Chapter 60 :Gold Coins

In front of us were all rocks and wood, dozens of NPC corpses lay on the ground, and in the rubble, dozens of players were cursing and rummaging through the rocks.

 We froze for a moment, and Marshall called out at a player, "What happened?"

 The player glanced at us, "Just now, that wanted psycho mage came by."

 Wells, we sucked in a breath of cold air, he's already killed here ah.

 I can't imagine that this Wells has gone crazy like this, not only killing people, but also destroying houses. Many players had left their items at home ah.

 At this time, a knight suddenly appeared from the village, it was Ranks. He appeared also dumbfounded: ''What's going on, didn't I get offline in the house? How did I come out?SHIT, my home!"

 Looking at these people sympathetically, I couldn't help but ask, "Didn't the Sunset City Lord send two officers? They didn't come when this place was destroyed like this?"

 Just as the words were finished, a knight and a warrior appeared in the teleportation array, and behind them, was an old man.

 As soon as the knight appeared, he shouted, "Where is that wanted man!"

 Then came the old man's miserable cry, "Oh my god, my village, it's all ruined, I won't live!"

 I took a look at the three who were all NPCs and guessed that they were probably the village chief of the Village of Jade Casting and the two officers involved in the wanted man.

 I took a step up, "What took you guys so long? Aren't you on standby at all times?"

 The knight cursed, "A group of players were too unethical, they sent a message together saying that the wanted man appeared in XX place south of the city, when I rushed there, I realised that they were tricking me to fight a BOSS monster, hmmm, pissed off, but I didn't let them pick up the slack, after killing that BOSS, I picked up all the stuff it popped."

 That warrior also sighed, "You're not so bad, but I've received more than two dozen false information in one day, and the teleportation array fee alone cost me a few gold coins."

 The old man sat on his butt and muttered, "If only, my village had a teleportation platform ..."

 I suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked, "My two lords, I wonder which are the first three villages that this wanted criminal destroyed?"

 The knight ignored me, but the samurai exclaimed, "Oops, so it's Lord Paramount, I'm sorry for being rude, don't call me lord, I don't have a title yet."

 The knight glanced at me in surprise, and his attitude changed slightly. Knights are usually of noble birth, and only nobles can afford the ability to keep horses and equip knights with equipment, this knight doesn't have a badge of knighthood, but I think the previous generation was also a noble, that's why he's so arrogant.

 The samurai said, "The village that this wanted man destroyed has the village of Gone with the Wind ..."

 I interrupted him, "Is there a map?"

 The samurai took out a map of the Sunset City area and I looked at it, the villages he said were attacked, although they weren't lined up in a straight line, they were all adjacent to each other, according to this it seemed that Wells had killed them one by one.

 Connected to the Village of Jade Catching, it was the Village of Sunset where Leon was born and my Village of Loss. My heart tightened, "Both of you, Wells' next target must be the two villages of Sunset and Lost, with its phoenix's speed, it will be able to arrive in a few hours, I think that you should station yourselves at these two villages separately!"

 The two of them shook their heads together, "No, the programming, no, it was ordered by the city lord that we have to rush there as soon as we hear the alarm message, it's impossible to be stationed at a certain place."

 We fainted together, what a dead brain.

 Regardless of them, Leon was also a bit anxious, and immediately rushed back to Sunset's Village with Tom and Jimmy, to pack up the valuables at home.

 Ace, Marshall brothers are everywhere for the family, but also not in a hurry, so they went with me to the Village of the Lost Sun to make preparations.

 I saw that Lanks was roaring, so I went up to greet him, "Lanks, this village has been destroyed, why don't you come to our Lost Village, I'm the lord of that village, and would like to make you a friend."

 Ranks looked at me and shouted angrily, "I'm not going, I'm going to hunt down that damnable wanted criminal!"

 I slowly said, "If you really think so, then, all the more reason to come to our place, Wells' next target may be our Lost Village!"

 I didn't mean for Lankes to go to the Lost Village to die, but I admit that I'm being selfish right now, wishing to get more people to concentrate on the Lost Village and defend my village. No matter what, I can't let my village turn into a ruin like the one in front of me, it's my heart and soul!

 Ranks stared at me for a long time and believed my words, and we hurried back to the Lost Village.

 Returning to the village, I went straight to the sound transmission platform and sent a message to the Sunset City Lord, explaining my suspicions and hoping that he would order a focused defence of the Sunset Village and the Lost Village. Sunset City Lord replied back to my message, "I've left this matter to the people below, please contact 'Sunset Warrior 008' and 'Sunset Knight 052'."

 I'll be damned, what's the point of looking for these two idiots. I sent another message to explain, but I got the same message. I couldn't help but think, it couldn't be the "auto-reply" function that the city lord has adopted,....

 It seems that the City Lord is too busy to be counted on for the time being. I sent another message to Master Shi: "Master Shi, can you introduce me to other masters who can repair magic pillars?"

 Master Shi replied back, "Currently the four closest cities that can repair magic pillars, apart from me, is you!"

