Curiosity and Decisive Battle

* Atharva and Nami Pov*

It has been 2 days since we made a plan.

We were getting close to conomi island.

I was nervous and started seeing in direction of conomi island, remembering all that Arlong has done the time he has come to the island.

'can we really do it'

Seeing nami looking in direction of conomi island i started going towards her.

Remembering when Arlong killed bell-mere and how treated everyone including me i started shaking allover.

Seeing nami like this i come behind her back and pulled her in warm hug.

Felling his arms and secure again i relaxed and let go of my worry.

" Don't you trust me" I asked looking into her eyes.

Seeing him looking at me with those adorable eyes i can't get bored looking at them for rest of my life.

" I trust you with my life ❤️ but"

" What it is "

" Nothing i fear you will get hurt" i said while looking at him.

I starred at her for few seconds before started laughing loudly.

" Why are you laughing " seeing him laughing I rolled my eyes at him.

" Because you know my strength and are still worried about me"

" I know still I am slightly worried what if something went wrong"

" Don't worry my love nothing will go wrong just trust me I will always protect you"

I said while looking at her giving a loving kiss on her lips.

Hearing protect and trust me I thought ' i really love him very much ' there was smile on my face and the worry that was before was no where to be seen.

Only smile and love in the air remain.

While being love-dubby for while we reluctantly sparted because we were getting close to conomi island.

" Darling the sea monster named momoo will be here soon"

" Yes I am ready" I said and activated observation haki.

After some time a life signature coming towards us at a high speed from under water.

Momoo who was under water come out and saw a boat, two humans on it.

After seeing the girl he thought she is familiar so he wanted to get close and see.

Seeing the sea monster getting close to our boat.

I looked at momoo and seeing him coming towards me I was not scared because of him, i just looked at him.

Before he can come any close to our boat i unleashed my Conqueror's haki trying to control it so he didn't faint.

Sensing the energy coming from the boat the momoo stopped and started sweating before fainting.

I signed " I still can't control this power"

He and some other birds in the sky also fainted.

" Its ok I know you will able to control it soon" l come near him pat him on the shoulder.

Hearing this I nodded my head.

" So what we will do next"

" Well we have to wait for him to wake up to proceed with our plan"

Hearing this I nodded my head.

They don't know a marine ship was coming in there direction.

*Arlong Pov*

'what was that' I see my shoulder shaking because of some fear no not right there is also some fear and unbreakable force telling me to yield before it.

Some time ago I was just sitting on the chair and drinking juice 🥤.

When some force spread making be stunned in place.

Looking around I saw some brothers who were not good in fighting also fainted.

" Arlong what's going on i feel dissy while ago and some of our brothers also fainted" I hear kuroobi spoke.

" I don't know let's get them inside" I give a order.

After some time all who fainted were brought in my kuroobi and chew while hatchan was outside.

" What's going on"

" I don't know" I was also feeling confused that felling just know that fear just now was real.

' is some one very powerful near here' I thought.

' No how can that person of such strength be here'

" No something is wrong" i said and looked towards kuroobi and asked " what about I told you to pay attention on the girl and that human and villagers"

Hearing this kuroobi quickly said " we have watched them for last 10 days and there is nothing wrong with anyone"

" Nothing?"

" Yes they just do there things and the human officer is also minding is own business."

" Is that so but something is going to happen today I have a strong feeling"

" What is it"

" I don't know but we have to be ready increase the servliance around the conomi island and tell everyone to be on alert "

" Yes captain " both kuroobi and chew started taking action.

' that power I am affaird it is more than I can handle ' i thought and looked towards sea.

'But I can't lose to a human again'

* Marines Pov*

We were just going to our regular petroling near by areas in water.

The Ensign who was with captain Nezumi was in charge of the ship while petroling the area.

The soldiers where doing their work while controlling the ship.

