Chapter 59 : Withdrawal statement

 After reading the system notice, I let myself wake up. Now was not the time to sleep, these few minutes of reduced fatigue would be enough for me to just use my spells.

 Everyone was running low on medicine, forming a circular formation with Jimmy, Iverson, and Ace in the centre, and the four of us carrying the load on the periphery, moving step by step towards the second level.

 Finally escaping from this haunted area, the Blue Demon on the second level hadn't appeared yet, Leon and I ran to pick that Giant Dragon Fossil, while the others practiced their respective life skills.

 The giant dragon fossil was just too huge, however, the bag capacity in the game only counts on the number of pieces, regardless of the size, so a few hundred huge fossils were quickly packed away by the two of us.

 Everyone gathered and summoned their strength again to kill the first level.

 Now that the vampire bats have been upgraded to level 33 "magic bats", they still put a lot of pressure on us, so we almost stopped while killing, relying on our natural blood regeneration to make it through this part of the road.

 Tom and Jimmy both rose to level 35, Marshall rose to 38, I rose to level 32, because this level mainly rely on the experience gained by other people to fight monsters, my bonus points are really miserable: Strength 1, Physique 1, Agility 2, Spirit 0, HP9, MP4.

 What's the difference between upgrading like this and not upgrading at all, I'm crying.

 Everyone towards the village of Jade Casting, Ace called out his newly hatched Evil Eagle baby, and envied everyone to death, this is an attacking and flying mount pet, and it is an evolved type, after growing up, it is super strong. So, a battle started around me, I had no choice, in the end, I intended to leave Bill's other evil eagle egg also gave Tom.

 We all started chatting about what we had seen on the forums since we got offline.

 Jimmy is a forum professional, in China more than thirty folk "Fantasy Journey" forums registered, a look of authority, while Marshall is not worse than him, people but will be several languages, the news of the countries, and then Jimmy suppressed.

 Now the first topic of discussion on the major forums is the battle of Eagle Town, followed by the server attack.

 When the battle in Soaring Eagle Town hadn't even ended, there were already a lot of players protesting strongly on the forums, and it was said that maiker's official website was also almost overcrowded by people complaining, which eventually developed into a sit-in demonstration at maiker's entrance.

 Everyone unanimously suggested that Wells was cheating. And listed several possibilities: hacker attacks, game company insiders assisted cheating, internal test players found the system bug but did not report it, and so on.

 The maiker denied all of these possibilities, stating that according to the Blue Queen's confirmation, there was nothing wrong with the player. At the beginning, maiker also said that they couldn't publish the player's readings, however, due to pressure, they eventually said that they would give everyone an explanation in the game. Presumably, that announcement about the wanted quest was a sort of disguised reveal from maiker.

 There were also two outrageous speculations on the forums, one was that the plug-in programme that had been wiped out for decades had resurfaced, and that this Wells possessed all the characteristics of a plug-in: accurate hits, accurate spatial transfers, fast pill pickup, anti-dizziness, automatic pill consumption, and so on. However, such a claim was quickly scoffed at by a large group of experts, arguing that with the current network technology, it was impossible for a plug-in programme to be able to intrude.

 Another claim that was even more outrageous was that of a self-proclaimed computer expert, who argued that this Wells was a player simulated by a computer, and that only this could explain the player's far superior control skills. This person also pointed out that computer simulation of human physiological indicators has been able to achieve a very realistic level.

 The first such posting appeared in one forum for only two minutes before it was deleted by the moderators, but Jimmy saw it anyway.

 Subsequently, a few more such posts appeared, and this time they were not deleted, but soon, they were refuted by a large number of "experts" in the forums, arguing that it was impossible for the current level of computers to simulate all the attributes of human beings, especially in the face of the world's No. 1 intelligent computer, the Blue Queen. "I frowned.

 I frowned. Could this Wells really be an artificial intelligence? I don't know what kind of computer development is going on now, but even if it's not simulated by an external computer, what about the possibility that it was deliberately created by the game itself? I've seen too many highly intelligent programmes.

 Why would the game rain purple light and erase the player's memories if there was no game host involved? Rain like that, appearing after the host has already recovered from an attack, shouldn't be generated by the attacking program!

 The discussion on the forums about the server being attacked, on the contrary, wasn't so heated.

 Once upon a time, all kinds of game servers had been attacked, and there were many games that had been paralysed for ten days and half a month for this reason, or they had been resolved by privately requesting the attacking hackers to stop at a heavy price, and even for companies with strong technological power, it would still take at least a few hours to defuse the attack.

 This time the Blue Queen took only five seconds to neutralise the attack, which really showed its superior strength, and as a result, it gained fame and attracted some new players into the game.

 There were also a considerable number of people who linked the attack on the server to what happened to Wells, which was similarly ridiculed by the masters.

 When Wells and the Eagle Slaying Cult went to war, there was no abnormality in the server, and there was no abnormality at the end of the battle, but only in the middle of the attack on the server, which showed that Wells did not get support from an external programme in order to win, and that there was no connection between the two and they just happened to occur at the same time by coincidence.

