Chapter 56 : James

Although I heard it with my own ears, I really can't believe it, getting a super fighter like this, it's too powerful, won't I be invincible in the game now? Such a good thing would fall on my head?

 Hurry up and sign the contract with James, while Louis silently walks back to his seat, honestly speaking, if I still have money, I will definitely sign him, a one-time 300 gold coins, even if he doesn't have equipment, I'm afraid his battle power won't be lower than a 50 player.

 After James signed, he reached out his hand, "Pay today's salary first."

 I nodded and handed him 30 gold coins, James said, "I'm going to go buy food for my family, will you wait for me?"

 I suddenly felt that I was being a bit too unkind, James is such a good husband and father who cares about his family, and I'm still lowering the price like this, isn't that too much.

 Hey, the old habit is back, how do I always forget that I'm a gamer, why do I always take into account the feelings of these NPCs, probably because my whole life is in the game now.

 In fact, to say the least, I seem to be the opposite of ordinary people, ordinary people in reality living a real life, in the game is virtual. As for me, when I go back to the real world, apart from listening to voices and fantasising about things, there's nothing else, compared to which, life in the game is more real. At the end of the day, where is virtual and where is reality, it's really a difficult concept to define for me.

 I called out to James, "I will take you on an errand later, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult, these 10 gold coins, take them and buy a full dose of medicine, then, go to the Lost Village to buy a horse and learn riding skills, after you've done that, look for me in the city's music hall."

 James went. I looked at those chairs in front of me and suddenly felt something.

 Hiring such a system is another setting that favours the rich, and, will greatly affect the balance of the game.

 Sunset City is just a small city, but there are already several over level 100 combat NPCs and expert life profession NPCs, although it's expensive, it's still affordable for the rich, just by hiring a few of them, you can step on how many BOSSes.

 There is a level 100 magician, the price tag is 800 gold coins per day, 8000 gold coins for fighting BOSS, a gold coin converted into cash, is 100 world general coins, the person who takes 800,000 cash and puts it into the game, in my time, it has already appeared, and now it should be even more, especially the benefit gained from killing a high level BOSS, it should be higher than the 8,000 gold coins, this kind of business, surely, there are quite a lot of I'm not the only one who can get into the game.

 Now I'm actually not the only one who can enter the underground black market, on a new leaderboard that appeared in the game, it lists the names of people who have obtained knighthoods, there are 53 people on the list, and I'm one of the bottom few. However, while the highest player is already a Lord, he has yet to acquire a territory.

 As for being a shopkeeper, which requires at least one life skill practiced to master level or higher, it's not in the game yet.

 However, it won't be long before there are more and more Lords and Shopkeepers in the game, and at that time, it's really just a matter of who has the most money.

 Forget it, I don't want to think about that much, it's only natural for the game company to try to earn money in every way possible, I'd better seize the time now, maximise the use of James, slay the Earth Dragon and sell the gems, immediately take that money and go hire people again, and then ...

 I'm already fantasising about fainting with joy, so I hurriedly slap myself on the head to wake up.

 I'm not busy going to the item market first, I run directly to the intelligence market.

 There are dozens of NPCs in the Intelligence Market, and they can trade "Resource Intelligence", "Occupation Mission Intelligence", "Mercenary Mission Intelligence", "Equipment Intelligence", "Equipment", "Equipment", "Equipment", "Equipment", and so on. intelligence", "special item intelligence", "drug formula intelligence" and so on.

 In addition to buying intelligence, it was actually possible to sell intelligence. I sold the "Dragon Fossil" I found in the cave to two NPCs in "Resources" and "Archaeology" and got 40 gold coins.

 Selling information is cheap, but buying information is much more expensive. I couldn't get the "All Staff Union Information" that I wanted to buy, and the "Information on Earth Dragons" cost 500 gold coins!

 I negotiated for half a day with the guy who sold me the "Monster Information", and I finally learnt about the "Class of Earth Dragon" for 100 gold coins.

 100 gold coins for a single number: "65."

 I breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, it was within James's ability, now what are you waiting for, let's go.

 Walking out of the casino, only then did I suddenly feel my heart ache to death, it was only for a while, I spent so much money!

 There are 101 gold coins missing from my body, and then I think about the old days when I used to skin sheep and sell them for 1 copper plate, and I could only exchange 10 skins for 1 small blood potion. Now these 101 gold coins can buy ...1 millions of small blood pills!!!!