" Hey what's that"

" Hey is that a boat"

" And that is the momoo that pirate Arlong's pet"

" Hey there are two persons on that boat "

" And why is that sea king fainted "

" And that the people on boat wearing a lion and cat mask"

All soldiers were talking about what they were seeing.

Hearing everyone's voice the Ensign who was in cabin come out and asked" hey what happened why is everyone so loud"

Hearing this a solider came forward and said respectfully" sir we found a boat and sea king momoo Arlong pet and the person on the boat are wearing a lion and cat mask"

" Momoo? Cat and lion ha" the Ensign was confused first but hearing lion and cat he was stunned.

In hurry looked towards the boat.

Sure enough that a lion and cat, I still remember captain Nezumi mention them in front of Arlong.

' what are they doing here' No we have to go back and report it to captain Nezumi.

" All immediately return to base"

Hearing this all soldiers started working again and turn the direction of ship towards their base.

Ensign was going back and forth between the centre of the ship.

Soldiers looked at him and thought ' is something wrong'

*Atharva and Nami Pov*

We waited nearly for 30 minutes for momoo to wakeup.

After waking up he looked at us with some confusion and remembering what happened he wanted to run.

" Hey stop I want your help" i stopped him.

Hearing this he stopped hesitating for moment before turning and waiting for further orders.

Seeing this nami and i smiled at each other.

" We want you to put this ship in your, mouth and take us underwater towards conomi island, after dropping us keep our boat in our mouth"

" Darling can he understands you"

" Will come here and i will show you"

I slowly walked towards him.

I took here arm and signaled momoo to lean down.

Seeing this he leaned down.

Taking her hand i slowly pet momoo on the head.

Feeling this I was amazed.

"It really can understand you it is because Conqueror's haki "

I chuckled before giving her a kiss 💋 on checks before saying" yes my cat because of that"

' My cat ha' i thought while melting back into his arms.

" Ok now we have to do what we needed to do so let's don't waste time"

" Ok darling 💞" hearing this I also leaved his arms and become serious.

I singled momoo to get us into his mouth, he nodded and opened his mouth, taking us in.

" Darling 💞 were are you"

" I am right here so don't wary" i pulled nami into my arms.

There was dark everywhere.

* Hatchan Pov*

" Hey momoo your lunch is ready come fast"

I was seting on outside of Arlong park and cooking a boar for momoo for lunch.

Seeing him not coming I waited and the smell of roasting boar let him smell it and he will come running back.

" Well what's wrong with momoo by this time he should be back smelling the smell"

' well whatever he should be eating something in water '

Thinking I like this I started eating some roasted boar.

*Atharva and Nami Pov*

After some time momoo opened his mouth on the coast of the conomi island.

After coming out " Thank - you friend plz keep our boat safe ok"

" Yes thankyou "

Now momoo was not so scared as he first meet us.

He was smiling while nodding and going under water again.

" Darling let's go to cocoyashi village "

" Yes we will go flying, her we go" I said while picking her up in princess carry.

I really enjoy this treatment.

What they don't notice was a fish man saw them flying towards village and was running back to Arlong park to tell Arlong about it.

* Nojiko Pov*

I was currently setting on our dining table.

10 days passed since Arlong come to village.

After he gone I discussed with Genzo and Nako and decided to keep a low profile and don't do something that will indicate we are doing something.

And the decision to do that was right, because we saw fish man more often and they keeping an eye on everyone.

'Nami were are you'

While thinking so I heard knock on the door.

'couldn't be Genzo'

Thinking like this I walked towards the door and opened it what I saw shocked me.

There was this girl standing in front and boy standing in back, the girl with cat mask and the boy with lion mask.

The girl was wearing white shirt covering here whole arm and wearing a tight jeans which showed her body perfectly.

'what's with here breast are they slightly bigger than mine' i thought while looking down at mine.

I was slightly jealous of her figure, i don't know how she looks.

After I shifted my attention to the boy.

' what are those abs so 🔥 hot' i thought while looking at his abs.

He was wearing jacket like shirt and long pants.

' I really want to touch his abs' i starred at those abs with hot eyes.

