum ring quietly on the ground, this is worth dozens of gold coins, Tom laughed and picked it up, looked at it, then threw it to Ace, now only Ace can wear.

 At this time, a voice came from the field, "Stop!"

 The Demon Samurai had already pulled the Summoner to stand together, signaling his intention to stop fighting, and the Priest even called out, "Don't fight."

 The Demon Samurai rushed at us and arched his hand, "We are only teaming up with Bruce to practice, we are not close friends and do not want to get involved in his past grudges, let's stop here."

 Leon slowly withdrew his momentum and waved the golden sword in his hand, "We also don't want to kill people indiscriminately, let's leave it at that, we won't see you off."

 Magic Samurai smiled slightly, "I see the strength of a few people, really strong, especially this archer, and this ... well, dual profession friend, if I'm not wrong, Glenn and the three of them were all killed by you?"

 Pretending not to see my brothers' surprised eyes, I smiled lightly, "You don't need to flatter us, say it, do you want to cooperate with us?"

 The Demon Samurai gave a thumbs up, "Clever. Not bad, on the fourth floor, there is a big boss, I've always wanted to ask Bruce to kill it, but he didn't have the guts, now that I see you all are such heroes, why don't I lead the way and we all go and try?"

 Don't really like this person, but we really have some heart, after all, BOSS is not something you can encounter often, and look at this magic warrior, his eyes are flexible and his speech is eloquent, he should be thinking that there is something to be done, that's why he is proposing it.

 Leon thought about it, "What level is that BOSS?"

 The Demon Samurai said, "It should be below level 45, it's an Earth Dragon."

 We frowned together, only Tom shouted in excitement, "Cool, it's bound to explode something above platinum!"

 We had only killed Blue Demon, a level 32 BOSS before, we didn't know how powerful a level 40-something BOSS was, we all hesitated. Bruce's caution was not without reason, even with the advantage of numbers, it was still best for players to challenge BOSSes that were within 5 levels higher than their own. if they were to go solo, it would be very difficult even for BOSSes that were the same level as their own.

 However, hesitation aside, no one would give up on this opportunity, the Demon Samurai could go back to Bruce at any time to rejoin the team, and with the strength of the nine of them, it was more likely that they would kill that BOSS.

 Leon and I looked at each other for a few moments, and finally decided to take a gamble, and went forward to shake hands with the Demon Samurai to form an alliance.

 The Demon Samurai smiled, "My name is 'Marshall', level 37, you guys can call me Tiandi, this summoner is my own brother: 'Iverson', only level 29, I've been taking him to level up.

 After distributing some medicine to them and not receiving any money, we headed towards the third level.

 The monster on the third floor is a kind of thing called "Dark Devil Snake", up to two meters long, standing up to half a man high, and has a human-like face, it looks particularly disgusting, I scouted it, level 39, HP1000, it is a dark attribute, this kind of attribute hasn't been encountered before.

 Tom bellowed, rushed up first, a flash of knife light, outbreak, fatal attack, and at the same time is a vital attack, kill 400 points of blood at once, too handsome, in our group, outbreak chances are the biggest, counting this kid.

 The morale of the whole team has increased, they have struck, even Jimmy has a use for it, the light spells of the priests have an absolute advantage over the dark system, any priestly spells can cause weakness and stagnation to the dark magic snake, we are killing a lot of people.

 In addition to fighting monsters, I was still cutting snake corpses at a rapid pace, but this time I had a competitor, "Iverson", that summoner, actually possessed a higher cutting skill than me, as if it had reached the Extraordinary level! Moreover, the strike was the same as Rob's, in the blink of an eye, a snake in front of me was sliced down to just a few bones by him.

 Not convinced ah, robbery on robbery, I used in the cutting art "with the heart and technology", hey, really effective, speed and effectiveness greatly increased, so we two launched a crazy race to split the body, I do not know how many snakes cut the body, ear ding, cutting art upgraded, intermediate level three.

 However, the race time is also over, in front of us is the entrance to the fourth floor.

 I looked back, this way to kill, snake bones everywhere, even reached thousands, days, we even cut so many snakes, how did we do it! Iverson and I looked at each other with admiration and jealousy.

 Checking their respective statuses, Ace had risen back to level 42, Iverson was level 30, and I, was just a tiny bit away from level 31.

 Ace put Bruce's platinum ring on, although the shield attached to this ring can no longer be used today, it is still better than a gold ring, Ace then gave his original gold ring to Tom. Seeing this, Marshall fished a handful of gear out of his pocket, "See if any of you guys have anything suitable to use, I'll let you have it at a flat rate."