Chapter 55 :The Underground Black Market

In fact, the music skill in the game is different from ordinary sound, it doesn't really pass through the ears, the essence of the music actually goes straight to the heart of the listener, what's more, this Earth Dragon is a high-level BOSS, the game host won't let it have such a weakness as a poor sense of hearing to exist.

 Although I didn't know this, but it's already come to this point, I have no place to flash, I can't just wait for death.

 Using the last move, "Fairytale Divine Comedy!" At the same time, his feet stomped hard on the rhythm, using the ground as a drum, not knowing if the belly of the Earth Dragon could feel it.

 The mania of the Earth Dragon suddenly weakened a little, but I felt a little out of breath, the music was intermittent, with my own playing skills, it's still a little early to play "Fairy Tale Divine Comedy".

 I tried my best to use "Combine Technique with Heart", and added "Beast Taming" to the auxiliary bar.

 Finally, the vibration in the cave stopped, and the dragon narrowed its eyes and shook its head, as if it was "listening" to my flute.

 The crisis was over, but now I was faced with an even greater test: "Should I run away, or steal the gem?"

 Greed, can it never be overcome?

 Struggling repeatedly inside, the Earth Dragon suddenly let out a whine, seemingly a little displeased, could it be, did it hear impure thoughts from my flute?

 Yesterday, the musician said that playing this fairy tale divine song can purify one's mind, I didn't believe it, but now it's verified. In order not to let the earth dragon get angry, I hurriedly put away my greed, and sincerely played the fairy tale divine music, what is this if not to purify the mind ...

 Carefully, I retreated step by step towards the cave entrance.

 Finally out of the cave, my companions were waiting anxiously at the mouth of the cave, and they all let out a long breath when they saw me come out.

 Marshall patted me on the shoulder, "My friend, it's really great, next time, be prepared and practice a requiem to make the Earth Dragon fall asleep, so we can enjoy stealing gems!"

 While saying that, Marshall's eyes flashed with crazy light.

 Everyone was in a happy mood after the big disaster, and it was even better than levelling up.

 We proceeded to level up on the third floor, and in a short while, I rose to level 31.

 At this level, because of the experience of killing the Evolutionary Evil Eagle, there were still quite a few points, Strength 4, Physique 2, Spirit 3, Agility 4.

 Leon suddenly said, "Chris, you haven't changed professions yet?"

 Hey, I'd like to transfer, but unfortunately I can't find a union for my profession.

 Marshall suddenly said, "I know a player with a hidden profession who also couldn't find a union for his profession but got a transfer in Wanxiang City, when will you go and take a look."

 Jimmy busily said, "Vientiane City? That's a cultural metropolis, it's said that the local city lord ordered that people with low culture are not allowed to enter the city, and there's someone there at the teleportation array specifically to test the skills of the players, and those who don't qualify have to go back the way they came."

 I made a note of this news and went to try it as soon as possible, if I can transfer successfully, I should be able to have a lot of benefits.

 Unconsciously practiced until the morning, we all went offline successively, agreed to go online at 1pm, this time Jimmy might be criticised by his family again.

 Taking advantage of this time, I decided to go to Sunset City first to carry out my recruiting work.

 Back to the Village of Jade Catching, fortunately I didn't meet Bruce and the others, I took the teleportation array to Sunset City.

 The underground black market in Sunset City is inside a casino, first you have to pay 1 gold coin to enter the elegant room, then the lady serving you will ask you, "Is it gambling? Going to the underground black market?

 If the player's reputation is not high and he doesn't have much money on him, he can't enter the elegant room. The lady wouldn't have mentioned the underground black market if there was no lord, shopkeeper, etc. Most likely, I was the first player in the game to enter the black market, right?

 When I chose Underground Black Market, I was blindfolded and brought to a basement, then walked down the stairs, in front of me was the legendary Underground Black Market.

 The black market is really dark, the fences, walls and floors are all made of black materials, even the lamps are fuelled by a kind of black stone, it can't be coal, can it?

 The black market is divided into three areas, the left is the intelligence market, the centre is the item market, and the right is the talent market.

 I walked into the talent market first, the place was completely different from the crowded scene I imagined.

 On the left is the recruitment area, sparsely there are only two dozen tables with a bulletin and a small bell, but not a single person is there. After a bit of detective work, the small bell is for applicants to summon employers to come for interviews.

 The bulletin is recruiting all kinds of talents, there are special grade cooks, special grade blacksmiths, expert grade hunters, master grade healers, magicians above level 100 and so on, the remuneration, it's really very general, for special grade professions, 5 gold coins per day's remuneration, and for level 100 magicians, the price is negotiable.

 As far as I know, now the player, life profession to special level, daily "work" ten hours, at least can earn 10 gold, I believe that NPC can earn not less than the player. With such a low price, it's no wonder we can't recruit anyone.

 After circling around, I soon came to the job-seeking area, which was my purpose.

 There are no tables in the job-seeking area, only chairs, and on most of the more than two hundred chairs, there are notes and small bells, and dozens of NPCs are sitting on the chairs waiting.

 Seeing me walk over, all of these people's eyes were glowing, they jumped up and shouted at me, "Hey boss, looking for someone, what do you want, I'm the number one swordsman in this town," "Boss, do you need a bellhop? I'm looking for something to do for my daughter-in-law, how about 1 gold coin a day, I'll clean it up!" ...

 There are really all kinds of people, I got dizzy from listening to them, switched off my hearing and shouted, "Raise your hand if you know how to fight!"