Seeing me starring at the boy with hot eyes the girl some unhappy and said in irritated voice "Hello "

Hearing this I felt somehow I know these voice, coming back to my sense.

I looked at the girl and said " hello who are you what do you want coming here" I asked in a suspicious tone while putting my gard up.

Hearing this the girl smiled " ha you don't remember me after harldy how ho yes 1 year and 5 months"

Hearing this similar voice and that 1 and 5 months I was shocked and ask " Are you" before I could say anymore the girl removed her mask.

" So you do remember your sister"

" Nami is it really you thank God" i launched at her while tears started coming down.

*Nezumi Pov*

While I was seting on chair while doing something ideal.

The Ensign broke into my cabin without knocking.

I was scared to death but looking it was only the Ensign, I wanted to scold this bastard for scaring me but I heard him say.

" Captain not good" he said while not even giving me a salute and was catching his breath.

I let it slide while thinking it must be something important.

"Ok claim down and tell me what happened you were on petroling the area na?"

" Captain we saw a boat, on the boat where two person one wearing a lion mask and other wearing a cat mask" he said while taking deep breaths.

Hearing the lion and cat I fall on my chair.

After processing the information I reacted.

" What, why are those two here of all places "

" Captain I only heard you mention this to that pirate so who are this two"

Hearing this I opened the drawer and handed him the file about the lion and cat.

' Are they here to loot Arlong or deffet him and claim this area'

' No I can't let that happen I need money from Arlong '

While I was thinking it seems the Ensign has completed reading the file and was sweating.

He asked " captain what we will do"

Hearing this I also started thinking at a very fast speed.

After thinking for while I said.

" Let's go to conomi island and wait to see what are they here for don't engage them"

" We will only observe what is happening from a distance "

Hearing this the Ensign keeps nodding his head like a chicken.

" Go get ready a ship with 30 soldiers we will go immediately"

" Yes captain " the Ensign run to make arrangements

While walking outside i thought ' hope they go without getting in my way of making money'

* Atharva,Nami,Nojiko and Genzo Pov*

When she opened the door and I saw here she was exactly the same as anime.

Her blue hair, slightly dark skin and those breast which could give a competition to nami.

Her butt was also taking shape with the age.

She isolder than me by 2 years that means she is 14 years old.

Seeing them hugging and Nojiko crying I smiled.

" Sister plz let us come in and Stop crying ok"

" Yes plz come in and you also Stop those tears which are coming down" while inviting them in.

" So Nojiko how do I look I am more beautiful than you right"

Hearing this I rolled my eyes before looking at her breast and saying in bored tone " yes you look beautiful"

" Ha you are not fun"

Hearing there conversation I laughed.

Hearing this I looked at the boy and said

" You must be atharva right"

" Yes my lady my name is Gadgil D Atharva, nice to meet you"

' my lady ha how romantic '

" Darling 💞 you can just call her nojiko right sister"

Hearing the darling word i was stunned and smiled ' I know she was in love with the boy but I don't think it will develop so fast between them'

" Or you can just call me sister" I said in teasing tone while looking at him.

" No I will call you nojiko"

" Its up to you" I said while turning my attention to nami " Are you two together like lovers' darling ' " i asked while giving attention to word darling.

Hearing this I smiled like flower and said " Yes he is my husband"

" Yes I love her"

We both answer differently but one thing was clear we love each other.

' that smile' she is really happy now what about me, shaking my head I smiled and asked him " so my brother in law aren't you going to show me your face"

Hearing this I smiled " why the rush I will show my face after dealing with Arlong and only at night"

" At night why are you being so mysterious are you not so good looking I don't mind"

Hearing this I smiled before I could say I hear nami say.

" Sister don't talk nonsense i already tell you how handsome he looks when I come back"

" So why don't he just so me his face ha or what you said is lie"

This time I said " i ensure you what nami said is indeed not lie plz wait while we do what we come to do"

Listening to his voice I just wanted to node my head but I controlled myself" why"

" You see we don't want to show our faces to marines and cause any trouble to villagers"

Hearing this nami also understand why I was not removing my mask.

