Chapter 6 : Boating on the Sandy Sea

Iron Hook trembled his voice and wailed, "Lord Lord, I, I'm actually just a small thief, there's nothing more good on me except for that jug, Lord you let me go, you let me go this time, I'll be sure ..."

 I interrupted him, "Alright, alright, as long as you swear not to lay a hand on me and my friends when you see us in the future. I only scared you a little and you're like this."

 Iron Hook let out a long breath, wiped his cold sweat, and said in a touched voice, "Your Excellency, you are truly a righteous man, well, I swear that if I lay hands on Your Excellency and your friends in the future, let me never be able to find a wife! Don't laugh, my lord, the God of Heaven is very spiritual, he hears all the oaths we make!"

 I smiled and let go of Iron Hook's hand, "Let's dissolve our contract as well."

 Iron Hook hesitated for a moment, "Originally, I wanted to follow Your Excellency all the time, but thieves are all eaters of the four directions, and I'm also afraid of involving Your Excellency to increase my sin value, so I'll take my leave. If Your Excellency has any use for me in the future, this carrier pigeon can find me."

 I put away the carrier pigeon that Iron Hook gave me and broke the contract with him.

 As soon as Iron Hook left, the "Righteous Soldier" medallion on my chest landed on the ground with a thud, and the system prompted, "Due to the fact that you assisted in the escape of a wanted criminal, you have deducted 20 Justice Values."

 Shaking my head, I received the medallion into my baggage, and I cursed myself fiercely. This Iron Hook only had 9 points of sin in addition to the sin value caused by the Dream Soul Pot, so he shouldn't have stolen anything good, however, killing him would be a matter with a hundred benefits and no harm, but I just couldn't get my hands on him.

 Remember that I just seemed to think of James, think of Louis, it seems that behind every NPC there is a story, this iron hook will not have someone to feed at home too, who is sick? A good person, who would want to do that sneaky thing?

 This game is indeed completely different from other games, such a super computer for game design, basically don't have to think about the workload, it can design countless stories. Unlike the previous games where you could dig up at most a few words on an NPC or carry a fixed quest, the shop NPCs had even less to say to you.

 Probably, this was one of the most attractive parts of Infinite World.

 Back in town, I stopped by the Mercenary Union.

 It's been eleven days since I joined the troupe, and Ethan, still at C rank, has now dropped to second place in Sunset City.

 Judging from some of the news and announcements posted on the troupe's dedicated channel, our leader isn't an incapable person. It's mainly because the opponents are too strong.

 Now Sunset City's top-ranked mercenary group "Seal Corps" is a very famous player organisation in the United States, there are tens of thousands of professional players in this organisation, this time there are thousands of people who were born in Xilang Kingdom, these people are concentrated in Sunset City to set up a mercenary corps, compared to the other groups that were formed on the spot in the game, the cohesion and strength of the group is much too strong! .

 The Seal Regiment had just gathered the strength of the entire regiment to make one of the most difficult missions in the B rank, and more than a thousand people were hung up in a single mission, and in the end, only two hundred people came back alive, but it also allowed them to instantly rise to the B ranked mercenary regiment, which ranked ninth in the entire continent.

 I casually flipped through the mercenary missions, because I was the honourary leader of a C-rank mercenary group, I could check the highest B-rank missions and could take them in the name of the mercenary group.

 Out of the thousands of quests, it actually made me spot Iron Hook's wanted quest at a glance, it was C-rank, "Kill or catch the thief Iron Hook, award mercenary experience 100, gold coins 10, and return the Dream Soul Pot on his body, award mercenary experience 10,000, gold coins 1,000."

 Dang, the Dream Soul Pot is really a good thing, the reward is as high as Wanted Wells.

 I don't know which king was so bad as to take such a good thing and bury it with him. No wonder Lankes wanted to learn the grave robbing skill so badly, you can really get something good.

 Look at these mercenary quests, all the easy ones have been done, and the rest are all troublesome and time-consuming, as well as the ones that are obviously difficult but with few rewards.

 Without delay, I went back to Friendship Town, prepared all kinds of items in my own shop, and left a message to my brothers, and then set off to "Ancient Wind City" where "Yui" is located.

 "Ancient Wind City" is a satellite town under "Pavilion" in ancient times, there may be some clues about the mission, I spent a few hours shopping, from some old people to understand some of the situation.

 Because the ghosts are getting more and more rampant around the ruins of "Psi", the king has now sent people to add walls and boundaries outside, leaving only one entrance guarded by soldiers.

 There were many people who accepted the king's order and some adventurers who were allowed to enter the boundary, but in the past few hundred years, I haven't heard of any of them coming back alive.

 I didn't expect this mission to be so dangerous, I was drumming in my heart, basically a 100% mortality rate, why would I even go. I don't know how to apply to the king to give up the mission.

 But when I think about it, the arrogance that I once had in my heart still encourages me to try, the more difficult the mission, the more sense of achievement I have when I make it!

 Moreover, even if I can't do the quest, the equipment of so many people who died in this metropolis must be very considerable. Those who dare to go in and risk their lives, as well as those sent by the king himself, are definitely all experts among experts, gosh, divine artefacts, earth artefacts, and heavenly artefacts ... must be picked up until my hands are soft!

 Can't help it anymore, I'm going to grab the treasure!

 From the bookstore, I found a map of Ancient Windy City and the legend of Windy City. Ancient Pewter City has a special building that other cities don't have: the "Taoist Temple". I bought a few darkness resistance plus 1 amulets from the Taoist temple, but it's a pity that I can only wear one, otherwise I would have put them all over my body.

 There's no teleportation array next to the ruins of "Yui", I rode my horse for an hour to get there, there's no monsters or resources nearby, so there's no players around either.