 Immediately a dozen people raised their hands and ran to me, gibbering, I can't hear them anyway, and used the detecting technique on them, and those with a low level were invited back, and not long after that, there were only three people left in front of me.

 These three people, all of which I can not detect the level of, a pugnacious man, a thin and lean boy, and a young man, from walking to my side, has been half lowered his head, did not say a word.

 Normally, the ones whose level I couldn't detect should all be more than 10 levels above me.

 I turned on my hearing and said, "You three, report your level, occupation, and worth."

 The big man said angrily, "Level 80 Giant Axe Warrior! James! Employment fee: 100 gold coins per day salary, if fighting monsters above 50 or BOSS above 30, 1000 gold coins per shot!"

 I fainted, the level is high, and it's a change of job, I guess all the players in front of him now are only killed in seconds, it's not bad to bring him to kill Wells to get rewards, there is a profit to be made. Unfortunately can not afford to hire ...

 The small man hemmed and hawed, "55 level thief, known as 'Iron Hook', hiring costs, 30 gold coins per day, out once 500 gold coins!"

 Dizzy again, Thief, this is a hidden profession, I haven't seen one after so long. But what's the use? Did I really send him to steal something, I'm not that kind of person!

 However, as a thief, there's no need to look for the master ah, to earn money to steal it yourself is not enough?

 I looked at him carefully for half a day, and suddenly laughed, "Come to think of it, there is a wanted portrait of you in the city, you want to follow me out of the city, right, you go!"

 Iron Hook coughed and walked away dismally, I hurriedly checked the things on my body, luckily, this kid didn't steal anything from me, sweat.

 Finally it was the young man, he didn't raise his head and said slowly, "Louis, level 65 chivalry, as long as you pay me 300 gold coins, you'll be my master for life."

 I let out an ah, lifetime employment? Just 300 gold coins, definitely not expensive.

 Suddenly, I heard James shout, "I, only charge you 80 gold coins per day, 800 per time for fighting big monsters.How about that, you won't be able to find such a cheap one again!"

 Like a thunderous roar, almost deafened my ears, I smiled bitterly for a moment: "Not enough money ah ..."

 James' face turned red, "My lord, don't joke, where is there a lord who can't afford this amount of money."

 I was now wearing the village lord's badge, something with a charisma of +3, as long as it was an NPC, there was no one who didn't know my identity.

 I shook my head and said to the two, "Excuse me, I'll go look at the others."

 Walking over to those chairs, looking at one note after another, the life profession's job search accounted for most of them, and there were only forty or so combat professions, but either they weren't high ranked, or the price was even more expensive than James.

 James has long been waiting, ran over and shouted at me, "Have you watched it? My asking price is absolutely fair, right? This way, I only need 70 gold coins per day!"

 I was moved in my heart, this price is already very good, as long as I take this James to kill Wells, I can recover 1000 gold coins alone ah! And the wanted order is valid for ten times, killing ten times will net you a few thousand ah, there are also ten pieces of treasure level equipment and reputation, merit, justice value, mercenary experience!

 I desperately reminded myself, "Calm down, calm down, Wells isn't that easy to encounter, and there are also flying pets and spatial transfers, a level 80 warrior wouldn't necessarily be able to kill him."

 While thinking that, I walked towards the young man, Louis.

 Behind him James called out in an almost angry voice, "I'm only charging you 60 gold coins a day anymore !!!!"

 My heart beats wildly again, this James must really need the money, it looks like there's still room to kill the price. Oh god, it occurred to me, I can't kill Wells, take him to kill the Earth Dragon! All those gems. Can't lose my cool, still have to force him to lower the price.

 Only when there's competition will you lower the price, I snickered in my heart with glee and said to Louis, "Hear that, people are only 60 gold coins per day at level 80, how much are you going to lower it?"

 Louis moved his body and shook his head, "I'm still at 300 gold coins."

 I was still a little embarrassed in my heart, 300 gold coins to buy a level 65 person for the rest of his life was indeed a little too little, especially since Self's gold coins came quite easily. However, looking at it again, Louis was surprisingly wearing a tattered set of wood level equipment!

 I turned my head and sized up James for a while, and eeped, "I had forgotten to take a closer look, it turns out that the equipment gear you're wearing is only platinum level, so that's a big drop in your battle power, isn't it?"

 James' face turned red, "But still, my price is absolutely fair, come on, 50 gold coins per day!"

 My heart was beating wildly, "It's almost done, I still have 460 gold coins, drop the price one more time and I'll get this level 80 slugger!"

 But on the surface, I still pretended to be unimpressed, "Do you know how good equipment I can buy for 50 gold coins? As for killing BOSSes, it's not like I haven't killed anything above level 30, I've taken care of it with two random people, and you're charging 500?"

 James clenched his hands into tight fists, "Me, I'm not like them! I can single-handedly fight level 70 BOSSes.Just by fighting one, I can make you back tens of thousands of gold coins!"

 I wondered, "Then you don't fight them yourself? That's good money."

 James looked at me strangely, "Really? It's possible to do that? I'll fight it myself?"

 I swooned, how could I remind him of this, I quickly interrupted his thinking, "Forget it, one bite, 30 gold coins per day, and I'll give you 300 for killing a BOSS! James' whole body trembled, his eyes became red, and after a long time, he finally yelled, "Alright, for the sake of my wife and child to have a good life, I'll do it! "