She was confused.

' Marines ha that mouse looking marine so he was trying to protect us from them'

Before I could say any further I see him coming at me and hugging me and place his one hand on my lips while other was one at my stomach.

I was very surprised and feeling his arm around my stomach, I was nervous.

' what is he trying to do'

I was also confused why would darling hug his sister.

" Don't speak some one is coming" i leaned in nojikos ear and said softly while smelling her scent which was dark chocolate.

I also singled nami with my eyes.

'So that is' i activated my observation haki and understood someone was coming.

Feeling his breath and he smelling my scent I was for a moment intoxicated but hearing some one is coming i came out of it.

' how did he know or he is taking advantage of me'

After some time there was really a knock on door.

Seeing them still hugging i was little upset so I go towards them and say in small voice.

" Darling 💓 you can now let her go"

" Ho yes sorry and nami wear your mask" seeing namis dagenrous eyes i immediately let Nojiko go and reminded nami.

' so my sister is jealous and he listens to my sister ha intersting ' i thought with smile and started walking towards the door.

Looking at him he nodded.

" Who is it"

" Its me Genzo"

Hearing it was Genzo I was relieved and nami also removed her mask.

I also let my guard down slightly, the moment I set foot in house my observation haki is continuously on and monitoring entire conomi island.

I slowly opened door and let Genzo in before quickly closing the door.

" What's going on nojiko"

" Well Genzo how are you"

Hearing this voice I looked and it was the girl who would smile looking at my face.

" Nami you are safe thank God"

" Yes I am alright"

" You are back that means the help you say should be this boy right" l looked towards the boy.

" Hello uncle"

" Nojiko how did he know"

" Well it's a long story"

Saying this i started telling Nami what happened while she was gone and the villagers decided to fight together.

" Wait a moment do don't tell me villagers already know about my deal with Arlong"

" Yes we already know" I nodded (Genzo)

" Than why they were acting like that"

" Because not you to feel any burden and try hard for us" (Nojiko)

" Everyone " i started crying.

Seeing this I slowly pated nami on her back taking her in my arms and comforting her.

Seeing this I looked at nojiko.

" They are lovers 💖 " seeing Genzo looking at me I said.

" What I don't approve of this"

" And who are you to decide this, i may also like him"

" Nojiko "

Ignoring Genzo I asked looking at him " Do you really have the strength to deffet Arlong and save us"

Hearing this I also looked at the boy " Don't lie to us "

Hearing this I looked serious and said to Nojiko looking in her eyes" trust me I can handle it, that's why we are here"

Seeing him looking towards me with those serious eyes i was lost in the moment.

" Even nami can handle fish man and can even deffet Arlong with some difficult"

Hearing this I was shocked and before I could ask Genzo asked.

" What do you mean boy how can Nami handle those fish man"

Hearing this I stepped forward" let me tell you what I have done in last 2 years "

Nami begin telling about the last 2 years training while I was roaming in their house seeing some pictures.

While listening to this I was surprised and for time to time I look towards him in aw.

" So you don't have to worry we will handle everything "

" How can that be we will go together let me gather all villagers "

Before this uncle go outside i said " uncle don't involve innocent people in the fight they don't know anything about fighting and I don't like weak people getting hurt so plz don't do anything unnecessary" while I was speaking I was releasing very dagenrous aura subconsciously,that was cultivated fighting wild animal.

Felling the heavy air and dagenrous aura around us it was getting difficult to breathe.

I and Genzo were shocked this boy who was speaking very kind and releasing such dangerous.

" Darling plz control yourself" seeing nojiko and Genzo having difficult in breathing i quickly reminded him.

Both were very relieved seeing this.

I quickly took back my aura and " so uncle you just wait for good news and celebrate afterwards with the villagers how about that" I said smiling.