 In front of me was a huge hemispherical shield, under the sunlight, the inside of the shield was still shrouded in grey mist, so I couldn't see what was going on inside.

 The few soldiers guarding the entrance looked at me with a sympathetic gaze and let me in. These few soldiers were wearing moon level equipment, that's only level 100 to be equipped.

 The moment I walked in front of the gate, my heart beat wildly as my subconscious mind desperately tried to tell me, "Don't go in! Don't!"

 I hesitated for a moment, but still summoned up the courage to step in, the big deal is that it's a death, die and drop a level, what's there to be afraid of, after dying, give the king also have an explanation.

 In front of me was grey, I couldn't see anything clearly, I lit a torch and sent out a wind spell, but the grey mist still wrapped me tightly.

 Quickly thinking of a way out, I added various priestly spells to myself, including healing spells, the light spells were really effective against the dark spells, the grey fog was blocked a few metres away, and I could see what was under my feet.

 The ground was covered entirely in black sand, there was nothing else, no grass, no rocks, not even the white bones and equipment I expected to see all over the place.

 My feet were sinking into the sand and I didn't feel a thing, it was only a moment's work to stop and cast the spell.

 Hastily pulling out my legs, I took a big step forward, and strangely enough, as long as a person is walking, it is not easy for them to sink down.

 I began to run, but, the scene in front of me is the same, the black sand under my feet is not the slightest difference, giving me an illusion, I am simply running in place.

 Could it be that I was on a huge treadmill? I bent down and felt the sand with my hands, there was no backward flow, indicating that the sea of sand was still static.

 Afraid that Albert would sink because he was too heavy, I didn't dare to summon him out, and after running in the sand like this for what I feared was an hour, I suffocated so much that I wanted to scream.

 Forcing myself to steady myself, I thought about whether this could be a formation. If it was, a formation in an SSS ranked quest, it would definitely be quite advanced, and with my ability, it would be impossible to break it with violence.

 What should I do after reading so many books in the library, but I haven't read about formation arts.

 Keeping running in the sand is not a solution, it won't be long before I run out of stamina, the top priority is to solve the problem of sinking.

 Felt out a wooden board from my bag and placed it on the sand, luckily, it could float. I immediately made it while walking, using various high-level materials, it took quite a while to make my first small boat. I made a sail and a pirate flag with Sewing, and carved a ship's bow with Sculpting, based on the image of "Phantom God", the protector of "Phantom" in the book.

 System prompt: "Because the ship you made has reached the gold level, please give it a name."

 I smiled, "Noah's Ark!" The system actually passed. Take a look at the boat's properties, "Full displacement 5 tonnes, load capacity 3 tonnes ..."

 Sitting on my own boat, cranking the paddle with one hand and sending out a gale spell to the sail with the other, it was still faster than if I were to walk, the important thing was that I didn't have to worry about sinking, my heart was much more solid, and I started to feel the direction with my intuition.

 The coordinates in the game were actually invalid when I arrived here, unfortunately, I thought of every situation, but not this point, I should have known to buy a compass.

 A little bit of time passed, I had been floating in the sand sea for six hours!

 I don't know how many pieces of wood I threw on the sand surface as "buoys", now walking in this direction should be never walked, but still the same can't go out.

 According to my understanding, the ruins of the city of ghosts range only a hundred miles square original, according to my current situation, should have already walked all over this area ah, it seems, really is a formation.

 Bored, I stopped and threw down my fishing rod towards the sea of sand, and I started to build a fire on the boat to cook.

 Eating the delicious roasted wolf king meat while looking at the fishing rod, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. Fishing in the desert, am I not the first? I can't blame me, it's just that this black sand is too much like water, I couldn't even think of not trying.

 Moreover, since I learnt to fish, there has been a psychological effect, as long as I put down the fishing rod, my mood will be much calmer. Once when I was fishing by the well, I was scolded by my brothers for being an idiot, but I didn't feel anything at all. Fishing is really an activity that cultivates the mind.

 Sure enough, my mind calmed down quickly. This period of time has been too stressful, taking a break in this sea of sand is not a bad thing. Well, I'm full, so I'll just have a good night's sleep, and maybe when I wake up, everything will be better.

 I took out the wire bed and was about to fall asleep when I suddenly saw the fishing pole shaking!

 Staring blankly at the fishing rod, I only fainted for 0.01 second, and then hurriedly pulled the rod.

 Oh my god, is there really a fish under the sand? No, I'm afraid it's a scorpion or some other monster, whatever, whatever is good, as long as it's something different from this boundless sea of sand, it'll make me excited.

 Even if it's a level 200 BOSS monster, it's still good, come up and second me, so I can go back to Friendship Town and not have to do this what the hell quest!

 My fishing line, but up to 3 metres long super fishing line, long has the advantage of long, can catch things in deep water, however, can only be used by us fishing experts oh.

 I use the fishing technique, a takedown, a release, constantly tugging, this fish or whatever monster, obviously very very heavy! And the taming technique doesn't seem to have any effect on it at all, I've only dragged it a metre and I'm already panting a bit.

 It's too powerful, that boss fish from last time wasn't even this hard to catch!

 It was getting closer, the creature was less than half a metre from the surface of the sand, I roared and used all my strength, "Up!"

 A shadow was ripped out of the water and landed in my boat.

 Finally, I hurriedly put down my fishing pole, quickly took out my shield and golden sword from my arms, and pounced on it!

 The dark shadow rolled over and sat up, a pair of eyes staring hard at me with anger, I rubbed my eyes once and stared blankly at the creature. This, this, this, this isn't a person!!!!

 And, actually, surprisingly, it was a woman! A beautiful woman!