Chapter 5 : The Thief's Iron Hook

Lightning flashed across my brain, and a large, gloomy hall seemed to appear before me, or was it a cave? The sight only flashed for a moment, I didn't see it clearly, and I couldn't recall where it was.

 I wiped my eyes, the baby in front of me was no different from an ordinary child, just a little dirty, but his eyes were still clear, and his skin was delicate, I really couldn't see anything wrong. But why, I always feel a pang of unease in my heart?

 Tang Men laughed, ''Does Lord Lord find this child cute? I know that you can hold an acknowledgement ceremony in Tianlun City, and it just so happens that I still have enough money, so after you help him get naturalised, I'll bring him there and acknowledge him as a godson."

 I forced a smile, "Well, it's a good idea, but won't you find him a mum?"

 Tang Clan smiled, before he could say anything, one of his mates next to him laughed, "Little Tang just doesn't have a good heart, he just wants to take such a cute godson to attract the attention of girls and cheat a wife back in the game haha!"

 We all laughed, so I temporarily forgot about the uneasiness in my heart, and naturalised the child, whose attributes read "Unnamed, Attributes Unknown."

 Maybe after recognising the child, Tang Men will give him a name, so Tang Men and the others left first.

 After building another small sound transmission platform that can cover Friendship Town, I used up all the materials I brought with me, so I didn't rush back yet, I rode my horse to find the "Ming Meng" monster, and stripped a large number of Ming Meng skins, which are very useful in this world without plastic.

 Back to Friendship Town, most of the brothers have gone offline, only Jimmy, because the family did not allow him to stay up all night, so he came in the daytime, and hard work Louis, buy a good medicine to take him to practice.

 Now the infinite world's game time has changed, no longer every day to force the player's game limit, but more than the daily limit, the rest of the time to obtain experience and items reduced a lot.

 At this time, the Marshall Brothers came out from the teleportation array, now they have become our town's purchaser and investigator, who let them be born as business material, furthermore, they have travelled to a lot of places before and know a lot of people.

 Also because of running outside all day, the Marshall brothers levelled up a bit slower than the others.

 As soon as Marshall saw me, he said, "Quick, fetch the money out, I found a good thing, it costs 100 gold coins!"

 I let out an oh, "I just built up Sark Village, I'm running out of money, tell me, what's the good stuff?"

 Marshall said, "It's a large dice machine, a player accidentally made it, there's only one, I'm going to use it to start a casino in our village!"

 I eeped, "There's such a thing? But casinos have a bad reputation, we're a 'civilised town', so we might as well have a lottery."

 So it was agreed that everyone would take out some equipment as prizes, and those who came to the raffle would only need to pay a silver coin to participate in the shaking of the dice, and the highest prize, was the Growth Wand that I took out. Of course, this wand is basically impossible to be drawn, that requires twelve dice to come up with a 6 at the same time, this dice is not fake at all.

 After the discussion, the Marshall brothers will first take the money to advance the money to buy the dice machine, and at the same time, go around to publicise this event.

 At the same time, by the Marshall brothers to find two things, a fast-growing excellent grass seed, and a cow, which are ready to be used in the village of Sark.

 Having seen new hope again, I had just breathed a sigh of relief when the Ministry of Defence sent for the horses.

 Asking these officers to wait a moment, I went to Sark village with a feeling of trepidation, and told the herdsmen to prepare more than a thousand horses, which were driven back to Friendship Town by two herdsmen. Fortunately, this time the herders did not show any obvious dissatisfaction.

 The officer who received the horses was already waiting impatiently, and after receiving the horses, handed me the reward granted to me by the king: "Merit 1,000, promoted to First Lord, Friendship Town is exempt from military service for one year."

 Isn't there anything more affordable? I'm short on money right now, boss!

 The day before yesterday, there was a war between the Kingdom of Floorboats and the Kingdom of Swallows at the eastern end of the country, after the war, a dozen players who participated in the war were awarded titles, three of them were awarded territories, and the one with the highest war merit, that is, the game's current top-ranked "Demon God King", directly obtained the court's "Major General" rank, Viscount! The one with the highest level in the game, the "Demon God King", directly obtained the rank of "Major General", the title of "Viscount" and the position of "City Lord".

 Now the players in the whole infinite world are frantically looking forward to the coming of the war, which is a good opportunity to reach the sky, but, on the contrary, our town is still exempt from military service, which is not a cut off our way of wealth?

 I just want to ask the officer to go back to the top to reflect, next time for some prizes. The officer said with a stern face again, "Before leaving, the minister of state also told me to warn you, hurry up and carry out the task given to you by the king, even though there is no time limit for the completion of that task, but if you never get started on it, it is also a great offence to defy the king!"

 Watching the officers leave with their horses, I hate my teeth, when a lord, also so angry, you see ordinary people take a task, when you want to do when to do, can't do it cancelled is, I'm good, have to do it!

 However, think about the temptation of the SSS-class mission, coupled with a period of time to promote the prize campaign, I'd better take advantage of this time to do the task.

 I took out the information on the ancient city of "Psi" and studied it carefully.

 In ancient times, the continent was still a unified country, and the civilisation was very developed, on the continent, there were hundreds of metropolises, and "Yui" was one of them.

 Due to a later war between the gods and demons, the continent was filled with war, and although the God of Heaven was victorious in the end, the city of Pavilion as well as most of the metropolises were destroyed by the war.