I was scared but how can I let nami fight who l look as my daughter.

" How can" before I could say Nojiko interrupted me saying.

" You are right they don't know how to fight"

" Ok thanks for " before I could complete my sentence she interrupted me and said.

" But you have to allow both of us to come with you to see the outcome of this battle"

" Are you sure it could be dagenrous for your life"

" We are sure " both answered at the same time.

I was hesitating if to allow it or not it's not like I can't protect them but no one knows what will at that time.

" Darling let them come "

Hearing this l looked at her she nodded at me.

" Ok but you both have to listen to me is that alright"

Hearing this both nodded.

' wow he truly listen to nami'

" So let's go"

We started walking towards Arlong park.

*Arlong Pov*

Arlong park.

" Captain I saw both human wearing a lion and cat mask flying in the sky and going towards cocoyashi village"

While I was resting one brother come running in and said.

" Lion and cat ha cocoyashi village ha"

Were i have heard this Lion ha now I remember the greedy human warned me before leaving.

" Captain what should we do" kuroobi asked.

' that power I fee couldn't it be coming from those 2 people'

" Captain should I go and check" chew said.

Hatchan just standed there while thinking ' why don't momoo eat something today he didn't open his mouth also'

" Don't do anything for the moment"

While I was thinking some one entered my pushing the gate open.

All looked towards the 4 quest who came in uninvited.

Seeing two person and that officer and Namis sister I was surprised and asked.

" What are you two doing with those outsider"

' something is not right' i thought.

*Nezumi Pov*

We landed on conomi island some time ago and waited her and send some soliders to see if they can locate the lion and cat.

After some time one soldier come back reporting that they both are heading towards Arlong park with two villagers.

' Arlong park so they did come her for Arlong and what's with these villagers"

' could they have asked for help'

While thinking I asked to move towards Arlong park.

We choose a place to hide and just saw the 4 enter the Arlong park.

" Captain what we should do"

" Just observe for now and see the situation"

*Arlong pirates and Atharva,Nami Nojiko Genzo, Nezumi Pov*

Seeing them not replying I was angry.

Looking at Arlong who was blue in colour and has sharp teeth.

I looked towards nami and seeing she was alright I was relieved but still I hold her hand tightly.

Felling his hand i was very happy.

" What do you want human with the lion mask"

I focused all my attention on the battle I aslo sensed marines who were hiding and observing.

"My name is Gadgil D Atharva I have business with you if you don't mind" l said loud voice so the marines could also hear.

' with me ha'

Kuroobi wanted to speak but I stopped him.

" So what is it"

" Plz can you leave conomi island and return to grandline and leave this villagers at peace" if possible I wanted it to end peacefully but I know it will not.

Hearing this from the boy I was very angry and cursed.

Nojiko and Genzo was also stunned including nami.

' what is that boy saying is he stupid' (Nezumi)

' what are you doing darling 💞 '

All fish man looked at me with angry eyes but without backing down I said.

" Your name is Arlong right I know you hate us human and you have every right to hate us but you also done something to the villagers her and you are also hated my the villagers"

" You human what do u said " ( kuroobi)

" I will kill you" (chew)

Hatchan remain quiet but looked at the human.

All other fish man also started saying kill human.

' that boy is strong and seeing so many fish man he didn't back down or showed any fear'

" If possible I want you to listen to me and even after you couldn't understand it we will fight how is that"

" Yes let's hear it human what you have to say"

" I know fisher tiger and I respect him very much"

Hearing this all fish man claimed down and started listening.

' he knows brother tiger' (hatchan)

' is he lying to us to gain our attention '

Seeing everyone was listening " I know how human treat you on the surface, i can feel your pain but not all humans are bad there are some really good humans there and I know how brother tiger saved all those slaves from Mary geoise, so plz go back to fish man island and I will promise you one day I will change this world and bring fish man island to surface"

Hearing this all were stunned including nami and Marines

' Rayleigh saved me that time and he truly knows brother tiger'( hatchan)

'who is this human and knows so much about us and fish man island'

I starred at the human with read eyes recalling those memories were really hard.