 There was no one who knew that the moment the server was attacked was the exact moment when Wells had no way to escape, except me ...

 Everyone was excitedly discussing the postings, I suddenly snorted coldly, "You guys are too naive, the so-called experts and specialists on the forums are actually all gunmen hired by the game company, or are simply the game company's own people, of course they will help maikers to speak up, there is no credibility at all to their words."

 Jimmy was unconvinced, "But these people are all very reputable, they are very well established on the forums, most of the things they say have been verified to be correct, especially about some of the game's settings and calculation formulas, they all deduced them!"

 I laughed coldly, "Do they still publish some hidden quests, hidden formulas and game hacks that they figured out from time to time? Do you think they're really that good? They just get the information from the game company, with the aim of boosting their authority! I'm a veteran gamer, I'm still not clear about this set?"

 Jimmy froze for a moment, he wasn't sure if what I said was true anymore.

 Marshall pulled away from the topic and began to speak out the information he had obtained.

 In the western world, one of the most popular postings on all forums was the resignation statement written by Rachel, the godmaster of Eagle Slayer.

 Rachel is a retired Polish officer and the commander of the last cavalry company in Europe. After the abolition of the Polish Cavalry Company in 2045, there are no real cavalry units in the world, except for Mongolia and other Asian countries that still have symbolic cavalry.

 After retiring from the army, the officer drank heavily for a while, and eventually found his spirituality in a game about ancient wars. From then on, he started to become quite a famous player in all major games, choosing the knight or cavalry profession in whatever game he played, and his personality led him to make a lot of friends.

 Entering Journey of Fantasy, with the support and help of his friends, he finally established a gang. Although he is not the kind of person who is a far-sighted person, he was embraced by his gang because of his heroic temperament, and it also made him ambitious and determined to make a career in Journey of Fantasy.

 Little did he realise that a single battle would destroy the Eagle Slayer Cult.

 "In the late stages of the battle, I understood that there was no longer any hope of winning, but in front of my eyes, the essence of my country's heroic forefathers appeared, and it was they, who, in the Second World War, with the traditional cavalry, armed with sabres and spears, launched a mournful charge towards the German tanks' swarms, and defended the cavalry unit's last honour, so, no matter how many people scolded me for my stupidity, I still have no regrets about myself for what I did!"

 "I didn't ask my loyal friends to accompany me to the end of the battle, they did so entirely of their own free will, and I am very grateful to them, but I also apologise to them, most of them are professional players, and because of me, they suffered great losses."

 "After the last charge, my uptime was up and I was forced offline. Through my identity card, I gave my friends the order to terminate the battle. We did lose this battle, but our spirit is undefeated!"

 "However, I will still be quitting Fantasy Journey from now on, my number has been deleted, and I will no longer enter the virtual world of MMOs, I have got what I wanted from this battle. I would like to thank my comrades who lived and died with me in the game: the Cold Faced Buddha from China, Smith from the United States, Leilata from Brazil ... and all the brothers of the Eagle Slaying Cult. I will never forget you all!"

 Rachel's exit statement, recited by Marshall, had been tarnished, but I could still feel the sad heroic aura and my eyes moistened. Who can say it's tragic to be able to gain such a strong friendship and get such a magnificent ending in the game?

 Marshall also said that Rachel has now become the focus of tracking by major media and game companies around the world, the media wants to grab news, while game companies want to hire him as a spokesperson, if he can be persuaded to enter their game, it will undoubtedly attract a huge player base. However, no one has been able to find Rachel's address.

 Immediately following Rachel's exit statement were hundreds of players, some of whom were not Eagle Slayer Cult players, but simply claimed to have seen the injustice of the game's setting from the battle.

 When these postings were reprinted in the major media, Fantasy Journey was widely criticised, but soon the voices of the various media outlets died down, and it was said that it was maiker's strong PR power that did the trick, and by the time Marshall went live there was not much in the way of new negative coverage.

 Jimmy also mentioned that before going online, he saw a new posting about a player who appeared in the village of jade picking, followed by a perverted NPC of an unknown level, killing four players in one go, which, according to the posting, was also a proof that there was cheating in the game.

 I smiled bitterly and told what happened to me, only then did everyone notice that the gold weapon wand I was carrying in my hand was Bruce's, of course there was another burst of cursing, saying that my fucking luck was too good, too perverted, and that no one else would have a chance to mix with me in the future, and yet no one consoled me, hehe.

 However, they also intentionally avoided my selfish behaviour of going to fight the BOSS alone, even Marshall didn't take it seriously, after all, if this matter is seriously counted, but it will hurt the feelings between brothers. In fact, for such a large amount of wealth, we are all professional or semi-professional players, can completely understand my mind.

 Finally returning to the Village of Jade Casting, the sight in front of us made us all freeze.

 The Caiyu's Village with over 200 dwellings had turned into a ruin.