 However, the city was enchanted by many high-ranking priests and monks and could be restored automatically, but for some reason, it was never restored.

 The kings who have ruled this land for generations have sent many people to try to restore it, but they have all failed. Instead, these people contracted strange diseases and died violently there, and now, Yui has become a place where ghosts appear during the day.

 Could I possibly complete such a task? I don't know how many centuries and thousands of years, so many kingdoms of various talents have gone over there and failed to do it, but I'm still a "novice" level, how can I possibly do it?

 Anyway, let's go and take a look first.

 This mission, non-trivial, must put some money, since it is a ghost-infested place, anti-darkness equipment can not be less, I went to the sunset city to search a little, no such equipment, had to go to the black market to find.

 Although the black market is a lot of cheating, but there are also many strange things, in the outside of the various pockets, or will be marked with the most basic characteristics of the item. For example, "Chivalrous Clothing, with additional agility" and "Chivalrous Hat, with additional strength." At first, I was aiming for these additional attributes, and as a result, all of them were stone level equipment that added 1 point.

 Now it was different, there was no anti-darkness equipment out there, so even if I only found 1% anti-darkness equipment in the black market, I was satisfied.

 There is no need to replace the Shepherd God Set and the Eye of the Fire God, and the Necklace of Life is also good, I'm only looking for wrist guards, shields and cloaks. Knives and bows and arrows, even if they had bonus attacks against darkness, if they were only woodstone level, it would be pointless, so there was no need to look for them.

 After spending six or seven gold coins and finding a silver grade shield with 3% resistance to darkness, two stone grade wrist guards with 1% resistance to darkness each, I couldn't find anything else in the market, somewhat disappointed, I was ready to leave.

 Suddenly a voice came from my ear, "Lord Lord, what are you going to?"

 Startled me, I turned around and looked at it, it looked quite familiar, thinking about it for a while, I finally remembered, "Thief, Iron Hook!"

 I tottered, fled a few feet, can not let this kid to steal my things ah!

 Iron Hook looked at me thievishly and laughed, "Lord Lord, I am wanted outside, do you still want to be hunted down in the black market?"

 I thought about it and nodded, "However, you're fine and don't come so close!"

 Iron Hook still couldn't help but get closer to me and lowered his voice, "Lord Lord, you've been collecting anti-darkness equipment, I don't know if the two kinds I have here will work for you?"

 I jumped in my heart, on the thieves, it was quite possible that they had something good.

 I said, "But, right now I don't have much money, just 10 or so gold coins."

 Iron Hook hemmed and hawed, "I don't want money, as long as you take me out of the city, my lord, I'll give you these two things."

 I frowned, "How can I have the means to take a wanted criminal out of the city?"

 Iron Hook said, "As long as you hire me, with your justice value, it's enough to offset my sin value, and the guards won't be able to find out."

 I pondered for a moment, "Well, we'll have to see what you've got."

 Iron Hook pulled me to a corner and looked around, before he touched two things, "This, is the 'Mask of Night', platinum level equipment, special for us to walk at night, wear it and resist darkness by 10%."

 I let out an oh, this mask, in addition to anti-darkness, only 10 points of physical defence, in fact, it is enough rubbish, on the contrary, this time it is useful, just for this, can already consider taking the iron hook out of the city.

 Another item, is a wine pot style thing, iron hook said: "This is the 'dream soul pot', special item, can take in ghosts, is a king's grave goods, I am because I stole this item, once added 100 points of sin value, only to be wanted!"

 Conquering ghosts, exactly what I needed, I wondered if it was because I had taken the quest from the "ghost" city that I had triggered this thieving quest!

 I was already very satisfied with Iron Hook's conditions, but you can never have too much of anything, and anyway, Iron Hook would never be able to go out and make money washing sin values without me. With such an advantageous position, I quickly forced Iron Hook to hand over his Thief skills: stealing, dismantling, hiding, copying, and climbing ... These are the ones that the library can't possibly have Oh.

 Look at Iron Hook has now a look of grief and anger, I see the good thing, and sign an employment agreement with him, of course, only a symbolic payment to him a copper coin.

 Iron Hook's sin value of 109, if it wasn't for stealing the Dream Soul Pot, he wouldn't even reach the minimum standard of 10 for wanted.

 I took Iron Hook and walked out of the city gates under the vigilant gaze of the city guards, worrying and hanging on for dear life, and only after a few miles did I let out a long breath.

 Iron Hook was also thrilled, and was just about to thank me when I grabbed his hand, "Bring the stuff."

 Iron Hook opened his mouth wide, "My lord, I see you look very heroic and have the title of righteous and famous, how do you behave like us gangsters, ah, just now you blackmailed me down there, and now you don't believe me."

 I smiled faintly, whatever he thinks, if I'm not ruthless, my own 2 million grand plan aside, I can't even maintain the town's finances. I have to think of ways to earn money now ah, learning thief skills is for one more chance to earn money, wanting his stuff is for completing the task to get the prize.

 Iron Hook is a thief after all, if he backs out and doesn't have those two items, my chances of making the quest will be much smaller yet.

 Iron Hook handed over the two items, but I didn't let go of my hand.

 An evil smile appeared on my face, "Iron Hook, you still have a lot of good things on you, don't you? Also, there must be quite a lot of rewards for the quest that wanted you."

 Iron Hook winced.

 I then said, "Although you have level 55, but, thieves are not much combat skills, and you are caught in my hands, now, if I make a move ..."