" You don't know our pain how we feel being treated as slaves my the worlds noble" i screamed.

"Trust me I know and I will try to help you all if possible"

Hearing this hatchan was moved and started walking towards me.

" Hatchan what are you doing "

" Hatchan are you trying to betray us for humans"

I walked towards him and asked while pointing at my chest were was a sum symbol there "you know what is this mark represents"

I looked at hatchan who was the most kind " i know" i nodded while peting his shoulder.

I was stunned ' he truly knows what this means '

" So Arlong what are you going to do leave peacefully or I will have to make you leave"

" Who do you think you are human to make me leave"

" So you are going to fight than remember I will not let you go what you done in this village and killed someone that I care I will beat you up and give you alone to marines"

" Darling 💞" l was moved when he said someone i care.

' is he taking about mother' ( Nojiko)

' bell- mere '( Genzo)

' what give Arlong to marines no my money' ( Nezumi)

' when did I kill anybody he cared I don't even know who he is' i was thinking while I heard the boy speak again.

" I don't want to hurt anyone if anyone who don't want to fight plz don't interfere and come to our side I will not tell you to fight your own brothers os don't worry"

" What are you doing boy "

" I am saving lives"

After some time no one moved.

Seeing this I started laughing" you see boy no one wants to come to your side"

Before I could say more I saw hatchan step forward and join there group.

" Hatchan what is the meaning of this" i screamed.

" Arlong I followed you because we were childhood friends and we grow up hearing brother tigers adventure and after the sun pirates disbanded you hand fight with jibea and we come to east sea and started controling the village and giving human hard time we also killed a woman in a process i was really hope know I could have stopped you but I couldn't i hesitated and I know brother tiger don't want us to behave like world nobles so I am sorry I choose to believe this boy who said he will bring fish man island to surface and change the world for better"

Hearing this some fish man also started going towards hatchan.

" Hatchan you" i always no that hatchan don't like to bully others but I never thought he will betray us.

" You traitors i will kill you all "(chew)

Kuroobi just starred at them coldly.

I looked towards the fish man gathered behind my back and bowed my head " Thank you everyone who trusted in my words and I will definitely change the world and fish man island "

Hearing this fish man started saying.

" Don't get ahead of yourself we just followed hatchan"

" Yes we don't believe you we trust hatchan"

" Yes thats right"

Hearing this I looked at hatchan i give my hand for Shake.

Seeing his arm i also stretched my arm did a firm hand shake.

" Thank - you brother"

I just nodded.

No one knows this handshake today will change countless life's and change the fish man island for better.

I looked towards Arlong.

" You leave me know choice" saying this I used Conqueror's haki to knock every one out only Arlong, kuroobi and chew who were trying to handle this power.

' what is that power ' (Nojiko)

' so powerful' (Genzo)

' this is bad I have feeling my money source well be gone'( Nezumi)

' that power he is so powerful '( hatchan)

All other soliders and fish man who were standing behind were also suprised.

" So it was you who early used this power" I said while standing up properly.

" Yes it was me " i nodded.

" Go you can handle those two" i looked at nami and said.

Hearing this I nodded and used shave to target chew who looks weak compared to kuroobi.

Coming towards him I used my legs to kick him in air and used finger gun targeting his legs.

He was send flying and because of facing conquerors haki front and trying to be awake he lost consciousness.

Everyone was shocked including Arlong.

' how this girl is so strong'

Kuroobi coming to his senses comes near the girl and kick her in stomach.

Feeling the attack coming I dodge.

' I cant compete with him in terms of strength so '

I started using moon walk and started targeting his legs and keep firing figure gun.

I just observed not interfering in her fight and seeing here using finger gun i smiled.

" Why not come down and fight me you bitch"

Hearing this I reminded claim but take quick look at darling 💞 who was holding back to beat him up.