 5555555, suddenly strongly miss the past, so I want to take this money on my body back to the Lost Village at level 0 to have a good time.

 Isn't it old age that old people always reminisce. I cursed myself and walked towards the music hall.

 When the musician saw me, he was as enthusiastic as ever, and I excitedly sang the songs I had learnt from the "Resting Space" to the musician one by one. The musician listened to one song and threw up one song, and by the end of the song, his face was blue.

 The blue face is not because of the vomit body weak, but the musician's goodwill towards me plummeted to the bottom.

 The musician fiercely admonished me: "Without principal and without musicality, don't learn to sing from others! And these songs you chose, they're too hard to listen to! How dare you pick songs like "The Mouse Loves Rice"? How dare you sing such rubbish songs!"

 "Even a roadside sweeper can sing better than you!"

 "Are you singing? I thought you were reciting." ...

 I couldn't lift my head up from the scolding, and almost had the urge to PK the musician, it was so humiliating ah.

 I was so embarrassed that I couldn't dare to sing any more. I don't think I should come here anymore, so I'd better be honest and buy some songbooks.

 Asked the musician about the sheet music of "Requiem", "Hypnosis", "Snake Dance", the musician still did not look good: "I don't have it here, all the cities in the country don't have it. I don't have it here, none of the music halls in all the cities have it, the hypnosis song is a high grade song and is classified as a banned song by the mainland, the snake dance has to be bought in the Yu Ming country, the cost of the teleportation array needs 50 gold coins."

 I had to give up, I used my golden flute to play the "Pastoral Song" and other songs, these songs had already been heard by the musicians, so the increase in goodwill was limited, however, due to the fact that I had used the "Combine Skills with Heart", the practice skills flew by, and by the time James came looking for me, I had already upgraded my playing skills to the third level of the primary level.

 I took James with me and rushed to the village of Jade Harvesting, but this time I wasn't so lucky, as I ran into three old friends, Bruce, Glenn and Randy, as well as the priest, Ono Iikura, as soon as I came out of the village.

 I'm afraid these four people went offline to sleep after they died, so now they were all standing next to the resurrection point, and they all froze when they saw me.

 I tightened my heart for a moment, and suddenly remembered James beside me, "James, you don't charge separately for killing level 30-something players, do you?"

 James said, "No need, as long as it's a person or monster that I can kill in seconds, no separate charge."

 Cool, what an imposing and confident warrior, earning my money!

 I walked out of the teleportation array and Bruce's four immediately surrounded me. Bruce stared at me fiercely, "No matter what method you used to obtain that perverted multi-profession and have such a high amount of blood, you have to die once today!"

 I looked around, "Doesn't your village have any village guards? No magic pillars? You can kill people indiscriminately?"

 Bruce grunted, "The village guards are only level 40, what do they care about us? And what's a magic pillar? Kid, resign yourself to your fate!"

 Bruce's chant had begun, and Glenn and Randy raised their weapons.

 There was a flash of red light, "Sweep!"

 Before I could see what was going on, four white lights had risen before my eyes! Full seconds!

 Man, this was the strength of a level 80 Giant Axe Warrior!

 However, my own sin value had suddenly risen by 4 points, so it turns out that when a henchman kills someone, the sin value counts on the player.

 The two village guards rushed towards us, I said to James, "Knock them out."

 James rushed up and pinged two punches, and the two village guards lay down.

 The four Bruce's emerged from a resurrection point not far away, looking at James incredulously.

 The next moment, Bruce stepped out of the resurrection point, gritted his teeth and started chanting again.

 James was still a dozen feet away from Bruce, and could no longer stop this magic, my whole body immediately tensed up, and a blood pill was already taken. However, I heard James let out a roar, the axe handle knocked towards the ground, a shockwave followed the ground and attacked directly towards Bruce.

 The moment Bruce's fireball struck, the shockwave had already reached his feet, and Bruce was dazed.

 James leapt to his feet with a golden aura on his great axe, splitting Bruce's fireball in half in mid-air, man, first time I've seen a melee weapon cut through an energy body!

 It's not over yet, James barely paused, as soon as he landed, he took three big steps towards Bruce, then his hand raised, a small flying axe drew an arc, swept across a distance of ten feet, and accurately slashed through Bruce's neck. The white light rose again.