 Gosh, having me repair magic pillars at intermediate first class construction level, I wonder how many magic crystals will be broken.

 By this time, Ace and the others had already gone on their own activities, and they couldn't help me by staying here.

 I used my last move and sent out a city-wide announcement using the sound transmission platform, "According to reliable information, the next target of the most wanted criminal, Wells, will be one of the Village of the Setting Sun and the Village of the Lost."

 Whatever, even if Wells doesn't come, the big deal is that I'll be called a liar and a rumour monger by the players, it's better than having my village destroyed. Moreover, if Wells saw this message, he would know that these two villages had been prepared for it, and would probably change his route?

 This trick did work, in less than ten minutes, nearly a hundred heroes from all walks of life had already drilled out from the teleportation array, and people kept coming here.

 Breathing a sigh of relief, however, a large number of people will not be able to defeat Wells, I still have to make preparations.

 Running to find the Herder Brothers, I asked at the head, "How much did you sell again? Give me all of it!"

 In this instant, I saw several faces turn iron blue in front of me, and the herders' goodwill towards me dropped to the bottom!

 The herders put more than 100 gold coins into my hands, suddenly mounted their horses, turned around and ran out of the village. There was only one herdsman left in front of me whose face wasn't too green.

 I stared at them dumbfounded, I knew why they were angry, I kept taking the money from them for selling the horses but spent it all on my own affairs, not treating myself as their patriarch at all, not doing a bit of responsibility, if not for my former friendship with them, I'm afraid that the herdsmen would have left me long ago.

 Luckily there was one herdsman left to watch these hundreds of horses for me, and I held him steady by promising him that I would soon return to the Sark to do what a patriarch should do. Then I made a big run for the village manager.

 The funds in the village treasury were increasing tremendously with the rush of players, and it was so exciting to see me that I forgot for a moment about the departure of the herdsmen. I took out all 301 gold coins that were now in the treasury.

 As soon as I turned my head, I saw the disappointed gaze of the old village chief, who sighed, ''Chris, I originally thought that handing over this village to you would make this village happy, because, once upon a time, you were a player who disregarded himself for the villagers' interests, you would go and pester the Wolf King for Bao, you would hold up your own levelling time for Allen, and you would make a special trip to the Blue Jade Mountain for the village to Finding magic crystal stones, but now, I only see you taking money from the village to your own pockets every day, I've misjudged you!"

 I had a mouthful to say, "Old Village Chief, I withdraw money but it's really for the village, I ..."

 The old village chief waved his hand, "I'm old, I should have rested a long time ago, I reluctantly stayed in order to help you build this village, now, I know it's pointless, I resign from you."

 I was in a cold sweat, I couldn't really explain it clearly for a while, I could only buy back the magic crystal stones and hire back the mercenaries to speak with facts.

 I pulled the old village chief, "If you want to resign, you can't leave now, wait for me for a day, okay? Give me time to get back a new candidate."

 The old village chief didn't say anything, I was getting anxious in my mind, I didn't know when Wells would arrive, there was no time, I had to act fast.

 Riding on the teleportation array, I rushed to Sunset City and ran towards the underground black market first.

 Now just 500 gold coins on my body, I hurriedly strolled around in the talent market, except for that young man Louis, the rest of the job seekers above level 60 are ridiculously expensive, the chairs are marked, level 70 archers want 800 gold coins out of a bid, I tried to send a message over to haggle the price, was directly replied to by that NPC with a single word: "NO!" and A level 54 warrior wants 400 gold coins a time, still no haggling.

 Although cheap is no good, but Louis has been my only choice, I resolutely down to hire him.

 Louis took the 300 gold coins and bowed deeply to me, "Thank you, from now on you are my lifelong master, please wait for me for a while, I'll get the money to ask a doctor to treat my mother."

 My heart ached, another touching story, God, don't torture me like this, okay.

 Grabbing the time, I ran to the item market to have a look. The underground market is different from the outside, most of the things here are not authenticated, legend, there are more things that look authenticated, in fact, it is a fraudulent illusion, depending on the luck of the people who buy things.

 Usually monsters storm out of the unidentified things, can also be identified as gold silver or higher, here even the level can not be seen, all in the black pocket, only marked with the type of items.

 I know this game's setting, can't let the player be cheated every time, these black pockets, there must be something of great value exists, according to the game's help introduction, many things with special attributes, can only be bought in the black market.

 After turning round and spending a whole 100 gold coins, I counted on getting a taste of the power. At first, I was smart enough to look for those old men, children, young girls, and disabled people to buy things, but the result was that all I got were wooden, stone, and iron weapons, crying me to death.

 Later, I looked for the most treacherous-looking guy, and it worked. A gold coin's pocket contained a silver chivalrous hat with superb attributes, with four additional attributes, which could be sold for 3 gold coins on the market.

 However, I did not expect that this is exactly the set that people put down, next, I bought more than twenty things in his stall, the result is all rubbish ...

 Crazy, it seems that today is not a good day, I dejectedly touched my heart and exited the black market.