' no if this goes on kuroobi will lose i have to help him'

I started going towards her but

" Let them fight this is her fight we will have our time" seeing Arlong trying to move towards nami I moved using shave.

' how did he get here I don't see him moving at all'

' how did he did it' (nojiko)

' he moved to fast' (Genzo)

' he is stronger than Arlong '( hatchan)

' he is more of a monster than that cat girl' (Nezumi)

" Get out of the way" i punched and started kicking but the human will always dodge at correct timing and avoid all my punches.

While nami keep firing finger gun on kuroobis leg.

" Shit my legs" kuroobi screamed and fall on his legs.

Hearing the scream we both looked at the battle field.

" Good he is down" seeing this I took advantage and came to his back side while using shave and give quick chop to his neck making him lose consciousness.

" Kuroobi"

Seeing this I was angry and called loudly " momoo come"

Hearing this sea king who looks like cow appeared but seeing me he stopped.

" What's wrong momoo eat this both human"

" Hello friend you can go and leave our boat on port than I will give you delicious food"

Hearing there was delicious food he nodded happily and started going towards Port.

' so thats why momoo was acting strange ' (hatchan)

' Nami has become so strong she can fight fish man without falling back, can I also be this strong' thinking like this l looked at him whose face I have not seen.(Nojiko)

" Shit come back here momoo"

" He will not come back"

" Why you human"

I started punching and kicking again.

I just keept dodging them without fighting back.

Seeing this I rored like wounded beast " in can't lose to a human again"

" Is he gone mad " nami said while walking towards nojiko.

" Don't know " i replied.

I removed my sharp teeth two times in row and attached it to my hands.

And started crazy attack again.

I just keept dodging but feeling bored I used armament haki on my hands and caught his hands with his sharp teeth and break it using strength.

Seeing this Arlong seem to have come back from berserk mood.

" What the "

He jumped in water 🌊 and started swimming at fast speed before coming at me targeting my stomach with his sharp nose.

I not wanting to waste time I hold his nose bend it and smash him hard on the Arlong building.

The building fall apart taking a the impact and Arlong lost consciousness.

seeing the building which have locked me more than 7 years seeing it get destroyed I was happy and tears where coming down from my eyes.

Due to all noice of battle and falling of building attracted all villagers who came running to see what was happening.

I was standing on the destroyed buliding and looking towards the the villagers down below.

'quick take picture of that man and take that women also' (Nezumi)

Nami was currently standing below me looking towards me.

She came towards me lifted our mask to only our lips 👄 and kissed me.

" Well she has become daring"(nojiko)

" Indeed" (Genzo)

Seeing everyone gathered I took advantage of this and said " Arlong ha been defeated so don't worry anymore and celebrate " (Genzo)

For moment no one reacted but soon cheers resounded through the area and one person started yelling that we are free.

But this does not affect the two who were having a tongue battle standing their sucking each others tongue and exploring each others mouth.

' ha can't they stop' (Nojiko) i am getting jealous her.

I walked below them and said loudly " hey you both look around you"

Hearing this we both separated and looked towards nojiko.

Seeing this I rolled my eyes.

" Let's go back to our base let's go fast before that monster find us"

' he is dagenrous and I want him to suffer for destroying my money giver'

I thought while going towards ship.

' ha they are leaving well I will visit that mouse in night to deliver Arlong and to give warning ' I thought while sensing marines leaving.

" Why not go down to your sister and celebrate I need to talk to hatchan" i gave her soft kiss on her hand.

' well you stop spreading dog food'

Feeling his kiss i looked towards hatchan and at my sister who was really annoyed seeing us acting love-dubby 💕.

" Ok darling 💞 " I said this before going downwards towards my sister.

I nodded and started walking towards hatchan.

' i don't expect it to work but hatchan came through' i thought while looking at hatchan and fishman who were standing without moving.


Well atharva invite all fish man in his group?

Well nojiko join the group?

What will happen to the fish man who are remaining and against him?

Let's find out in next chapter!


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